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  • Comércio de informação através do WhatsApp
    Publication . Oliveira, Dalbert Marques
    A troca de informação através de grupos no ciberespaço é uma prática tão comum quanto a troca de informação em grupos no ambiente real. Sabendo do valor potencial desta informação, empresas especializaram-se na criação de ferramentas específicas para este diálogo no ciberespaço. Uma destas ferramentas é o WhatsApp que possibilita tanto a troca quanto o comércio de informação. Este trabalho vai abordar alguns dos aspetos desta ferramenta, aproveitando para isso um caso real do comércio de informação sobre Portugal destinado a indivíduos interessados no país. Entre estes aspetos encontram-se os desafios relacionados com a gestão da informação, os quais envolvem a recolha, tratamento, armazenamento, análise, partilha e a privacidade desta informação.
  • Information management and exponencial learning in Society 5.0: foundations for an integrated system
    Publication . Oliveira, Dalbert Marques; PEREIRA, PATRICIA MIRANDA
    Humanity uses the information to reduce discomfort, effort, and errors. With this in mind, headphones were invented, so that the music could be heard without disturbing others; home appliances were created to reduce the effort in washing dishes or clothes, and calculating machines were developed so that human distraction would not cause an accident in calculating the weight that a bridge could support. But the information has hardly changed the certainties and doubts about which university course to take, what the individual's daily life will be like in the academic path, which includes when and what to study, what to eat and what to do in their free time. Is there a hobby that the individual could enjoy, but does not know? There is greater access to information, but many times instead of navigating this information, the individual sinks in the middle of it. In addition, teachers and students remain stuck in the curriculum, with the same menu being provided for carnivores, vegetarians, or lactose intolerants. If before, students were beaten with wood in their hands and were attacked psychologically, having to learn the same as everyone else, nowadays only hands are no longer suffering from wood, at least in theory. Reducing mistakes in choosing a higher education course and the whole life that governs the academic path, can be a dream for many individuals, and software that collects enough information to learn about the individual and guide him/her on the beginning of their academic path could be an extremely useful compass. Knowing which university course to take, which discipline, among the electives, to choose, knowing the right time to get up according to the circadian cycle, what to do throughout the day, what and when to eat, are all informational outputs that utopian software could provide so as to contribute to the individual's success. But would such informational management drastically reduce the hassles, efforts, and mistakes to be made, or would it negatively affect the individual's life due to lack of experience with failure? Is the information learned from failure really necessary for success? This article starts from a brief history about information in education, analyses information management in Society 5.0, in the era of exponential technologies, and the construction of competence matrices. The goal is to start a debate about the delegation and trust in software, the management of personal information for individual success.
  • Information professional during a process of sales of information services through Whatsapp business
    Publication . Oliveira, Dalbert Marques; Pereira, Patrícia Miranda
    This paper describes how the Information Professional manages information during a sales process of information services through WhatsApp Business. Such an approach is justified due to the great importance that information currently assumes, as well as the increasingly common practice of information exchange through online, peer or group dialogues. Realizing this reality, dozens of companies have specialized in creating and marketing - often imperceptible to the user – of channels and tools that enable this information exchange. These channels and tools represent new challenges and opportunities for the Information Professional and for the whole society. Among the challenges, it’s possible to mention issues related to the collection, processing, storage, management, analysis, maintenance, sharing and privacy of information. With respect to opportunities, we note the use of information as a bargaining chip or even as a product. Among these tools that enable the exchange of information between peers or groups is the WhatsApp application and its Business version. The aim of this paper is to address various aspects of this use, taking advantage of a real case of selling information about Portugal to individuals interested in the country. In this paper it was possible to verify that WhatsApp Business has numerous tools that make it possible to sell informational services online, however the Information Professional should be competent to solve a number of problems and be able to take full advantage of this tool, the WhatsApp Business.
  • Profile of information professionals: an information science perspective based on the RIM framework
    Publication . Oliveira, Dalbert Marques; Rodrigues, Luis Silva; Pereira, Patrícia Miranda
    The objective of this paper is to present the preliminary results of a content analysis of the Records and Information Management: Core Competencies framework (RIM) in order to understand which Knowledges and Skills are the most mentioned. It was found that the RIM emphasizes a set of Knowledges and Skills of utmost importance for the practice of the information profession and that these can be complementary or equivalent, varying according to the qualification required of the professional. With this analysis it is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the core Knowledges and Skills of Information Professionals from an Information Science perspective.
