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- The Relationship between Metacomprehension and Reading Comprehension in Spanish as a Second LanguagePublication . Míguez-Álvarez, Carla; Cuevas Alonso, Miguel; Cruz, MárioThe importance of reading proficiency in a second language (L2) is growing worldwide. Reading in a L2 involves many questions about the abilities of reading comprehension, including metacomprehension, a core reading ability in native speakers (L1) that allows them to be aware of their reading comprehension level and to regulate their learning. However, its link to L2 has not been sufficiently researched. This study examines the relationship between the reading comprehension scores of diverse texts and metacomprehension, assessed by the ECOMPLEC test and PROLEC-R reading task, in Portuguese students studying Spanish as a L2. Similar to the results found in L1 research, we found a significant relationship between reading comprehension and metacomprehension in expository and discontinuous texts: students with low reading comprehension scores overestimated their metacomprehension while metacomprehension abilities of students with high reading comprehension abilities were more accurate. These results provide a frame of reference for future studies on metacomprehension in L2.
- ‘Escapando de la clase tradicional’: the escape rooms methodology within the spanish as foreign language classroomPublication . Cruz, MárioThe escape games or the so-called escape rooms industry is boom- ing nowadays. Due to the fact that this type of live-action team-based games (Nicholson, 2016) require a great deal of communication and critical thinking, it is quite easy to think of its application at education. This paper aims at discussing on how to use escape room concepts for educational purposes and, more specifically, in Spanish as Foreign Language (SFL) classroom. Moreover, it is also our aim to present a case study in which students were invited to both create and participate in an escape room. Therefore, we will be focusing on escape room design applied to the teaching of SFL setting, taking into consideration game narratives, puzzle types and rooms organisation aspects. By following an ethnographic methodological approach, a case study was undertaken in which the following data-collection tools were used: a) questionnaires to figure out students’ perceptions on escape rooms and on the influence of escape room methodologies onto the development of skills; b) field notes, pictures and videos collected during the application of the escape room activities.The main results show that students considered both es- cape rooms catered for the development of 21st century skills.
- Escaping from the traditional classroom - The 'Escape Room Methodology' in the Foreign Languages ClassroomPublication . Cruz, M.Apesar de já existirem vários estudos relacionados à implementação da pedagogia da gamificação em ambientes nad educativos (Cruz & Orange, 2016), a verdade é que estudos relacionados à implementação da abordagem 'Escape Room' (Guigon, 2018) são ainda bastante escassos, no que concerne aos contextos de ensino. No entanto, têm-se realizado algumas experiências pelo que se torna necessário reetir sobre sua relevância na educação, com o fim de aprender sobre o seu desenho e os principais resultados e, ao mesmo tempo, orientar os professores para uma implementação adequada e bem-sucedida.
- O projeto CLIL4U: implementação, monitorização e avaliação de um projeto de ensino bilinguePublication . Cruz, Mário; Costa, António; Flores, Paula; Duarte Oliveira, Suzette; Silva, PauloO fenómeno da pós-globalização, que se tem feito sentir a uma larga escala na sociedade, traz consigo con- sequências sociais, políticas, económicas e culturais e exige um grande esforço de toda a comunidade para uma adaptação às novas exigências que acarreta. É neste contexto que surge o projeto CLIL4U, tendo como principal objetivo potenciar este diálogo de culturas desde uma idade precoce através de um processo de ensino-aprendizagem de língua e conteúdos integrados. Neste artigo, apresentaremos o projeto e seus pres- supostos, consecução e avaliação. Utilizando uma metodologia de índole etnográfica e maioritariamente qualitativa, focaremos a nossa atenção nas representações que alunos, professores e encarregados de edu- cação têm da implementação do projeto e sua monitorização.Os resultados mostram que os projetos CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) podem ser uma mais-valia para instituições do 1o Ciclo do Ensino Básico, no que concerne a construção de um ensino centrado na aprendizagem pró-ativa de conteúdos.
- “Chicos, sacad el móvil de vuestras mochilas porque lo vamos a usar”: Empowering Spanish As Foreign Language Students Through Mobile DevicesPublication . Cruz, MárioIn a post-globalized world, mobiles and tablets are the most popular electronic devices among university students, since they are their first option to access the Internet, exchange messages, take pictures, record videos, play games, etc. Taking into account that they are part of their daily life, it is urgent to take advantage of them to explore learning experiences inside classrooms (Toledo, 2015), by involving students in interactive and gamified tasks (Osores, et al, 2013; Álvarez, 2016; Chou, 2016). Under the scope of a case study related to the learning of linguistic and cultural varieties of Latin-American Spanish (Cruz, 2018; Moreno Fernández, 2010), we will present didactic experiences with digital tools, which were carried out with Spanish as Foreign Language students (A2/B1.2 levels) of the Graduation Degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures at a School of Education in Porto, Portugal. Following a qualitative methodological approach, we have collected and analyzed students’ representations about the use of mobile devices (though questionnaires) and their project works related to the Latin-American Spanish varieties. Results show that students have empowered themselves in the learning process, revealing that they have (re)constructed knowledge related to the topic through hyper sensory strategies and resources (Cruz & Orange, 2016).
