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  • Electrodermal activity wrist-based systems: A review of validity, reliability, and responsive measures
    Publication . Félix, José; Moreira, Juliana; Santos, Rubim; Sousa, Andreia
    Electrodermal activity (EDA) can be defined as an electrical property of the skin, measured in the palm and sole, related to the level of conductivity, influenced by the sweat level that may depend on various stimuli. Different equipments have been used to capture EDA with high levels of reliability, validity, and responsiveness, however these values vary according to the site of measurement. The increased use of EDA wrist-based systems highlights the need of characterizing the psychometric properties of these kind of systems. The aim of this chapter is to review the validity, reliability, and responsiveness of EDA measurement in the wrist. Previous studies have demonstrated that wrist measurement present low to moderate correlations, against the gold standard systems, with moderate levels of responsiveness, while no study addressed reliability. Wrist EDA measurement could be therefore an acceptable option, however, more studies are demanded not only to assess related values of reliability, as well to best characterize validity and responsiveness measures.
  • Lumbar postural responses during gaming activity: a study with semi-professional and amateur gamers
    Publication . Gonçalves, Heber; Sereno, Paulo; Santos, Rubim; Rodrigues, Matilde
    Be a gamer is nowadays an important activity among young people. However, due to the number of hours that gamers spend seated in front of a computer, there is an increased risk of low-back pain (LBP). However, studies that address this problem for gamers are still scarce. The present study aimed to characterize gaming behaviours of amateur and semi-professional gamers and, through an experimental study, analyse the effect of those behaviours on lumbar postural responses. Firstly, questionnaires were developed and applied to the gamer community in Portugal to get information about gaming behaviours, habits and discomfort felt. Additionally, through an experimental study, lumbar flexion was assessed during a three-hour gaming session. A triaxial accelerometer system was used to this end. Results showed that gamers can play for seven days per week, training at least two to three hours per day. During a typical training session, it was observed that lumbar flexion angle varied trough time. Data showed data ROM% was 50.5% in the correct seating position, but during the session it ranged on average between 40.9 and 22.9%. These results suggest that gamers are at risk of LBP. Additional studies are needed in this field with the purpose to better understand the risk of musculoskeletal disorders that gamers are exposed.
  • Usage of auxiliary technological systems and artificial intelligence in home-based rehabilitation settings: A review
    Publication . Ferreira, Ricardo; Santos, Rubim; Sousa, Andreia
    Understanding the main factors that can compromise or improve the efficacy of home-based rehabilitation on the perspective of technology requires the review of the features of the equipment used in this area, both in terms of hardware and software. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the most recent technologies implemented into home-based rehabilitation scenario, namely wearable devices, robotic end-effectors, exoskeletons, and the role of artificial intelligence amongst these fields. Evidence is presented to better understand the present state of art of home-based rehabilitation systems, facilitating the exploration of hypothetical healthcare uses for these systems or their possible future upgrades.
  • Disfunção do Movimento em Condições Neurológicas: Avaliação e Interpretação para a Intervenção em Fisioterapia
    Publication . Silva, Augusta; Sousa, Andreia; Cunha, Christine; Ferreira, Rosália; Pereira, Soraia; Silva, Cláudia
    E-book de estudo com casos clínicos
  • Health promotion conceptual evolution and program development: a literature Review
    Publication . Félix, José; Santos, Paula Clara; Baylina, Pilar
    The World Health Organization defends prevention and health promotion among communities as a driver of economic and social development, where the individual level of health literacy determines health choices such as adopting healthy lifestyles, managing individual healthcare and preventing chronic diseases. Currently, health promotion is guided by a set of values, being these principles essential for identifying needs and priorities, planning, implementing, evaluating and determining the health promotion programs, that can be defined as a set of programmed, integrated and interrelated strategies and actions that aim to promote health, prevent risks, reduce years of life lost due to disability and increase quality of life. There are several models for planning health promotion programs, such as the Precede-Proceed Model, the Multivariate Approach to community Health (MATCH) Model, the Mapped Intervention Model and the Social Marketing Model. A good planning of a health promotion program can effectively reduce the health costs.
