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  • Privatization and government preferences in a mixed duopoly: Stackelberg versus Cournot
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, Flávio
    We analyse the relationship between the privatization of a public firm and government preferences for tax revenue, by considering a (sequential) Stackelberg duopoly with the public firm as the leader. We assume that the government payoff is given by a weighted sum of tax revenue and the sum of consumer and producer surplus. We get that if the government puts a sufficiently larger weight on tax revenue than on the sum of both surpluses, it will not privatize the public firm. In contrast, if the government puts a moderately larger weight on tax revenue than on the sum of both surpluses, it will privatize the public firm. Furthermore, we compare our results with the ones previously published by an other author obtained in a (simultaneous) Cournot duopoly.
  • Government preference, environmental taxes and privatization
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, Flávio
    We analyse the relationship between the privatization of a public firm and government preferences for environmental tax revenue. The model that we consider is more general than the one consider in Wang and Wang (2009), in the sense that we put a larger weight in the environment tax revenue than on the other terms of the government's objective function. The model has two stages. In the first stage, the government sets the environmental tax. Then, the firms engage in a Cournot competition, choosing output and pollution abatement levels.
  • Privatization in an international mixed duopoly with environmental taxes
    Publication . Ferreira, Flávio
    We study the effects of environmental and trade policies in an international duopoly serving two countries, with pollution abatement. This analysis is done in both mixed and privatized markets. The model has two stages: First, governments choose environmental taxes and import tariffs, simultaneously; then, the firms compete in the market by choosing output levels for the domestic market and to export and also abatement levels.
  • Privatization and optimum-welfare in an international Cournot duopoly
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, Flávio
    In this paper, we will analyse the relationship between privatization of a public firm and tax revenue for the domestic government in an international competition, with import tariffs. We consider a duopoly model where a domestic public firmand a foreign private firmcompete in the domesticmarket, asCournot players. Furthermore, the domestic government imposes a tariff to regulate an imported good, and may have a higher preference for tariff revenue than for social welfare. We compute the outputs at equilibrium and we show that privatization (i) will increase the profits of both domestic and foreign firms; (ii) will increase the tariff imposed to the imported good; and (iii) will decrease the domestic welfare. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a rise in the government’s preference for tariff revenues raises the social welfare in both mixed and private models.
  • Privatization and social welfare in an international mixed Stackelberg duopoly
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, Flávio
    Competition between public and private firms exists in a range of industries like telecommunications, electricity, natural gas, airlines industries, as weel as services including hospitals, banking and education. Some authors studied mixed oligopolies under Cournot competition (firms move simultaneously) and some others considered Stackelberg models (firms move sequentially). Tomaru [1] analyzed, in a Cournot model, how decision-making upon cost-reducing R&D investment by a domestic public firm is affected by privatization when competing in the domestic market with a foreign firm. He shows that privatization of the domestic public firm lowers productive efficiency and deteriorates domestic social welfare. In this paper, we examine the same question but in a Stackelberg formulation instead of Cournot. The model is a three-stage game. In the first stage, the domestic firm chooses the amount of cost-reducing R&D investment. Then, the firms compete à la Stackelberg. Two cases are considered: (i) The domestic firm is the leader; (ii) The foreign firm is the leader. We show that the results obtained in [1] for Cournot competition are robust in the sence that they are also true when firms move sequentially.
  • Environmental taxation: privatization with different public firm’s objective functions
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, Flávio
    In this paper, we study the effects of environmental taxes and privatization in a mixed market, by considering that the public firm aims to maximize the social welfare. The model has two stages. In the first stage, the government sets the environmental tax. Then, the firms engage in a Cournot competition, choosing output and pollution abatement levels. We also compare the results obtained with the ones got when the public firm aims to maximize the sum of consumer surplus and the firm’s profit.
  • Privatization in a mixed duopoly with environmental taxes
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, Flávio
    In this paper, we study the effects of environmental and privatization in a mixed duopoly, in which the public firm aims to maximize the social welfare. The model has two stages. In the first stage, the government sets the environmental tax. Then, the firms engage in a Cournot competition, choosing output and pollution abatement levels.
  • Privatization and productive efficiency in an international Stackelberg mixed duopoly
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, Flávio
    We consider a Stackelberg mixed market in which a state-owned welfare-maximizing (domestic) public firm competes against a profit-maximizing (foreign) private firm. We suppose that the domestic firm is less efficient than the foreign private firm. However, the domestic firm can lower its marginal costs by conducting cost-reducing R&D investment. We examine the impacts of privatization on decisions upon cost-reducing R&D investment by the domestic firm and how these affect the domestic welfare. We show that privatization lowers productive efficiency of the domestic firm, regardless of whether the domestic firm is leader or follower. Furthermore, we also show that privatization of the domestic public firm deteriorates the domestic social welfare, regardless of whether the domestic firm is leader or follower.