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  • Acute effect of neuromuscular electrostimulation in the torque and cross-sectional area of the Extensor Digitorum Communis muscle. Real-time ultrasound imaging
    Publication . Lopes, Alexandre; Faria, Susana; Quadrado, Pedro; Silva, Diogo C. F.
    Neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) is a therapeutic resource widely used by most physiotherapists with the objective of favoring muscle strengthening, prevention or recovery from atrophy due to disuse, however there is still no scientific consensus on which is the most effective current for this purpose. This study aims to evaluate the acute effect induced by low and medium frequency electrostimulation in an isometric contraction of wrist extension and compare them with the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) (1) in the force production capacity and (2) in the vertical and horizontal values of the cross-sectional area of the Extensor Digitorum Communis muscle (EDC). There are no differences between the mean values for height or width between the TENS and Kotz currents, nor between the two NMES currents and the MVIC. No differences were found in the capacity for power generation of the administration of NMES currents and the MVIC. No differences were found in the height or width values between the TENS and Kotz currents, nor between the two NMES currents and the MVIC. No differences were found in the capacity for power generation of the exclusive administration of NMES currents and the MVIC, in a population of healthy adults.
  • Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties of the Portuguese version of the Ankle Instability Instrument
    Publication . Silva, Diogo C. F.; Vilas-Boas, J. Paulo; Mesquita, Cristina; Maia, José; Santos, Rubim; Peixoto, Tiago André Teixeira; Brito, Nuno; Pinheiro De Sousa, Andreia Sofia
    Chronic ankle instability is one of the most common clinical conditions in the general population, especially in adult athletes. The cross-cultural adaptation of self-reported questionnaires that identify and classify this condition contribute to criteria standardization in research but also in rehabilitation. Aim of Study. To validate the Ankle Instability Instrument to the Portuguese population and to investigate its psychometric properties. Material and Methods. Linguistic and semantic equivalence of the original version of the Ankle Instability Instrument to the Portuguese population was firstly performed. The Portuguese version of the Ankle Instability Instrument was then applied to 81 higher education adult students, with (n = 59) and without history of ankle sprain (n = 22). Participants were evaluated two times with an interval of one week to assess the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Ankle Instability Instrument. Results. In the reliability of binary responses based on the test retest, the tetrachoric correlation coefficient ranged from 0.99 to 1.00. In addition, the Kuder–Richardson coefficient was 0.79 suggesting good internal consistency. Conclusions. Test-retest showed an almost perfect match in all answers between the two moments, which seem to be related to sample characteristics. The internal consistency value was similar to the one obtained in the original version. The Portuguese version of the Ankle Instability Instrument is highly reliable and can be used in clinical practice.
  • Influência do tipo de chuteira em variáveis preditoras do risco de entorse lateral do tornozelo
    Publication . Silva, Diogo C. F.; Macedo, Rui; Sousa, Andreia S. P.; Montes, António; Santos, Rubim
    Introdução: No futebol, a entorse lateral do tornozelo (ELT) destaca-se como sendo a lesão mais prevalente. Potenciada pela variedade de chuteiras disponíveis no mercado e pela crescente utilização de relvados sintéticos, a interação entre o terreno e o calçado tem assumido elevada relevância como fator de risco para a ELT. A maior incidência de lesões na 2ª parte do jogo traduz a necessidade do estudo dessa interação durante tarefas que envolvam fadiga. Objetivo: Estudar a influência das chuteiras em variáveis preditoras do risco de ELT em relvado sintético sob duas condições: sem e com fadiga dos músculos eversores do tornozelo Métodos: Foi utilizada uma amostra de atletas saudáveis. Todos os indivíduos realizaram 3 séries de 5 saltos médio-laterais uni-podálicos, cada uma com 1 de 3 modelos de chuteiras (Turf, Hard e Firm ground) em duas condições: sem e com fadiga induzida pelo dinamómetro isocinético. Durante a tarefa, a atividade eletromiográfica do longo e curto peroniais, o valor das forças de reação do solo e o movimento do retro-pé (plano frontal), foram recolhidos e usados para calcular variáveis cinemáticas (eversão/inversão do tornozelo, o deslocamento e velocidade do centro de pressão), cinéticas (taxa de crescimento das forças de reação do solo) e neuromusculares (tempo de ativação muscular dos peroniais). Resultados: À exceção do tempo de ativação do curto peronial com o modelo Hard ground (sem fadiga vs com fadiga (p=0,050), não foram identificadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis preditoras de lesão, entre chuteiras, nem entre as duas condições avaliadas. Conclusão: Para o teste funcional escolhido e executado por atletas saudáveis em sintético de 3ª geração, nenhuma das chuteiras apresenta maior risco de lesão (com e sem fadiga), tendo em conta as variáveis em estudo.