  • Logística hospitalaria en el área de la farmacia del centro médico de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú - 2018
    Publication . Lobatón Cachuán, Samael; Oliveira, Dalbert Marques
    Este trabajo analiza la logística hospitalaria en el área de la Farmacia del Centro Médico de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (FCM-UNCP) en el año de 2018. Tal enfoque hecho necesario porque los centros médicos en las universidades experimentan enormes presiones para reducir costes, y al mismo tiempo, mejorar la atención estudiantil. Los problemas que la logística hospitalaria pretende resolver en los centros médicos universitarios son similares a los que hay que resolver en el ámbito hospitalario en general, y siempre son analizados bajo el enfoque de la optimización de recursos y mejora del nivel de servicio ofrecido a los pacientes. El propósito de este trabajo es determinar la logística hospitalaria en el área de la FCM-UNCP, para percibir en qué medida la logística es suficiente para optimizar los recursos y mejorar el nivel de servicios ofrecidos a los pacientes. Su ejecución abrirá el camino para la creación de ventajas competitivas y la mejora continua. Esta tarea se logrará a través de una investigación Hipotético – Deductivo, utilizando un cuestionario donde la información se recopilará utilizando la escala Likert. Este cuestionario se aplicará a una muestra de 10 trabajadores de la FCM-UNCP. Para mejorar la información solicitada, el cuestionario se validará previamente para verificar su validez y confiabilidad. La investigación demostró que la logística hospitalaria en el área de la FCM-UNCP en el año de 2018 se realiza regularmente, con media aritmética de 3.33 en la escala graduada de Likert con valores de 0 a 5
  • Information professional during a process of sales of information services through Whatsapp business
    Publication . Oliveira, Dalbert Marques; Pereira, Patrícia Miranda
    This paper describes how the Information Professional manages information during a sales process of information services through WhatsApp Business. Such an approach is justified due to the great importance that information currently assumes, as well as the increasingly common practice of information exchange through online, peer or group dialogues. Realizing this reality, dozens of companies have specialized in creating and marketing - often imperceptible to the user – of channels and tools that enable this information exchange. These channels and tools represent new challenges and opportunities for the Information Professional and for the whole society. Among the challenges, it's possible to mention issues related to the collection, processing, storage, management, analysis, maintenance, sharing and privacy of information. With respect to opportunities, we note the use of information as a bargaining chip or even as a product. Among these tools that enable the exchange of information between peers or groups is the WhatsApp application and its Business version. The aim of this paper is to address various aspects of this use, taking advantage of a real case of selling information about Portugal to individuals interested in the country. In this paper it was possible to verify that WhatsApp Business has numerous tools that make it possible to sell informational services online, however the Information Professional should be competent to solve a number of problems and be able to take full advantage of this tool, the WhatsApp Business.
  • Perfil dos profissionais da informação: uma análise dos conhecimentos e habilidades mais mencionadas no referencial RIM
    Publication . Oliveira, Dalbert Marques; Rodrigues, Luis Silva
    Este trabalho procura analisar um dos mais recentes referenciais sobre os perfis dos Profissional da Informação, o Records and Information Management: Core Competencies (RIM). Tal abordagem se justifica pois para que o Profissional da Informação cumpra o seu papel de agente transformador nas organizações este deve possuir ou adquirir determinados Conhecimentos e Habilidades. O objetivo da análise realizada foi perceber quais os Conhecimentos e as Habilidades mais referenciados no RIM, utilizando para o efeito uma Análise de Conteúdo do referencial. Constatou-se que o RIM enfatiza um conjunto de Conhecimentos e de Habilidades de suma importância para a prática da profissão e que estes podem ser complementares ou equivalentes, variando de acordo com a qualificação exigida ao profissional. Com esta análise espera-se contribuir para um melhor entendimento sobre os Conhecimentos e as Habilidades necessários aos Profissionais da Informação, informando o que é possível se esperar destes nos diferentes níveis de qualificação profissional.
  • Perceção sobre os conhecimentos, habilidades, competências e aptidões dos profissionais da informação: uma comparação de realidades
    Publication . Oliveira, Dalbert Marques; Rodrigues, Luis Silva
    Os Conhecimentos, as Habilidades, as Competências e as Aptidões dos profissionais da informação são conceitos amplamente discutidos na literatura, quer em trabalhos académicos, quer em referenciais profissionais, sendo que o termo ‘profissional da informação’, não raramente, é utilizado na literatura de uma forma abrangente. Pese embora os trabalhos publicados, constata-se a existência de diferenças entre os conceitos e a sua aplicação, principalmente quando se analisam trabalhos de autores de diferentes países e de diferentes correntes. A finalidade do trabalho de investigação em curso é a de averiguar se existem diferenças no que se refere aos principais Conhecimentos, Habilidades, Competências e Aptidões dos profissionais da informação, percecionados quer por profissionais portugueses, quer por profissionais brasileiros, na perspetiva da Ciência da Informação. Neste artigo, é apresentada uma discussão sobre os principais conceitos relacionados com os profissionais de informação, bem como uma breve descrição do trabalho de investigação que se pretende realizar.
  • Habilidades e competências do profissional da informação
    Publication . Oliveira, Dalbert Marques; Rodrigues, Luis Silva; F. Frogeri, Rodrigo; Dos Santos Portugal Júnior, Pedro
    A informação é um ativo imprescindível para qualquer organização, independente da sua dimensão ou área de atuação, mas as tentativas em definir as habilidades e competências do profissional responsável por este ativo, tem causado confusão tanto nos gestores das organizações quanto nos próprios profissionais. Nesse resumo expandido poder-se-á ler como o estudo de dois grandes referenciais da área podem contribuir para a melhor compressão das habilidades e competências que se espera dos profissionais e/ ou gestores da informação. E ainda buscar-se-á a síntese entre esses dois referenciais num quadro amplo que englobe as paridades e diferenças entre eles.
  • E-assessment in mathematics courses with multiple-choice questions tests
    Publication . Azevedo, Jose Manuel
    With the implementation of the Bologna Process several challenges have been posed to higher education institution, particularly in Portugal. One of the main implications is related to the change of the paradigm of a teacher centered education, to a paradigm that is student centered. This change implies the change of the way to assess courses in higher education institutions. Continuous and formative assessments emerged as the focus, catalyzed by electronic assessment, or e-assessment. This paper presents a case of the implementation of an e-assessment strategy, implemented in order to allow continuous, formative assessment in numerous mathematics classes using multiple-choice questions tests implement in Moodle open-source learning management system. The implementation can be considered a success.