38 results
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- Activation timings of the scapular stabilizers in subjects with a stroke affecting the right versus left hemispheresPublication . Ferreira, S.; Silva, Cláudia; Silva, A.; Carvalho, Paulo; Santos, RubimLesions affecting the right hemisphere influence the ability to plan the virtual reaching trajectory and, consequently the postural control. On the other hand, left hemisphere lesions affect the ability to select the adequate motor program to reach the target. This study aimed to explore the existence of differences at the activation timings and sequence of activation of the scapular stabilizers, mainly the serratus anterior, superior, middle and inferior trapezius fibers, in relation to the anterior deltoid, in subjects with a stroke affecting the right versus left hemispheres, during reaching. Besides, it aimed to establish comparisons between both sides of each subject and a group of subjects without of each subject and a group of subjects without pathology.
- Comparison of upper limb kinematics in two activities of daily living with different handling requirementsPublication . Mesquita, Inês; Fonseca, Pedro Filipe Pereira da; Borgonovo-Santos, Márcio; Ribeiro, Edgar; Pinheiro, Ana Rita; Correia, Miguel Velhote; Silva, CláudiaRecently, kinematic analysis of the drinking task (DRINK) has been recommended to assess the quality of upper limb (UL) movement after stroke, but the accomplishment of this task may become difficult for poststroke patients with hand impairment. Therefore, it is necessary to study ADLs that involve a simpler interaction with a daily life target, such as the turning on a light task (LIGHT). As the knowledge of movement performed by healthy adults becomes essential to assess the quality of movement of poststroke patients, the main goal of this article was to compare the kinematic strategies used by healthy adults in LIGHT with those that are used in DRINK. 63 adults, aged 30 to 69 years old, drank water and turned on a light, using both ULs separately, while seated. The movements of both tasks were captured by a 3D motion capture system. End-point and joint kinematics of reaching and returning phases were analysed. A multifactorial analysis of variance with repeated measures was applied to the kinematic metrics, using age, sex, body mass index and dominance as main factors. Mean and peak velocities, index of curvature, shoulder flexion and elbow extension were lower in LIGHT, which suggests that the real hand trajectory was smaller in this task. In LIGHT, reaching was less smooth and returning was smoother than DRINK. The instant of peak velocity was similar in both tasks. There was a minimal anterior trunk displacement in LIGHT, and a greater anterior trunk displacement in DRINK. Age and sex were the main factors which exerted effect on some of the kinematics, especially in LIGHT. The different target formats and hand contact in DRINK and LIGHT seem to be responsible for differences in velocity profile, efficiency, smoothness, joint angles and trunk displacement. Results suggest that the real hand trajectory was smaller in LIGHT and that interaction with the switch seems to be less demanding than with the glass. Accordingly, LIGHT could be a good option for the assessment of poststroke patients without grasping ability. Age and sex seem to be the main factors to be considered in future studies for a better match between healthy and poststroke adults.
- Disfunção do Movimento em Condições Neurológicas: Avaliação e Interpretação para a Intervenção em FisioterapiaPublication . Silva, Augusta; Sousa, Andreia; Cunha, Christine; Ferreira, Rosália; Pereira, Soraia; Silva, CláudiaE-book de estudo com casos clínicos
- Kinematic analysis of the upper limb in reaching – a study in preterm and term young adults.Publication . Pereira, Soraia; Almeida, Bruna; Santos, Rubim; Silva, CláudiaEven in the absence of apparent neurological injury, preterm children, defined by the World Health Organization as babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy, may present movement disorders that are related to atypical neuromotor and behavioral development, noting that these initial deficits have a ripple effect on neurodevelopment. However, despite the evidence that changes in postural control (CP) remain throughout the child’s life, no evidence was founded regarding the maintenance of these changes until adulthood, specifically between 18 and 25 years of age, and whether these have implications for the function of the upper limb. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the kinematics of the upper limb and trunk and the behavior of the center of pressure (CoP) during the performance of the reach movement in standing, comparing the dominant upper limb (DL) with the non-dominant upper limb (NDL), in preterm and term young adults.
- Reorganização dos componentes neuro-motores com influência na marcha em indivíduos com lesão do sistema nervoso centralPublication . Cunha, Christine; Silva, Augusta; Moreira, Camilo; Santos, Rubim; Silva, CláudiaVerificar a influência de um programa de intervenção em fisioterapia na actividade muscular do membro inferior predominantemente comprometido em indivíduos com lesão do sistema nervoso central ao longo das sub-fases da fase de apoio do ciclo da marcha, na fase de aceleração da componente Fy e sua respectiva contribuição muscular.
