ISEP – CIETI – Pósteres apresentados a eventos científicos
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- Pirólise de agulhas de pinheiro: resultados preliminaresPublication . Nascimento, M.; Silva, F.; Pilão, R.; Neto, M.P.; Ribeiro, A.M.(Introdução) As florestas em Portugal ocupam uma área aproximada de 3 224 200 ha, apresentando como espécies predominantes o sobreiro, o pinheiro e o eucalipto (ICNF, 2021). Os pinheiros ocupam cerca de 28 % desta área e geram diversos resíduos, entre os quais as agulhas, que se não forem retiradas das florestas podem agravar o problema dos incêndios florestais (Omvesh et al., 2023). A energia proveniente de resíduos florestais pode ser transformada em combustíveis ou em outros produtos químicos através de processos termoquímicos, como a pirólise, onde há a formação de três fases distintas: o carbonizado, o bio-óleo e o gás (Basu, 2018).
- Preparação de materiais de carbono de elevada área superficial contendo azotoPublication . Monteiro, A.S.; Freitas, M.M.; Silva, P.C.(Introdução) O carvão ativado é um material adsorvente aplicado em áreas como o tratamento de efluentes líquidos e gasosos, a purificação e separação de misturas gasosas ou em catálise. A dopagem de carvão ativado com azoto, criando na superfície grupos funcionais azotados, permite a sua utilização em novas áreas emergentes como o armazenamento de eletricidade ou a captura de dióxido de carbono. Assim, o desenvolvimento de métodos de produção de materiais de carbono de elevada área superficial contendo azoto a partir de resíduos é uma área de grande interesse.
- Evaluation of MCP correlation algorithms applied to wind data seriesPublication . Moreira, A.; Rocha, T.; Mendonça, J.; Pilão, R.; Pinto, P.(Objectives) This work aimed to develop methodologies for analyzing statistical correlations among wind data series using various Measure-Correlate-Predict (MCP) methods, with the goal of selecting the most suitable method for extrapolating long-term data with minimal associated uncertainty. Furthermore, the study intends to investigate how the concurrent period used to build the correlation can affect the performance indicators of MCP methods.
- Molecularly imprinted polymer for Mucin 4 (MUC4) biomarkerPublication . Piloto, A.M.L.; Cerqueira, N.; Sales, Goreti(Introduction) Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) were synthesized around quantum dots (QDs) to detect the protein biomarker MUC4, which is associated with pancreatic cancer (Kauretal.,2022; Mehrotraetal.,2024). In this approach, MIPs serve as biorecognition elements and are conjugated with cadmium telluride QDs to form the sensing system. The fluorescence of these imprinted polymers is quenched as MUC4 concentrations increase, demonstrating a linear response within the range of 0.12 ng/mL to 16.9 ng/mL in human serum. This range is below the pancreatic cancer diagnostic cut-off values (1.2 to 1.3 ng/mL). The MIPs exhibit good stability and selectivity for MUC4 compared to non-imprinted controls. Additionally, theoretical studies provide valuable insights for the prediction of the functional structure of MIPs, enhancing its selectivity for the target, while reducing time and costs associated with laborious benchtop assays, which may provide an effective tool for tailoring MIPs to other biomarkers for clinical diagnosis.
- Plastic antibody for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarctionPublication . Ricardo, Jacinta; Martins, Gabriela V.; Moreira, Felismina T.C.(Introduction) Myoglobin (Myo) is the first cardiac biomarker to be released into the bloodstream after the onset of symptoms of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), allowing earlier detection of this disease. Novel application based on Plastic Antibody that responds to a cardiac biomarker, Myo. Imprint stage with electropolymerization of ortho-phenylenediamine (OPD) in the presence of Myo. Template removal from polymeric matrix digested by trypsin. The biomimetic film was fabricated on platinum screen-printed electrodes (Pt-SPE) modified with electroactive Prussian blue nanocubes (PBNCs).