  • Ilumina o teu relógio - De que forma o teu corpo sabe as horas
    Publication . Weinzaepflen, Coline; Spitschan, Manuel; Pinto, Joana; Lima, Raul Cerveira
  • Considerações gerais de radioproteção
    Publication . Santos, Manuel Rubim
    A proteção contra radiações ionizantes na área da saúde tem como principal objetivo a atenuação dos efeitos estocásticos nos pacientes e trabalhadores, uma vez que as boas práticas determinam a não-existência de efeitos determinísticos. No entanto, técnicas como a fluoroscopia tendem a provocar um aumento de incidentes associados a efeitos determinísticos da radiação, sobretudo nos pacientes. As doses a que os trabalhadores da área da saúde expostos a radiações são geralmente sujeitos têm valores máximos muito inferiores aos que podem causar efeitos determinísticos.
  • Kinematic analysis of the upper limb in reaching – a study in preterm and term young adults.
    Publication . Pereira, Soraia; Almeida, Bruna; Santos, Rubim; Silva, Cláudia
    Even in the absence of apparent neurological injury, preterm children, defined by the World Health Organization as babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy, may present movement disorders that are related to atypical neuromotor and behavioral development, noting that these initial deficits have a ripple effect on neurodevelopment. However, despite the evidence that changes in postural control (CP) remain throughout the child’s life, no evidence was founded regarding the maintenance of these changes until adulthood, specifically between 18 and 25 years of age, and whether these have implications for the function of the upper limb. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the kinematics of the upper limb and trunk and the behavior of the center of pressure (CoP) during the performance of the reach movement in standing, comparing the dominant upper limb (DL) with the non-dominant upper limb (NDL), in preterm and term young adults.
  • Schoolbag weight and the postural and psychophysical changes in young students: A pilot study
    Publication . Rodrigues, Matilde; Silva, Diana; Silva, Diogo; Santos, Rubim; Monteiro, Pedro; Loureiro, Isabel
    This study aims to analyse the applicability of a new experimental procedure to determine bio- mechanical and psychophysical changes in young students, during the schoolbag carriage over one and two shoulders. A pilot study was performed, involving eight male students aged between 12 and 13 years old. Ex- perimental tests were also performed. The students were requested to walk on a treadmill for 10 minutes, with and without the backpack. The load of the backpacks was 10%, 15% and 20% of the students’ body weight (BW). Biomechanical and psychophysical changes were found. The results obtained are interesting to better understand the problem of students carrying heavily loaded schoolbags or carrying them improperly. Still, some limitations to the experimental procedure were pointed out.
  • Análise da força de reação do solo durante a marcha, num grupo de gestantes no 1.º e no 3º trimestre de gravidez
    Publication . Santos, Rubim; Gil, Belandina; Vilas Boas, João Paulo João Paulo; Silva, José Ferreira da
    O objectivo do trabalho foi analisar a força de reacção do solo (FRS) durante a marcha da gestante no 1o e 3o trimestres de gravidez. Participaram voluntariamente neste estudo 26 gestantes em duas fases da gravidez, no 1o e 3o trimestres. As FRS foram medidas (1000 Hz) com uma plataforma de força (BERTEC 4060-15), um amplificador (BERTEC AM 6300) e um conversor analógico-digital de16 Bits (Biopac). O estudo mostrou que a grávida do 3o trimestre apresenta alterações em vários dos parâmetros usados normalmente para caracterizar a marcha: maiores valores, na fase de travagem, da componente ântero-posterior da FRS (p<0,05 – pé direito) e respectivos tempos e, maior impulso desta componente (p<0,05); na fase de push off observou-se um menor valor da componente ântero-posterior da FRS e respectivo impulso (p<0,05) e, um menor valor da sua componente vertical (p<0,01). Verificou-se ainda uma maior variabilidade da componente médio-lateral (p<0,01), nesta fase da gravidez. A gestante no 3o trimestre de gravidez apresenta maior dificuldade na fase de travagem e maior facilidade na fase de push off. Tem mais dificuldade em manter o equilíbrio durante a fase de apoio, principalmente ao nível do pé direito. Como estratégia para atenuar a maior dificuldade em manter o equilíbrio, aumenta o tempo em apoio duplo e diminuiu o tempo em apoio simples.