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  • Burnout, resilience, and subjective well-being among Portuguese lecturers’ during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Publication . Castro, Luísa; Serrão, Carla; Rodrigues, Ana Rita; Marina, Sílvia; dos Santos, José Paulo Marques; Amorim-Lopes, Teresa Sofia; Miguel, Carla; Teixeira, Andreia; Duarte, Ivone
    Background: Lecturers face a large wide of occupational stressors. If the prolonged stress and the symptomatology associated with the working conditions to which lecturers were exposed were already a concern before the pandemic, the pandemic may have exacerbated this psychosocial vulnerability. Burnout is a psychological syndrome that develops in response to chronic work stress. This study aims to describe burnout amongst lecturers working in Portugal and to analyse potential determinants of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using an online questionnaire distributed via social networks. The survey collected sociodemographic and sleep patterns data in addition to applying the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (personal, work- and student-related burnout), the Resilience Scale, the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Results: The sample included 331 lecturers from 35 different colleges and faculties. Three significant models explained personal (R2 = 54%), work- (R2 = 47%) and student- (R2 = 19%) related burnout. Lower levels of resilience and higher levels of depression and stress were significantly associated with personal and work-related burnout. Changes in sleep patterns were additionally associated with both personal and work-related burnout. Conclusion: Higher education institutions must recognize the impact of the work environment and organizational culture on faculty mental health and take proactive measures to improve this environment. These institutions can implement support strategies such as educational technology training, professional development programmes, emotional support resources, and workload flexibility. Implementing measures to enhance lecturers’ resilience and overall life satisfaction could potentially help mitigate burnout and improve the well-being of educators, ultimately contributing to the overall quality of education.
  • Impact of COVID-19 on medicine lecturers’ mental health and emergency remote teaching challenges
    Publication . Miguel, Carla; Castro, Luísa; Marques dos Santos, José Paulo; Serrão, Carla; Duarte, Ivone
    COVID-19 has presented a novel pedagogical challenge in dealing with the sudden shift from classic instruction to emergency remote teaching (ERT). It had an impact on the well-being and mental health of lecturers, increasing burnout risk. A cross-sectional, quantitative, qualitative and analytical online study was conducted to collect participants’ sociodemographic data, responses to ERT open-ended questions and mental health assessments using relevant instruments (CBI for burnout, Resilience Scale, DASS for depression, anxiety and stress, SWLS for satisfaction with life). High personal burnout levels were found in 41.2% of participants, high work-related burnout in 37.3% and high student-related burnout in 15.7%. Satisfaction with life, sleep routine changes and stress were determinants for personal burnout; stress and resilience for work-related burnout; satisfaction of life and sleep routine changes for students-related burnout. Opportunities for pedagogical innovation were pointed out as the main advantages to ERT, while the main negative impacts were on practical lessons and social interaction. Students and lecturers’ safety and adequate institutional support might be insured, considering their expectations and needs, promoting mental health. Combining the advantages of online and traditional methods in a so-called “blended learning” approach, with close collaboration and communication between all those involved, appears to achieve better results.
  • Qualidade de vida profissional e literacia em demências e cuidados paliativos dos ajudantes de ação direta em contexto ERPI, na cidade de Vila Nova de Gaia
    Publication . Vieira, Daniela; Catro, Luísa; Duarte, Ivone; Serrão, Carla
    As estruturas residenciais para pessoas idosas constituem-se como uma resposta social de alojamento temporário ou definitivo, que desenvolve um conjunto serviços com vista a responder às diversas necessidades biopsicossociais das pessoas idosas. Têm como objetivo central proporcionar a qualidade de vida e bem-estar das pessoas mais velhas, nomeadamente, daquelas que vivem em situação de doença prolongada, incurável e progressiva. Uma das classes profissionais que intervém no processo cuidativo desenvolvido nas estruturas residenciais, é a ajudante de ação direta que, a par de apoio instrumental, deverá contemplar transversalmente uma ação personalizada e humanizada. Contudo, a exposição permanente ao sofrimento e as exigências de suporte emocional e físico, podem comprometer não apenas a qualidade dos cuidados, mas também a saúde geral da/o ajudante de ação direta. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: avaliar a qualidade de vida profissional; analisar a literacia em saúde sobre demências e cuidados paliativos de uma amostra de ajudantes de ação direta. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, observacional, quantitativo, de natureza analítica. Participaram 70 ajudantes (92.9% do sexo feminino; e com mediana de idades de 49 anos). Os resultados evidenciam que a maioria apresenta níveis elevados de gratificação e prazer na prestação de cuidados às pessoas idosas e níveis moderados de fadiga por compaixão. Em geral, a amostra evidencia atitudes positivas face à demência.