  • Different cleat models do not influence side hop test performance of soccer players with and without chronic ankle instability
    Publication . Silva, Diogo C. F.; Santos, Rubim; Vilas-Boas, João Paulo; Macedo, Rui; Mesquita Montes, António; Sousa, Andreia S. P.
    The lateral ankle sprain is one of the most common sport injury, representing 10-30% of all musculoskeletal disorders. The lateral ankle sprain is induced by sport gestures involving changes of direction and landing manoeuvres and constitutes a risk factor for the occurrence of chronic ankle instability. Although cleat models and performance have been already explored, no study has evaluated this relationship in athletes with chronic ankle instability. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to analyse the influence of different soccer cleat models on Side Hop Test performance of athletes with and without chronic ankle instability. Thirty-nine athletes were divided into two groups, a chronic ankle instability group (n = 20) and a healthy group (n = 19). Each participant performed the Side Hop Test, executing 10 consecutive jumps on dry artificial grass with 4 cleat models. The Qualisys System and two force platforms were used to analyse the test runtime, the distance travelled and the mean velocity. No statistically significant interaction was observed between the group and the cleat model for all variables evaluated. In addition, no differences were observed between models or groups. In this specific test, performance does not seem to be influenced by different cleat models on dry artificial grass in athletes with and without chronic ankle instability.
  • Influence of cleats-surface interaction on the performance and risk of injury in soccer: A systematic review
    Publication . Silva, Diogo C. F.; Santos, Rubim; Vilas-Boas, J. Paulo; Macedo, Rui; Mesquita Montes, António; Pinheiro De Sousa, Andreia Sofia
    To review the influence of cleats-surface interaction on the performance and risk of injury in soccer athletes.
  • Rehabilitation based on Bobath Concept, of a woman with sequelae of postpartum hemorrhagic stroke – case study
    Publication . Fiúza, Carolina; Martins, Tânia; Ventura, Liliana; Lopes, Alexandre; Mesquita, Inês; Silva, Diogo
    Due to the increase in circulating blood volume in the body and coagulation disorders, pregnancy and postpartum period are associated with an increased risk of stroke for pregnant women. Stroke may leave sequels depending on the injured area, leading patients with alterations in function, motion and postural control. Therefore the Bobath Concept can be used in the rehabilitation of these patients. To analyze the potential of physiotherapy intervention based on the principles of Bobath Concept in postural control, balance and functional independence in a woman with stroke postpartum.