- Methodological considerations for kinematic analysis of upper limbs in healthy and poststroke adults Part II: a systematic review of motion capture systems and kinematic metricsPublication . Mesquita, Inês; Fonseca, Pedro Filipe Pereira da; Pinheiro, Ana Rita; Correia, Miguel Fernando Paiva Velhote; Silva, CláudiaTo review the methods used to analyze the kinematics of upper limbs (ULs) of healthy and poststroke adults, namely the motion capture systems and kinematic metrics. A database of articles published in the last decade was compiled using the following search terms combinations: (“upper extremity” OR “upper limb” OR arm) AND (kinematic OR motion OR movement) AND (analysis OR assessment OR measurement). The articles included in this review: (1) had the purpose to analyze objectively three-dimension kinematics of ULs, (2) studied functional movements or activities of daily living involving ULs, and (3) studied healthy and/or poststroke adults. Fourteen articles were included (four studied a healthy sample, three analyzed poststroke patients, and seven examined both poststroke and healthy participants). Most articles used optoelectronic systems with markers; however, the presentation of laboratory and task-specific errors is missing. Markerless systems, used in some studies, seem to be promising alternatives for implementation of kinematic analysis in hospitals and clinics, but the literature proving their validity is scarce. Most articles analyzed “joint kinematics” and “end-point kinematics,” mainly related with reaching. The different stroke locations of the samples were not considered in their analysis and only three articles described their psychometric properties. Future research should validate portable motion capture systems, document their specific error at the acquisition place and for the studied task, include grasping and manipulation analysis, and describe psychometric properties.
- A Case Study of Product Usability of a Pelvic Device used by Children with Neuromotor ImpairmentsPublication . Abreu, Ana R.; Arezes, Pedro M.; Silva, Cláudia; Santos, RubimOn assistive technology targeted for people with activity limitations and participation, usability issues becomes an essential tool to ensure that the product has the appropriate ergonomics characteristics, in other words, ensure that it fits the specific user's needs. The aim of this study was to analyze the usability of an adaptive seating device for children with neuromotor impairments, by using kinematic indicators of the reaching movement. The study sample consisted of 13 children with associated neurologic conditions. The tests were developed by using a wooden bench height adjustable, integrated with the adaptive seating device under study, and a system to capture three-dimensional image, called Qualisys Track Manager. The following reaching kinematics variables were measured: maximum reaching velocity, movement duration, index of curvature, and unit movements. It was found that the use of the adaptive seating device had a positive impact on upper limb function in children with neuromotor impairments. It was also noticed an improvement in the reaching movement kinematics, which was statistical significant for the index of curvature and unit movements. As main conclusions, it is possible to point out some positive effects that the product under study seems to have on users’ movements, such as the improved movement quality of the upper limb, which could mean a better postural adjustments and higher trunk postural control. By identifying new measures of usability in terms of effectiveness and efficiency for the analyzed device, the results obtained may serve also as performance indicators, providing new data that may help to improve the product and eventually modifying it, in order to turn it more compatible with the needs of the considered target population.
- Análise cinemática do membro superior no gesto de alcance – comparação entre jovens adultos pré-termo e de termoPublication . Pereira, Soraia; Almeida, Bruna; Santos, Rubim; Silva, CláudiaCrianças com idade gestacional inferior a 37 semanas, definidas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como crianças prematuras, podem apresentar, mesmo na ausência de lesão neurológica aparente, disfunções do movimento que se relacionam com um desenvolvimento neuromotor e comportamental atípico, verificando-se que os défices iniciais têm um efeito cascata no neurodesenvolvimento. Contudo, apesar da evidência de que as alterações do controlo postural (CP) se mantêm ao longo da vida da criança, não foi encontrada bibliografia que explorasse a manutenção dessas alterações até à idade adulta, especificamente entre os 18 e os 25 anos. Assim, foi objectivo deste estudo, avaliar a cinemática do membro superior e tronco e o comportamento do centro de pressão (CoP) durante o GA realizado em pé, comparando o membro superior dominante (MSD) com o membro superior não dominante (MSnD), em jovens adultos pré-termo e de termo.
- Petrha+: A serious game to enhance physiotherapy students' clinical reasoningPublication . Macedo, Rui; Silva, Cláudia; Albouy, Bruno; F. San Juan, Alejandro; Pystynen, TiinaRole play and simulated patients are tools frequently used in undergraduate physiotherapy courses to help students gain familiarity with what they will find in future real-life encounters. However, these approaches have limitations when it comes to delivering diversity and repetition to a large number of students and are mostly bounded to the school’s premises. Web-based virtual patient software can help to overcome these shortcomings as they equally require students to go through most of the steps of the physiotherapy process, and simultaneously offer unlimited diversity of cases and repetition opportunities and can be delocalized from physical schools. PETRHA + is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership of European high education institutions aiming at the improvement of a web-based serious game prototype designed to enhance physiotherapy students’ clinical reasoning using virtual patients. The objective of this chapter is the presentation of the background context that led to the development of the serious game, its design features, functions, and ongoing and future developments.
- Kinematic and electromyographic features of upper-limb movement performed by healthy and post-stroke patientsPublication . Silva, Rosa Mariana; Fonseca, Pedro; Pinheiro, Ana Rita; Vila-Chã, Carolina; Silva, Cláudia; Correia, Miguel Velhote; Mouta, SandraIt is extremely difficult to simplify the relation between several body parts, which perform human motion, into one set of features. Mainly, the upper-limb is capable of a wider range of actions, going from fine manipulation to prehension and grasping. Aiming to describe its complexity, several studies have been conducted in order to better understand the upper-limb specificities. However, most of studies restrain the task to pointing, reaching, or grasping, which seems not enough to explain the wide range of tasks possible to be performed in a daily scenario.