  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers during the first wave in Portugal: a cross-sectional and correlational study
    Publication . Duarte, Ivone; Pinho, Rita; Teixeira, Andreia; Martins, Vera; Nunes, Rui; Morgado, Helder; Castro, Luísa; Serrão, Carla
    Objectives The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs) worldwide. This study aims to identify the degree to which sociodemographic variables and indicators of subjective well-being and psychological resilience are associated, positively and negatively, with the outcomes of burnout, stress, depression and anxiety among Portuguese HCWs observed during the first wave. It also aims to evaluate the strength of association of these variables and indicators with each outcome. Design Cross-sectional quantitative study. The statistical methods used are simple logistic model, multiple logistic regression model and −2*log-likelihood statistic. Setting Portuguese HCWs living in Portugal and working in the Portuguese healthcare system. Participants The study included 1535 professionals, with a mean age of 38 years. Primary and secondary outcomes measures Psychological variables were measured by Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, the Resilience Scale, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Results High levels of personal (55%; n=844), work-related (55.1%; n=846) and client-related burnout (35.4%; n=543) were found. Additionally, participants expressed substantial levels of depression (28.7%; n=441), stress (36.4%; n=558) and anxiety (33.1%; n=508). About 1202 participants (78.3%) demonstrated moderate-to-high levels of resilience. Profession, work regime during the pandemic, having a health problem, resilience and satisfaction with life are independent variables significantly associated with the outcomes of burnout, stress, depression and anxiety. Satisfaction with life was the independent variable that had a major association with all outcomes. Conclusions Governments and hospital administrations should take action to promote resilience and satisfaction with life as these variables are protective relating to mental health problems. Interventions as educational sessions, psychological support at work, programmes promoting resilience and coping mechanisms and better work conditions may improve mental health. The implementation of measures to protect healthcare students from developing prejudicial outcomes seams very adequate and important.
  • The impact of teleworking in psychologists during COVID-19: Burnout, depression, anxiety, and stress
    Publication . Serrão, Carla; Rodrigues, Ana Rita; Teixeira, Andreia; Castro, Luísa; Duarte, Ivone
    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced mental health professionals to adapt quickly. The pandemic has created multiple new tasks for the psychologist. In addition to the various stressors closely linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, psychologists were forced to make their services more flexible. Teleworking was a way of continuing to work. Objective: This study aimed to identify the impact of working pattern on the levels of burnout, depression, anxiety, and stress. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on an online questionnaire applied to eighty-three Portuguese psychologists. Data were collected from May 9 to June 8, 2020, a period comprising the declaration of a national calamity and then state of emergency, and the subsequent ease of lockdown measures. The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory Scale and Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale were used. Univariate multiple linear regression models were estimated for each mental health outcome. Results: Significant differences were found between psychologists working in the workplace and in teleworking at the personal burnout, work-related burnout, client-related burnout, depression, and stress. In multiple linear regression, teleworking, not working, and being unmarried was significantly associated with higher levels of depression. Teleworking was significantly associated with higher stress scores and client-related and work burnout. Conclusions: This exceptional time of sudden, mandatory, and high-intensity teleworking, required rapid adaptation, giving rise to new stressors that might have been responsible for burnout levels in psychologists.
  • Stresse, bem-estar, satisfação com a vida e mindfulness em estudantes do ensino superior
    Publication . Serrão, Carla; Peixoto, Carla; Duarte, Ivone
    A adaptação ao Ensino Superior envolve um conjunto lato de mudanças e o confronto com tarefas múltiplas de índole psicossocial, académico e institucional (Almeida, Soares, & Ferreira, 2000) e, por isso, considerado como um processo vulnerável à ansiedade e ao stresse (e.g., Assadi, Nakhaei, Najafi, & Fazel, 2007). Exige a mobilização de um conjunto de recursos pessoais, sociais e instrumentais (Clare, 1995, como citado por Santos, 2011), que se vê influenciado pelas perceções dos sujeitos relativamente ao grau de stresse que este processo despoleta (Pritchard & Wilson, 2003).