- Carbon dots de síntese única para deteção de espécies reativas de oxigénioPublication . Almeida, Lícia; Sousa, Cátia A.; Duarte, Abel J.(Introdução) As espécies reativas de oxigénio (reactive oxygen species – ROS), são um conjunto de radicais livres que derivam do oxigénio e provêm da cadeia respiratória. São de importância vital nos organismos vivos em quantidade muito reduzidas, funcionando como neurotransmissores ou vasodilatadores, no entanto, quando em grandes quantidades provocam o stresse oxidativo causador de inúmeras patologias. A deteção ROS é de grande importância em diversos processos biológicos, diagnóstico de doenças e triagem de drogas quimioterápicas, para isso é importante construir unidades de carbon dots (Cdots) que sejam sensores químicos de ROS por mecanismo de extinção de fluorescência. Existem algumas estratégias de construção dos CDots, as mais vantajosas são as sínteses únicas em micro-ondas.
- Paper-based approach for cancer biomarker MMP7 detection using quantum dots and molecularly imprinted polymersPublication . Oliveira, Pedro; Piloto, Ana Margarida L.(Introduction) Preliminary investigation using lab-on-paper Molecular Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) paired with Quantum Dots (QDs) to detect Matrix Metalloproteinase-7 (MMP7) using image processing to quantify fluorescence and area with a CMOS sensor reflex camera. MMP7 is critical in pancreatic tumor formation, which has the lowest survival rate among malignant malignancies. High levels of the MMP7 in blood have been associated to a poor prognosis and limited survival in patients. CdTe Quantum Dots (CdTe@MPA QDs) are luminescent nanoparticles with narrow emission spectra, enabling for exceptional sensitive detection of biomarkers.Combination of MIPs with CdTe MPA-capped provide selectivitive for biomiarker.
- Detection of CA19-9 using fluorescent polymer imprinted membranesPublication . Xu, Ana; Piloto, Ana Margarida L.(Introduction) The Carbohydrate antigen19-9 (CA19-9) is a biomarker widely used for the diagnosis and monitoring of various types of cancer, especially pancreatic cancer (PC). Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) are synthetic materials with recognition sites molecularly designed to bind selectively to a target analyte, providing high specificity and sensitivity. In this work, the use of solid supports such as membranes, was used to imprint the MIPs, allowing the creation of robust and easy-to-manipulate biomimetic sensors for the precise and efficient detection of biomarkers, specifically CA19-9.
- Ratiometric determination of CA19-9 using fluorescent carbon dots and yellow-emitting quantum dotsPublication . Rodrigues, E.; Piloto, A.M.L.(Introduction) Quantum dots (QDs) have high fluorescence, chemical stability and sensitivity and optical properties. Traditional QDs probes have a single peak, leading to some problems such as systemic errors due to detection conditions and fluorescence background and systemic instability. Ratiometric methods eliminate random changes in QDs fluorescence intensity and reduces optical fluctuations not caused by the target.
- Development of an immunosensor based on quantum dots with different emissions for the detection of cancer biomarkersPublication . Oliveira, Daniela; Piloto, Ana Margarida L.(Introduction) Cancer is a global health challenge, where early detection is crucial to increasing survival rates [1]. Non-invasive, rapid, and affordable diagnostic methods are urgently needed. Immunosensors emerge as promising alternatives to traditional methods such as ELISA, allowing point-of-care (PoC) analyses [2]. This study introduces a fluorescent probe using cadmium telluride quantum dots (CdTe@MPA QDs) to detect the pancreatic cancer biomarker CA 19-9. With the increasing CA 19-9 concentrations, the fluorescence intensity of green-, orange-, and red-emitting QDs@conjugates was reduced, creating a visible colour gradient under a 365 nm UV lamp. The method, suitable for serum analysis, is highly sensitive and selective, with a detection range of 0.31 to 501.9 U mL-1 and analyzed using ImageJ software. These immunosensors offer significant potential for cancer biomarker detection in clinical diagnostics.