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  • The Integration of the Digital Platform Educaplay in Interdisciplinary Paths in the 1 st and 2 nd Basic Education Cycles
    Publication . Graça, Vânia; Quadros-Flores, Paula; Ramos, Altina
    The dialogue between knowledge, pedagogies and didactic resources gives meaning to learning. This learning when integrated in a transdisciplinary environment enhances the holistic development of the child. This study is part of the Master’s Degree in Education of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education and Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education, integrated in the IFITIC Project "Innovate with ICT in Initial Teacher Training to Promote Methodological Renewal in Pre-school Education and in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education". The purpose of this research is to verify the potential of the digital educational platform Educaplay in the 1st and 2nd Basic Education Cycles.In this sense, the qualitative methodology was used, of an interpretative and comprehensive nature, since the aim is to analyze the social, valuing the meaning of action and the role of the subjects in the social construction of reality. The data were collected by the participating observation practice and field notes, since they allow access to facts, situations and behaviors, difficult to be captured through the survey or interview. In the first stage the educational practice was understood through the integration of digital resources and in the second stage the facts and their impacts were analyzed and interpreted. The sample involved 73 children, 21 children attending 3rd grade and 52 children from two classes attending 6th grade at a school in the Porto region. The results show that this platform has promoted: a) the appropriation of contents in a transversal and interdisciplinary way and b) the development of skills, values and attitudes inherent to the profile of the XXI century student. Thus, the article presents the educational practices that have integrated tools of Educaplay by the voice of the narrator. It is hoped that this research can provide pointers for teachers and educators seeking to renew their educational practices of vertical and horizontal articulation.
  • The Pedagogical Integration of Digital Technologies in Initial Teacher Training
    Publication . Graça, Vânia; Quadros-Flores, Paula; Ramos, Altina
    The use of Digital Technologies in teaching and learning processes is currently a reality, namely in initial teacher training. This study aims at knowing the digital reality of students in initial teacher training in order to improve training in the educational use of ICT and to promote digital technology integration strategies in an educational context. It is part of the IFITIC Project "Innovate with ICT in Initial Teacher Training to Promote Methodological Renewal in Pre-school Education and in the 1st and 2nd Basic Education Cycle" which involves the School of Education, Polytechnic of Porto and Institute of Education, University of Minho. The Project aims at rethinking educational practice with ICT in the initial training of future teachers in order to promote methodological innovation in Preschool Education and in the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education. A qualitative methodology was used, in which a questionnaire survey was applied to teachers in initial training. For data analysis, the techniques of content analysis with the support of NVivo software were used. The results point to the following aspects: a) future teachers recognize that they have more technical knowledge about ICT than pedagogical knowledge. This result makes sense if we consider the objective of Basic Education, so that the gaps can be filled in the Master's Course by students who wish to follow the teaching; b) the respondents are aware that the integration of digital resources contributes positively to students' learning and to the life of children and young people, which also promotes preparation in life; c) to be a teacher in the digital age there is a need for the development of digital literacy, lifelong learning and the adoption of new ways of teaching how to learn. Thus, this study aims to contribute to a reflection on the teaching profession in the digital age.
