ESEIG - MAT - Comunicações em eventos científicos
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- Effects of hotel characteristics on room rates in Lisbon: a hedonic price approachPublication . Castro, Conceição; Ferreira, Fernanda A.Portuguese tourism has had a strong growth in the last few years, being Lisbon one of the cities that contributed to that boom. Indeed, Lisbon was one of the European cities that experienced a greater increase in international arrivals lately. According to the hedonic price method, a price of a good is related with the characteristics or the services it provides. Within this framework, the aim of this study, is to examine the effect of different hotel services and room attributes on hotel room rates in the city of Lisbon. Using the hedonic pricing method, hotel characteristics are decomposed and analyzed, giving us the perception of the impact of each hotel service and attributes on the room rates and the people’s willingness to pay for this. The independent variables were selected based on the literature review, between physical characteristics, services and location for 124 hotels in Lisbon city, from 3 to 5 stars. Moreover, consumer rating and value for money were considered. The results suggest that consumers rating, star rating, room size, business centre and free internet are significant variables to explain differences in predicted prices in Lisbon city. Another influential factor on Lisbon room rates is the distance from the hotel to the city centre, Rossio, and to the airport. The results enable to identify the attributes that are important to consumers and hoteliers and to which extent. This information can be used by hotel managers to define a price strategy, which attributes and services need to be upgraded and therefore be helpful in new investment decisions.
- Privatization and subsidization in a leadership duopolyPublication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.In this paper, we consider a competition in both mixed and privatized markets, in which the firms set prices in a sequential way. We study the effects of optimal production subsidies in both mixed and privatized duopoly.
- Diferenciar o que é diferente: uma experiência no ensino da matemáticaPublication . Nunes, Maria Paula; Soares, Filomena Baptista; Lopes, Ana PaulaPretende-se descrever e apresentar um projeto desenvolvido na Unidade Curricular (UC) de Matemática, com os estudantes do primeiro ano da Licenciatura em Contabilidade e Administração, e alguns resultados desde que foi posto em prática, analisando o seu impacto nos níveis de sucesso e satisfação dos estudantes. Perante as elevadas taxas de insucesso e abandono nas UC da área de Matemática, da referida licenciatura na Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão do Politécnico do Porto (ESEIG/P.Porto), foram implementadas algumas ações de combate ao insucesso escolar, sendo a mais relevante a desenvolvida com os estudantes do 1º ano no 1º semestre. A metodologia utilizada no desenvolvimento desta experiência assenta em três fases distintas: análise de competências e conhecimentos pré-adquiridos; distribuição e acompanhamento dos estudantes de modo diferenciado; avaliação distribuída, tanto formativa como sumativa. O objetivo subjacente é a promoção do sucesso escolar na UC de Matemática, dos estudantes que ingressam nesta licenciatura, através da oferta de um “tratamento” diferenciado em função dos conhecimentos base em Matemática, analisados à entrada através da realização de um Teste de Avaliação Diagnóstica. Em função dos resultados aí obtidos, os estudantes são aconselhados a frequentar turmas com cargas horárias semanais distintas, assumindo, de forma voluntária, à partida, a frequência de mais horas de contacto que chegam ao dobro das previstas no plano do curso. Esta duplicação da carga letiva permite uma gestão diferenciada dos conteúdos abordados no programa da UC, facilitando o “recuo” a temas abordados no Ensino Secundário. Procura-se, assim, um nivelamento dos conhecimentos e competências “para cima”, tentando sempre cumprir o programa definido no plano de estudos. Note-se que, os antecedentes curriculares, no que à Matemática dizem respeito, são também analisados para que a “divisão” seja realizada de forma estruturada e sustentada (os referidos antecedentes vão desde apenas o 9º ano, MACS, Matemática B e Matemática A, surgindo ainda planos curriculares algo diferenciados perante os cursos profissionais ou de especialização tecnológica que alguns frequentaram). Existe uma constante preocupação, dos docentes desta UC, para o desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas também diferenciadas, disponibilizando a todos os estudantes os mais variados materiais em formato digital, promovendo a sua utilização de forma sequencial e de acordo com as necessidades de cada grupo/turma. A avaliação nesta UC é realizada através de dois momentos de avaliação presencial (dois testes) com ponderações distintas e de vários pequenos testes realizados on-line (plataforma Moodle), distribuídos ao longo do semestre, de forma a fomentar a avaliação distribuída e o acompanhamento contínuo da aprendizagem. O primeiro momento de avaliação presencial é realizado quando já decorreram cerca de 2/3 das semanas letivas (e não a meio do semestre) para possibilitar a realização da mesma prova por todos os estudantes inscritos à UC, independentemente da carga horária letiva da turma que frequentam. Mais uma vez recordamos a “fraca” formação a Matemática de muitos alunos que recebemos, mas o facto é que os aceitamos e, portanto, eles são a nossa realidade, a realidade da nossa Unidade Orgânica do P.Porto, cujo nome prezamos e nos empenhamos em defender. Como qualquer outro plano de combate ao insucesso, este não está isento de objeções nem de problemas, quer na sua implementação quer na sua prossecução, no entanto, não é possível o desenvolvimento de um trabalho consciencioso, depois de se constatar as dificuldades de muitos estudantes sem nada tentar alterar. Assim, iremos analisar os resultados alcançados com este trabalho, apresentando e tentando avaliar as suas vantagens e desvantagens.
