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  • CTDI Licenciatura de Ciências e Tecnologias da Documentação e Informação: 20 anos de memórias
    Publication . Carvalho, Milena; Martins, Susana; Braga, Inês
    No ano de 2021, a Licenciatura de Ciências e Tecnologias da Documentação e Informação (LCTDI) completa 20 anos. Certos de que não há melhor do que um livro para preservar a memória coletiva, o Politécnico do Porto, através da sua Editora Politema, promoveu a produção de «A Licenciatura Ciências e Tecnologias da Documentação e Informação: 20 anos de memórias» para assinalar o acontecimento. Pudemos contar com a participação de antigos e de atuais colaboradores da Licenciatura através do relato de um testemunho dos respetivos percursos académicos e profissionais. Assim, foram recebidas setenta e nove contribuições de autores, oriundos de distintos universos, com histórias de vivências que abarcam um período temporal que vai desde 2001 à atualidade. [...]
  • How do 1st year graduate students search information at School of Industrial Studies and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto?
    Publication . Martins, Susana; Carvalho, Milena
    Higher Education Institutions (HEI) should enable students with expertise in different areas of knowledge and soft skills so that they become empowered to properly deal with pressing issues of an information era, and act according to the changes promoted by the implementation of Bologna Declaration. The HEI educate much of the labor force and that is why they must also assume responsibility in this training sphere, giving their student body with skills of Information Literacy (IL). Effectively to achieve this, all the actors of the teaching and learning process should have an active role, although on different scales. A partner of such an approach will undoubtedly be the library and the actions that it can develop so that students can effectively provide themselves with such skills. On that basis a descriptive research was conducted that assumed the following objectives: a) know the information search habits of students of 1st year of all undergraduate courses at the School of Industrial Studies and Management (ESEIG) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto IPP) (daytime degrees); b) assess compliance and impact of training activities implemented by the ESEIG-IPP Library in the field of information search. Data collection was based on a questionnaire created in Limesurvey. The results show that the most commonly used sources of information are the slides that teachers provide, followed by colleagues appointments. Still the general use of the Internet and the use of search engines are elements that characterize this student population as a whole. Despite the diminutive use of this community regarding the academic and scientific resources that the institution subscribes and offers, there is an awareness of the importance of having access to such resources, even more by the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Some elements of this community say that four months after the class started they never went to the library of the institution because they never needed it. With regard to training activities provided by the library, they appear to have little adhesion within this group of students and several reasons are shown to explain why that happens. But those who attended these activities assume they were satisfactory and that had a positive impact on their academic performance. This study showed that there are students who do not consider important or pertinent to know how to validate information sources and information, to know how to use the b-on (library of knowledge online – a database aggregator subscribed by institutions of higher education, research and others) and their bibliometric indicators or even to know how to manage the references and citations. We conclude that there is much work to be done, not only within this community, but also with the Presidency of ESEIG-IPP and the school faculty, that have a pertinent role in this matter, since there seems to be some alienation on the part of these students to relevant issues in the education sector and society information, and that will have a direct and immediate impact on their academic performance, but also in other individual spheres. It will therefore be necessary to develop an awareness campaign to the student body of the institution so that everyone can be informed about the importance that these issues have in these different contexts, and the library is a partner in this way.
  • 3C@higher education: contribution, collaboration and community at higher education
    Publication . Silva, Cândida; Oliveira, Lino; Carvalho, Milena; Martins, Susana
  • The fisherman's route Project: an interinstitutional collaboration initiative
    Publication . Carvalho, Milena; Martins, Susana
    The Fisherman's Route was created in 2015 through an inter-institutional collaboration initiative between the Porto Accounting and Business School (P. Porto) and the Parish Council of Vila do Conde (Portugal). It is being developed as part of a sustainable tourism project based on the largest fishing community in the country: Caxinas and Poça da Barca. Vila do Conde is a small town located approximately 27 km's north of Porto and 20 km's north of the International Airport Francisco Sá Carneiro. It began as a village that grew up in the Mountain of Santa Clara, a small area elevated by the River Ave and very close to the sea.
  • Strategic information management as a tool against fake news:The case of FamilySearch
    Publication . Carvalho, Milena; Oliveira, Dalbert Marques; Martins, Susana
    The Religious Institution “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” (LDS) is the foundation of FamilySearch. Offers a genealogy service and is linked to the church's Family History Department. FamilySearch is an entity that, because of the reliability of the information it provides, presents itself as a reliable source against false news published against people or institutions.