  • Renovação metodológica no ensino primário: o olhar de um estudante estagiário
    Publication . Graça, Vânia; Quadros-Flores, Paula; Ramos, Altina
    Desenvolver o perfil docente e discente no século XXI pressupõe um novo olhar sobre os modos de ensinar e de aprender. Esta investigação tem como objetivo verificar como é que a integração de recursos digitais e também em suporte físico, em sala de aula, promove oportunidades: (1) que preparam o futuro professor para o imprevisto, a complexidade e a capacidade de inovar; (2) que preparam as crianças com conhecimentos, atitudes, capacidades e valores que lhes permitam enfrentar já o presente e também o futuro. Optou-se por um caso de estudo com uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa. Os dados foram recolhidos através de narrativa reflexiva realizada pela estudante estagiária e das entrevistas realizadas às crianças e à professora cooperante. Recorreu-se a análise de conteúdo como estratégia de análise de dados. Da análise da narrativa reflexiva da estudante estagiária verifica-se que existiram três momentos importantes durante o processo da sua formação: o desenho dos planos de ação, a intervenção e reflexão pós-ação. As categorias de análise que emergem em cada um dos momentos configuram um referencial sobre a consciência de si (limites, potencialidades), a compreensão dos factos (oportunidades e desafios) e o sentido criativo e crítico face as situações concretas do dia a dia da prática pedagógica. A análise das entrevistas revela que a metodologia e os recursos utilizados pela estudante estagiária respondem ao atual perfil do aluno à saída da escolaridade obrigatória, O Perfil dos Alunos à Saída da Escolaridade, homologado pelo Despacho n.º 6478/2017, 26 de julho de 2017. Conclui-se, assim, que, por um lado, o trabalho efetuado pela estudante estagiária contribuiu para o seu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal e, por outro, estimulou nas crianças muitas das competências constantes no documento acima referido
  • What teachers do, observe, and feel in pedagogical practice through the use of digital resources
    Publication . Quadros-Flores, Paula; Flores, Antonio; Ramos, Altina
    In the context of the initial teacher training, namely in the Supervised Pedagogical Practice, it is imperative that the future teacher has the opportunity to develop skills that dignify him in the 21st century, but also that he is encouraged to (re)create the new educational paradigm, finding propulsive impulses of dynamic spheres of innovation and entrepreneurship, responsibility and opportunity for growth. In this sense, and knowing that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have an enormous potential for renewal of the educational paradigm and teaching professionalism (Quadros Flores, 2016), the study aims to know educational experiences with ICT: what they do, how they do and what teachers do feel and what impacts do they observe. In this context, we analysed seventeen lesson plans that applied digital resources carried out in the primary school by future teachers attending the Master's Degrees in “Pre-School Education and Teaching of the First Cycle of Basic Education” and Master's Degree in “First Cycle of the Basic Education and Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Second Cycle of Basic Education”. Three activities were selected with the criterion being innovative, useful, usable and transferable to other contexts. In order to understand what they observe and feel during the implementation of the practices, we opted for a qualitative methodology of a case study. Data were collected from a questionnaire with two open questions applied to seventeen future teachers carrying out the Supervised Educational Practice (internship) in the primary schools. For data analysis, we used content analysis. The results show that, when teachers use technological resources, they adopt a constructivist methodology and that, during the class, they observe impacts on the student, on the learning process and on the school results. The analysis of the answers also reveals effects in three dimensions, essential in the process of teaching and learning: in the motivation, as a means by which the learning is realized, in the understanding that in turn it gives meaning to the learning and the satisfaction, as the result of the motivation that facilitated the comprehension and that, therefore, improves the results of the students and the professional accomplishment of the teacher. When questioned about what they felt in managing an ICT class, they looked at the process of teaching and learning, regarding the student and regarding themselves (teacher). They show, therefore, that the feeling experienced by the teacher in the pedagogical act has a direct relationship with the teacher, as a professional (capacity of methodological, strategic and resource selection, creative capacity in the construction of an environment favourable to the process of teaching to learn), as a person (sensations experienced, responsibility, commitment), but also with the impact on the student. Thus, it is concluded that the success of technology integration depends mainly on the teacher, his technical training in the domain of the tool and his professional training in methodological domain, as well as other skills, such as creativity, resilience, entrepreneurship and leadership.