- Privatization and government preference in a Bertrand modelPublication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, FlávioWe will consider a mixed Bertrand duopoly model (that means, two firms decide simultaneously their prices for a substitutable good) to study the relationship between the privatization of a state-owned public firm and government preferences for tax revenue. In the model, we assume that the government imposes a specific tax rate on the quantity produced by each firm. Furthermore, the public firm aims to maximize social welfare, whereas the government's objective function is a weighted sum between social welfare and tax revenue. Of course, the private firm aims to maximize its own profit. We also present comparative static results.
- Price-setting mixed triopoliesPublication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, FlávioWe will consider two models describing certain market structures: (i) a domestic market in which a public firm (whose objective is to maximize social welfare) competes with two private firms (whose objective is to maximize their own profits); and (ii) an international market in which a domestic public firm competes with one domestic private firm and one foreign private firm. In both situations, firms decide simultaneously the price for their substitutable goods. The main purpose of the paper is to present and to compare the equilibrium outcomes of the two triopoly models.
- Partial privatization and government preferencePublication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, FlávioStudies of mixed oligopoly models have been increasingly popular in recent years. We can say that the main concerns of the privatization studies are the welfare effect and the method of privatization. Ferreira and Ferreira (2014) analysed the relationship between the privatization of a public firm and government preferences for tax revenue in a duopoly model, by assuming that the government payoff is given by a weighted sum of tax revenue and the sum of consumer and producer surplus. In this paper, we study the relationship between the partial privatization of the public firm and the government preferences for tax revenue. We consider a duopoly model with one semi-public firm and one private firm competing à la Cournot, that is choosing their outputs simultaneously. The private firm aims to maximize its own profit and we the objective function of the semi-public firm is a weighted sum between its own profit and the sum of consumer and producer surplus. The government imposes a specific tax on the production, and, furthermore, it chooses the level of privatization of the semi-public firm. The government payoff is the weighted sum between the sum of consumer and producer surplus and the tariff revenue. The timing of the game is as follows. In the first stage, the government sets the tax rate and the level of privatization of the semi-public firm. In the second stage, each firm simultaneously chooses its output to the market. We compute the outputs at equilibrium and we show that full privatization will decrease (i) the specific tax rate; (ii) the aggregate output in the market; and (iii) the government’s payoff. In addition, full privatization will increase the profits of both firms. Furthermore, we show that as the government preference for the tax revenue becomes large, (i) the optimal tax rate increases, (ii) the output of both firms decrease; and (iii) the government payoff decreases. This paper contributes to the framework of partial privatization in a market with a specific tax on the production.
- Privatization in a public leadership mixed duopolyPublication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ferreira, FlávioWe consider domestic and international competitions with one public leader firm and one follower private firm, producing complementary goods and competing on prices. We compare the results obtained in both models. Furthermore, we examine the impacts of privatization on consumer surplus and on social welfare.
- Privatization and environmental pollution in an international mixed Cournot modelPublication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.In this paper, we consider a competition between a domestic public firm and a foreign private firm, supposing that the production processes generates environmental pollution. Introducing the residents’ environmental preference into the public firm’s objective function, we analyse its economic impacts. We also analyse the economic impacts of the privatization.
- Uncertainty costs on an international duopoly with tariffsPublication . Choubdar, M.; Faria, E.; Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Pinto, Alberto A.We consider two firms located in different countries selling the same homogeneous good in both countries. In each country there is a tariff on imports of the good produced in the other country. We show that the expected welfare of the countries increase with the variances of the production costs of both firms.
- The background impact in HEI math lectures: an experience in math in the 1st year of Accounting and Management DegreePublication . Nunes, Maria Paula; Soares, Filomena Baptista; Lopes, Ana PaulaIt is a fact, and far from being a new one, that students have been entering Higher Education courses with many different backgrounds in terms of secondary school programs they attended. The impact of these basic skills is a general and worldwide challenge, fundamentally when facing some specific “constructive” subjects like foreign languages and Mathematics. Working with students with an extensive variety of Math qualifications is an outrageous challenge when they enter an advanced Math course, leading to an almost generalized expectations’ failure - from students enrolled in course and from their teachers, who feel powerless in trying to monitor knowledge construction from completely different “starting points”. If teachers’ "haste" is average, more than half of the students do not “go along” and give up, even before experiencing any kind of evaluation procedure. On the contrary, if the “speed” is too low, others are discouraged (feeling not progressing at all) and the teacher runs the risk of not meeting the minimum objectives (general and specific) of its course, which may have a negative impact on students’ future training development. Failure in Mathematics, despite being a recurrent and global issue, does not have any “magical solution”, however, in general, teachers in this area seem untiring, searching, investigating, trying and implementing new and old “recipes” to tackle and demystify this subject. In this article we describe a project developed in a Math course, with the first year students from an Accounting and Management bachelor degree, and its outcomes since it was brought to practice, revealing its impact in students’ success, from approval to dropout rates, in this course. We will shortly describe students’ differentiated Math backgrounds, their results in a pre-assessment analysis and how we try to deal with these differences and level them up, having in mind the same “finish line”. One should never forget that all these students where officially accepted in higher education institutions, so they are ones’ reality, the reality of institutions whose name one should value and strive to defend.