- The Gamification Octalysis Framework within the Primary English Teaching Process: the Quest for a Transformative ClassroomPublication . Duarte, Suzette; Cruz, MárioThe “Kwesukasukela” project, which focuses on African oral tradi- tion storytelling intermingled with the Ubuntu philosophy (Varty, 2013), has as its main aim to stimulate collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity, within primary school settings. In fact, through an experiential communicative approach (Fernández-Corbacho, 2014), South African storytelling can become a gamified experience and inte- grated into English classroom practices as a means of transformation and stimulation of social cohesion and sustainable development (Bat- tiste, 2005).The aim of this study is to reflect upon Chou’s (2016) Oc- talysis framework and how it can effectively be applied in Primary En- glish Teaching contexts. The implementation of gamification designs and practices within this type of framework allowed us to understand how we can implement effective approaches towards a transformative clas- sroom. An ethnographic methodological approach, with triangulation of data collection tools (questionnaires, self-assessment worksheets and project work), was resorted. Gamified practices, which deal with South African cultural and linguistic varieties (Nomlomo & Zilungile, 2016) and 21st Century Learning skills, were analized (Cruz & Orange, 2016).The project’s main results show that the gamification approach can foster the development of transformative skills.
- Intercultural Cybercommunication: Negotiation of Representations of Languages and Cultures in Multilingual ChatroomsPublication . Cruz, MárioThe creation of a global citizen, who is able to participate in the public discourse, depends on the development of plurilingual and intercultural communicative competences, supported by a physical and online mobility. The purpose of this paper is to show how the integration of chats within the teaching/learning process of English and Portuguese as foreign languages offers possibilities of developing these competences in university students from Portugal and the USA. The study will focus on the processes of negotiation of representations of languages and cultures in order to analyse the intercultural communicative and plurilingual competences in action. The data are composed of sequences of two multilingual chat sessions which occurred during a school year. In the analysis of the Internet discourse, it will be possible to observe how chatters became competent intercultural cybercommunica- tors through negotiating representations of languages as learning, affective and cultural objects.
- Entre a diversidade e a diferença na aprendizagem de línguas no Ensino Básico (1º Ciclo)Publication . Cruz, Mário; Tavares, SusanaTendo em conta uma pedagogia crítica emancipatória (JIMENEZ RAYA; LAMB; VIEIRA, 2007), enriquecida por enfoques multissensoriais (ARSLAN, 2009), pretende-se, com este artigo, dar conta de abordagens baseadas numa filosofia de projeto, em que os aprendentes de línguas estrangeiras do Ensino Básico se embrenham com tarefas de índole plurilingue e pluricultural. Pretendemos, por um lado, fazer uma revisão da literatura sobre as tendências atuais relacionadas com o ensino de línguas no 1o Ciclo do Ensino Básico e, por outro lado, evidenciar uma mostra de práticas didático-pedagógicas diferenciadoras, com vista a um trabalho pró-ativo com a língua enquanto objeto potenciador de cidadãos conscientes da sociedade desde uma idade considerada precoce, no que concerne a realidade educativa diversa de um agrupamento de escolas da área do Grande Porto, em Portugal. Estas práticas foram desenvolvidas no âmbito do projeto Pluri+RED, que assenta na disseminação de práticas diferenciadoras e emancipadoras ao nível pluricultural e plurilingue, procurando dar resposta à diversidade cultural presente no contexto das grandes cidades em Portugal.
- 21st Century Skills In The Teaching Of Foreign Languages At Primary And Secondary SchoolsPublication . Cruz, Mário; Orange, EditeTaking an experiential communicative approach (Fernández-Corbacho, 2014) into account, enriched by gamifi-cation strategies (Foncubierta & Rodríguez, 2015), in this paper we intend to disseminate teaching practices in English and Spanish as Foreign Languages at primary/secondary schools, which account for the development of 21st Century Skills, namely: collaboration and communication, creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving. Therefore, we will present practices, developed within a Master’s Degree practical training, which illustrate the work of these skills in the classroom using: a) Web 2.0 applications in collaborative learning; b) creative and (hyper)sensory tasks which develop critical reflection; c) cross-cultural activities.
- Por uma definição do professor de ensino precoce de línguas em Portugal: um estudo de casoPublication . Cruz, Mário; Miranda, SílviaO ensino precoce de línguas estrangeiras no resto da Europa encontrase numa fase mais avançada do que em Portugal. Pretendemos, neste estudo, fazer o ponto de situação em Portugal quanto ao ensino precoce de línguas, definir o perfil do professor de línguas estrangeiras no Ensino Básico e perceber qual a idade ideal para a aquisição de línguas estrangeiras. De forma a enriquecer este estudo, centrámos a nossa atenção nas razões para a aquisição de línguas neste nível de ensino e realizámos um estudo de caso que compreende a realização de conversações por chat entre alunos portugueses e suíços do Ensino Básico. In the rest of Europe the foreign languages early teaching is more advanced than in Portugal. With this study we aim to define both the situation Portugal is living regarding this issue, understand which the profile of the teacher of foreign languages is at an early stage and perceive which the ideal age to start studying foreign languages is. In order to enrich this study, we focused our attention in the reasons for the acquisition of languages at a primary school level and made a study case which is related to the analysis of chat conversations between Portuguese and Swiss pupils.