  • Impact of Patellar Tendinopathy on Knee Proprioception
    Publication . Torres, Rui; Ferreira, João; Silva, Diogo C. F.; Rodrigues, Elisa; Bessa, Isabel M.; Ribeiro, Fernando
    Objective: To determine whether high-level athletes with patellar tendinopathy have diminished knee proprioceptive acuity. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: University research laboratory (institutional). Participants: Twenty-one basketball and volleyball players with patellar tendinopathy (13 men and 8 women; mean age 24.5 6 3.6; body mass index = 22.5 6 2.0 kg/m2) and an equal number of athletes without symptoms of patellar tendinopathy injury were included in this study. Assessments: Participants underwent knee proprioception assessments on a single day. Furthermore, age, sex, height, weight, VISAP (Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment) questionnaire sports participation, medical history, knee injuries, previous treatment, and medication were obtained. Main Outcome Measures: Knee proprioception was evaluated by assessing sense of resistance, using a weight discrimination protocol, and joint position sense (JPS). Results: No significant differences were observed in JPS at 30 and 60 degrees of knee flexion between groups (P = 0.165 and 0.481, respectively). In regard to the ability to discriminate weight, significant differences between the 2 groups were found with the tendinopathy group showing a higher percentage of error (P = 0.009), namely when the set of incremental weights varied by 10% from the standard weight. Conclusions: Athletes with patellar tendinopathy have a diminished perception of force signals required for weight discrimination, whereas JPS remains unaffected in these athletes.
  • The influence of different soccer cleat type on kinetic, kinematic and neuromuscular ankle variables in artificial turf
    Publication . Silva, Diogo C. F.; Santos, Rubim; Vilas-Boas, J. Paulo; Macedo, Rui; Mesquita Montes, António; Pinheiro De Sousa, Andreia Sofia
    Lateral ankle sprain is the most prevalent injury in soccer athletes. Enhanced by the variety of soccer cleats and by increased use of artificial turf, the interaction between the ground and the footwear has taken high importance as a lateral ankle sprain risk factor. The higher incidence of injuries in the second half of the match reflects the need of studying this interaction during tasks involving muscle fatigue. To evaluate the influence of different soccer cleats on kinetic, kinematic and neuromuscular ankle variables in artificial turf under two conditions: with and without fatigue of lateral ankle dynamic stabilizers. Study design: Experimental study within-subjects design. Twenty-four healthy athletes participated in this study. All subjects performed three sets of five medial-lateral unipodal jumps, each one with one of three models of cleats (Turf, Hard and Firm ground) on two conditions: with and without fatigue induced by the isokinetic dynamometer. The electromyographic activity of long and short peroneal heads, ground reaction forces and the movement of the rear-foot were collected and used to calculate kinematic (ankle eversion/inversion, centre of pressure displacement and velocity), kinetic (loading rate of the ground reaction forces) and neuromuscular variables (activation time of peroneal muscles). With the exception of decreased peroneal activation time with the Hard ground model (without fatigue vs. with fatigue), no statistically significant differences were identified in the ankle variables, between cleats, neither between the two evaluated conditions. In healthy soccer athletes, the contributor variables for ankle sprain were not influenced by the kind of soccer cleat in a functional test on a third generation artificial turf.
  • Does the cleat model interfere with ankle sprain risk factors in artificial grass?
    Publication . Silva, Diogo C. F.; Macedo, Rui; Mesquita Montes, António; Santos, Rubim; Vilas-Boas, João Paulo; Pinheiro De Sousa, Andreia Sofia
    The cleats-surface interaction has been described as a possible risk factor for lateral ankle sprain. However, their interaction is still unknown in individuals with chronic ankle instability. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of different soccer cleats on kinematic, kinetic and neuromuscular ankle variables on artificial grass in soccer players with and without chronic ankle instability. Eighty-two amateur athletes divided in two groups: 40 with chronic ankle instability and 42 without chronic ankle instability. All subjects performed 2 series of 6 consecutive crossover jumps with dominant foot, each one with one of the four models of cleats (Turf, Artificial grass, Hard and Firm ground). Cleat and group main effect and interactions of kinematic, kinetic and neuromuscular variables were analyzed according to factorial repeated measures ANOVA. No statistically significant cleat and group main effect and interactions were identified in kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic magnitude of the peroneal muscles. A main effect of the group was observed for peroneus longus activation time for TF model (p=0.010). Interpretation: In soccer players, the contributor variables for ankle sprain were not influenced by the kind of soccer cleat used in a functional jump test on artificial grass. However, players with chronic ankle instability present delayed postural adjustments in peroneus longus with the TF model compared to players without chronic ankle instability.