  • Advantages and Disadvantages, Concerns, and Solutions for Emergency Remote Teaching During COVID-19: Portuguese Lecturers’ Perspectives
    Publication . Marques dos Santos, José Paulo; Serrão, Carla; Amorim-Lopes, Teresa Sofia; Rodrigues, Ana Rita; Marina, Silvia; Teixeira, Andreia; Castro, Luísa; Duarte, Ivone
    COVID-19 pandemic impacted the world dramatically and how communities and societies behaved. The purpose of this study was to explore lecturers’ perspectives on emergency remote teaching, not only from technology-prone lecturers but encompassing contributions from disparate academic fields, which brought assorted experiences into the data. The qualitative study analyses the perspectives of 344 lecturers from 35 higher education institutions in Portugal instigated by the COVID-19 outbreak. The thematic analysis revealed three themes related to the advantages and disadvantages: the lecturing process, learning process, and life and society. Regarding the concerns, four themes emerged: learning process, self-regulation and compromising the future, resources, the assessment process, and well-being. Finally, solutions encompass three themes: pedagogy and innovation, normative framework, and digital literacy. With a special focus on the solutions, all these themes contribute to designing the structure of a training program for the 21st-century higher education lecturer, emphasizing the digital domain. The themes cluster in digital-based innovative pedagogies (mastering digital education software, active pedagogies for digital environments, lecturer posture in digital environments, ‘‘for-digital’’ studying material production, e-proctoring, and transferable competences besides the digital), and digital competences (transgenerational digital-base communication, webcam behavior, well-being in digital settings, and general digital competences).
  • Burnout and depression in Portuguese healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Publication . Serrão, Carla; Duarte, Ivone; Castro, Luísa; Teixeira, Andreia
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers (HCW) have been exposed to multiple psychosocial stressors. Resilience might protect employees from the negative consequences of chronic stress. The aim of this study was to explore the mediating role of resilience in the relationship between depression and burnout (personal, work-related, and client-related). A cross-sectional study was performed using an online questionnaire distributed via social networks. A survey was conducted comprising standardized measures of resilience (Resilience Scale-25 items), depression (subscale of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 items), and burnout (Copenhagen Burnout Inventory Scale-19 items). A total of 2008 subjects completed the survey, and a hierarchical regression model was estimated for each burnout dimension. The results revealed that depression had not only a directed effect on personal, work- and client-related burnout, but also an indirect small effect on it through resilience. Psychological resilience played a partial mediating role between depression and all burnout dimensions. This partial mediation suggests that there may be other possible variables (e.g., social connection, self-compassion, gratitude, sense of purpose) that further explain the associations.
  • What young people know about human trafficking?
    Publication . Rodrigues, Bárbara; Nunes, Rui; Santos, Cristina; Serrão, Carla; Duarte, Ivone
    O Tráfico de Seres Humanos (TSH) afeta grande parte da população mundial, incluindo crianças. A necessidade de (in)formar jovens sobre este crime acentua a emergência do papel das escolas e das famílias como maior fonte de transmissão de conhecimentos. O estudo visa avaliar o conhecimento em TSH e identificar as fontes de informação deste fenómeno de uma amostra de jovens de 14 escolas públicas do município do Porto, 7 das quais estão abrangidas pelo programa TEIP (Territórios Educativos de Intervenção Prioritária). Foi aplicado um questionário de autorrelato na sala de aula. Tornou-se evidente que a (in)formação neste tema é escassa. A este respeito, sugerimos que seja dada mais visibilidade a este fenómeno, através da integração da temática em projetos de educação para a saúde/ sexual nas escolas. Ações que abranjam intervenções preventivas de carácter universal, mas também intervenções mais específicas, em grupos identificados como prioritários e mais vulneráveis.
  • Mediation of Self-Compassion on Pathways from Stress and Anxiety to Depression among Portuguese Higher Education Students
    Publication . Serrão, Carla; Valquaresma, A.; Rodrigues, Ana Rita; Duarte, Ivone
    Higher education is a context that requires students to develop academic, social and institutional tasks. As a result of this complex and multidimensional process, students tend to experience greater stress, anxiety and depression, making it crucial for students to mobilize a set of essential personal, social and instrumental resources, for a more positive adaptation to the academic context. Self-compassion is an adaptative emotion-regulation strategy and may help students to better adjust to academic issues. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of self-compassion as a mediator in the relationship between anxiety and depression, as well as stress and depression. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online questionnaire distributed through social media. Stress and anxiety were found to be positively related to depression scores and negatively related to self-compassion. A bootstrapped mediation model confirmed the existence of a significant positive partial mediation effect exerted by self-compassion on the relationship between stress and depression (b = 0.12, 95% CI [0.05, 0.18]). The analysis also showed a significant positive partial mediation effect exerted by self-compassion in the relationship between anxiety and depression (b = 0.13, 95% CI [0.08, 0.18]). Conclusions: Self-compassion might partially mediate the relationship between stress and depression and between anxiety and depression. Findings underscore self-compassion as a potentially protective factor against negative psychological symptoms.