  • As TIC na formação inicial de educadores e professores
    Publication . Graça, Vânia; Quadros-Flores, Paula; Raposo Rivas, Manuela; Ramos, Altina
    A Competência Digital dos educadores e professores é cada vez mais convocada para a renovação das práticas educativas, pelo que urge preparar futuros docentes para uma escola integrada na sociedade digital. Este estudo tem como propósito conhecer a opinião de futuros docentes relativamente aos seus saberes e uso de tecnologias educativas nas práticas educativas para identificar fatores inibidores e propulsores do uso de tecnologia digital. O presente artigo surge no âmbito do Projeto IFITIC que tem como objetivo repensar a prática educativa com TIC na formação inicial de futuros docentes de modo a promover a renovação metodológica na Educação Pré-escolar e no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico. Trata-se de um estudo quantiqualitativo cujos dados foram recolhidos através de inquérito por questionário, no ano letivo de 2017/2018, com questões abertas e fechadas, aplicado em três instituições de Ensino Superior Público, responsáveis pela formação inicial docentes, duas do Norte de Portugal e uma do Norte de Espanha. Neste artigo, tratamos alguns dados relativos a 111 estudantes portugueses em formação inicial de professores, recorrendo a uma abordagem estatística descritiva. A informação obtida permite-nos concluir que existem fatores que inibem a integração de recursos digitais nas práticas educativas e outros impulsores de tais práticas. Esperámos contribuir para uma reflexão sobre o uso das TIC na formação inicial docente.
  • The smartphone in the context of the classroom in the primary school and in the higher education
    Publication . Quadros-Flores, Paula; Flores, Paulo; Ramos, Altina
    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are implementing unique changes in the most diverse fields nowadays. The smartphone, in particular, because of its technological convergence characteristics and because it is a tool that everyone owns and carries with them, it is an added value for the school and for the student that owns a personalized mobile resource. However, the school is resistant to its inclusion in education and there are contradictory studies: some reveal perverse effects on education, but others show their potentialities [1-3]. This fact shows the importance of teacher training in the selection of a methodology that responds to the inclusion of this tool in education. How to use the smartphone in education? It is a challenge that we intend to answer by showing the potential of this emerging technology in the process of teaching and learning with children from 6 to 9 years of age (primary school) and with adults of higher education (engineering course). In this study, the use of smartphones was observed in three classrooms of the primary school, involving about 60 children, and in higher education classes, involving about 50 students. We used a qualitative approach, case study. Data were collected from direct observers of the educational practices in the different contexts. For data analysis, we used description and data interpretation. The results show that teachers adopt a socio-constructivist methodology centring the student in the learning process: (1) in the use of the tool (technical domain), (2) in the accomplishment of the task, (3) in the reflection and argumentation of the results obtained, (4) knowledge sharing, (5) behaviour management, attitudes, task leadership and (6) self-criticism. It is also verified that they use the smartphone as a resource to motivate the student, stimulate concentration on the task, facilitate the understanding of content, encourage participation in the activity and promote interaction and sharing with others. In addition, the use of smartphones generates emotions and develops cross curricular skills in education as well as facilitating access to information, stimulates the creation of creative engineering projects that have satisfied students not only for the novelty, but also for finding that a pocket tool can perform interesting monitoring and remote control tasks. Thus, the results show that smartphones have a high potential in education, as they can promote an opportunity for methodological recreation and modernization, offer research potential, the development of new educational equipment and tools, new ways of consolidating and evaluating curricular content, development of other expressive abilities in the academic, social and personal life of an individual, as well as develop autonomy and stimulate the satisfaction of the students by returning to education the motivation of the student. It is also a clever way of educating this new generation by finding other
  • Metodologias ativas e tecnologias emergentes no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: o método experimental e a realidade aumentada
    Publication . Graça, Vânia; Quadros-Flores, Paula; Ramos, Altina