  • How misinformation and disinformation affect the organization and its employees' performance in the digital era
    Publication . Pinto, Cláudia; Carvalho, Milena; Martins, Susana; Braga, Inês
    It is crucial to understand how information, when well managed, becomes the primary factor of intelligence and competitive advantage of an organization. Information management makes an essential contribution to achieving the organization's mission and strategy, affirming its business or area of operation, making its human resources and tangible resources profitable. Information is therefore so indispensable to the organizations that they often structure and classify it based on its organization, its functions and activities, that is to say, based on documentary production, information flows between departments, archiving and proof that this information constitutes. In 21st century organizations, where the digital paradigm is omnipresent, it’s crucial that the information manager be aware that misinformation and disinformation are real threats to quality information and that can jeopardize the success of effective information management. Through the literature review, we intend to reflect on various theoretical issues, highlighting ideas and good practices to combat the danger of this negative reality. These include the need for all employees of an organization to have media literacy skills, which can be fostered and formally provided by the institution through lifelong learning.
  • Author preferences for open access in Portugal: survey findings
    Publication . Carvalho, Milena; Boock, Michael; Todorova, Tania Yordanova; Martins, Susana; Braga, Inês; Pinto, Cláudia
    In its relatively short existence, open access—the free, online, and immediate availability of scientific outputs in journals and repositories—has contributed to the availability and impact of scientific knowledge across the globe. As a result, the authors hypothesize that researchers and students increasingly prefer that their work appears in open access journals or open access repositories, resulting in improved access to quality, peer-reviewed scientific information and faster scientific and technological advances. Surveying authors at doctoral-granting institutions of higher education in Portugal, the authors seek to determine the extent to which this is true among Portuguese university teachers and researchers, to gauge their familiarity with open access, the importance they attach to open access when choosing a publication outlet, and to determine their preferences for achieving open access. The results show that Portuguese researchers are aware of the benefits of open access, regularly publish in open access journals, and deposit their papers in institutional or disciplinary repositories. The authors recommend continued improvement of training on institutional open access policies, European open access goals, and funding body requirements to increase open access to the fruits of Portuguese research still more.
  • Partilha de informação em contexto empresarial na ótica da ciência da informação
    Publication . Moreira, Diogo; Martins, Susana; Carvalho, Milena
    Em ambiente empresarial, o cumprimento de prazos nos projetos pode levar à ausência de gestão da informação, nomeadamente a deficiências no processo de criação e organização documental que tornam difícil a sua recuperação. O projeto implementado assume como objetivo a definição de melhorias nos processos de criação, organização e partilha infodocumental, conduzindo ao desenvolvimento de instrumentos neste âmbito. Trata-se de uma investigação aplicada, baseando-se na revisão da literatura narrativa e na recolha de evidências através do uso de grelhas de observação e sua análise. É igualmente uma investigação exploratório-descritiva, permitindo conhecer e aprofundar temáticas. Foi necessário proceder-se ao mapeamento da documentação produzida ao longo dos projetos desenvolvidos e a uma avaliação da documentação armazenada nos repositórios institucionais DA ORGANIZAÇÃO X. Propuseram-se melhorias ao nível da criação, organização e partilha de infodocumentação que usassem as tecnologias por forma a facilitarem a criação, o acesso e a difusão infodocumental, cumprindo-se assim o objetivo proposto
  • A memória na sustentabilidade do turismo - o caso do projeto A Rota do Pescador
    Publication . Martins, Susana; Carvalho, Milena
    A Rota do Pescador é um reflexo da colaboração interinstitucional entre o Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto e a Junta de Freguesia de Vila do Conde, desenvolvida no âmbito de um projeto de turismo sustentável, baseado na maior comunidade piscatória do País: Poça da Barca e Caxinas. Objetiva a salvaguarda de património cultural e imaterial, promovendo a transferência de conhecimento a partir das competências do profissional da informação adquiridas na Licenciatura em Ciências e Tecnologias da Documentação e Informação. Através da aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas e da análise documental de elementos do acervo da biblioteca e do arquivo municipal, realizou-se o levantamento do património informacional, de cariz etnográfico, cultural, religioso, arquitetónico, ligado à construção naval e ao espólio piscatório, de indumentária e gastronomia. Os resultados são: a criação do logotipo do projeto; a criação de merchandising e de um glossário do típico linguarejar caxineiro; a delineação de uma pequena rota pedonal; a criação de uma página de Facebook e a recriação de certas tradições comunitárias. O projeto assume-se como um modelo de grande importância no desenvolvimento sustentável baseado em iniciativas turísticas, valorizando as tradições e a memória, preservando o património informacional ligado à atividade piscatória daquelas comunidades.
  • Seminar: Professional Skills Of The Graduates In Library And Information Sciences And Technologies From The Point Of View Of The Potential Employers, Students And Professors
    Publication . Carvalho, Milena; Martins, Susana; Lopes, Isabel Cristina
    Objectives - In this paper we assess the perceptions of three different groups linked to Library and Information Science and Technology (LIST) degree (students, teachers and employers) regarding four dimensions and it is based on the assumption that the alignment of these perceptions may enhance the employability of LIST graduates