    Vivemos num tempo de grandes mudanças que estão a transformar cenários educativos e a abrir novas oportunidades de ensinar a aprender e de aprender a aprender. A integração da diversidade nas escolas desafia os agentes educativos no sentido de criarem estratégias que garantam uma aprendizagem efetiva. Com efeito, emerge uma combinação de metodologias ativas que integrem tecnologias emergentes por forma a tornar o processo de aprendizagem significativo e promotor de saberes, comportamentos e atitudes. Nesta ótica, o artigo pretende refletir sobre uma prática educativa desenhada por uma professora estudante que estagiou numa turma de 3.º ano de escolaridade, com 21 alunos, numa escola da região do Porto, para melhor compreender os desafios por ela sentidos e o impacto da criação de três ambientes educativos nos saberes e competências dos alunos. A atividade educativa integrou a Realidade Aumentada no Ensino Experimental das Ciências. A aula teve por base uma metodologia de ensino por descoberta e incluiu três ambientes de aprendizagem pela criança no interior da sala de aula: 1) a utilização do PowerPoint em grupo; 2) a utilização de um laboratório de experiências relativas à impermeabilidade dos solos com possibilidade de acesso individual; 3) a utilização da Realidade Aumentada nas etiquetas dos frascos. Assim, o estudo da prática teve dois enfoques: por um lado os efeitos emocionais enfrentado pela estudante estagiária, pelo que foi considerado o seu relatório de estágio; por outro os efeitos académicos desenvolvidos pela estudante. De um modo geral podemos concluir que, no âmbito da formação inicial docente é importante desafiar professores estagiários para práticas mais atuais, mesmo que exijam criatividade e saberes técnicos não ensinados na faculdade. No âmbito da prática educativa, verificou-se que 1) a utilização do PowerPoint funcionou como orientador da dinâmica da sala de aula e promotor do desenvolvimento de competências do saber-fazer, ser e estar; 2) o laboratório de experiências relativas à impermeabilidade dos solos funcionou como estimulador da curiosidade, da iniciativa e sensibilidade; 3) a Realidade Aumentada funcionou como complemento da informação e desafio à criatividade e adaptabilidade. A diferenciação foi essencial para assegurar o valor individual de cada estudante e a colaboração um processo que enriqueceu o conhecimento e as relações.
  • A integração de tecnologias digitais na formação profissional docente: uma nova profissionalidade
    Publication . Graça, Vânia; Quadros-Flores, Paula; Ramos, Altina
    A formação inicial docente assume uma responsabilidade ímpar na formação de futuros educadores e professores que devem sair dotados de saberes e competências científicas, técnicas, deontológicas e pedagógicas adequadas ao uso de tecnologias digitais de forma consciente, critica e criativa. O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer o pensamento de futuros docentes relativamente aos seus saberes e atitudes face à integração curricular das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Este trabalho desenvolve-se no âmbito do Projeto IFITIC que tem como objetivo repensar a prática educativa com TIC na formação inicial de futuros docentes de modo a promover a inovação metodológica na Educação Pré-escolar e no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico. Recorreu-se a uma pesquisa/metodologia survey. Para a recolha de dados aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário, com questões fechadas, a estudantes da Educação Básica e Mestrado Profissionalizante de duas instituições de Ensino Superior público do Norte de Portugal. Neste estudo serão analisadas três questões desse questionário. Os resultados revelam que a) há uma fragilidade na formação em TIC; b) têm mais conhecimentos de ferramentas de recolha de informação e de apresentação do que de ferramentas que favorecem a compreensão, a construção de conhecimentos, a avaliação, a comunicação e a publicação e partilha; c) a maioria assume uma atitude positiva quanto ao uso educativo das TIC e sente-se apoiada pela Instituição de Ensino Superior.
  • Impact Of Digital Technologies On Pedagogical Practice In Primary Education
    Publication . Quadros-Flores, Paula; Flores, António; Ramos, Altina
    Rare are the teachers who have never used information and communication technologies (ICT) in an educational context. We intend to know the impact of the inclusion of ICT in the learning process by listening to primary teachers in service and students in an internship situation, the latter in the scope of initial teacher training. With regard to in-service teachers, a case study of a quantitative and qualitative nature was chosen in the Porto region in 2012. The analysis of a question of a questionnaire survey of about 1300 teachers, teaching in public and private institutions in the Porto region, is presented. Of these, 188 referred to perform good practices with digital technologies being eleven selected for interview, for which the analysis of the good practices referred to is presented. With regard to trainee students, in the scope of initial teacher training, 15 reflective narratives selected from two professional masters were analyzed. The analysis of the questionnaire question allowed to verify the impact of ICT in educational practices and the triangulation of data allowed on the one hand to clarify the conception of good practices and to find the principles of the same ones, on the other hand to verify the evolution of educational practices in terms of the selected resources and methodologies. We intend to contribute to a reflection on the impact of ICT in primary education and on the responses that training institutions can give on this issue.