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  • Exploring the user-generated content data to improve quality management
    Publication . Maia, Sara; Domingues, José Pedro Teixeira; Varela, Maria Leonilde R. Rocha; Fonseca, Luís Miguel
    The focus of this research is to investigate if user-generated content (UGC) generated in the Booking platformcan support qualitymanagement improvement within the hospitality industry by increasing customer satisfaction and eliminating defects more efficiently. Hence, it contributes to understanding how data-driven companies can rely on customer data to focus on innovation and performance improvement to meet customer requirements, eliminate defects and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Manufacturing companies Industry 4.0 maturity level: A multivariate analysis
    Publication . Fonseca, Luís Miguel Ciravegna Martins da; Pereira, Teresa; Oliveira, Marisa; Ferreira, Fernanda; Busu, Mihail
    This research investigates Portuguese manufacturing companies’ Industry 4.0 (I4.0) maturity perception level and proposes an index to measure that aim. The research results show that the most critical factors in evaluating the perception level of I4.0 Perception Maturity (IPM) are strategy, leadership, and customer experiences. The result for the Global Index was 53.50%. Hence, the global Index companies’ perception of the level of maturity of I4.0 in Portugal is medium.
  • Strategic CSR: Framework for sustainability through management systems standards: Implementing and disclosing Sustainable Development Goals and results
    Publication . Fonseca, Luís; Carvalho, Filipe; Santos, Gilberto
    This study proposes a framework to integrate sustainability within management systems standards and subsequently implement and disclose sustainable development (SD) goals and results. Moreover, it investigates the SD goals (SDGs) and results (SDRs) that Portuguese organizations with integrated management systems (IMSs) disclose to their interested parties. The study, supported by content analysis, highlights that four most frequently disclosed SDGs are “life on land” (50.0%), “industry, innovation, and infrastructure” (47.1%), “responsible consumption and production” (47.1%), and “partnerships for the goals” (47.1%). The four SDRs most frequently disclosed are “employment” (82.4%), “economic performance” (79.4%), “anticorruption” (64.7%), and “occupational health and safety” (61.8%). Hence, SDG disclosure emphasizes the environmental dimension, while SDR disclosure highlights the social dimension (economic dimension present in both SDGs and SDRs). Finally, the disclosure of SDGs and SDRs in institutional reports presents a positive and strong correlation that is statistically significant. Overall, the contributions of this research are twofold. First, it highlights the awareness of SD goals and results publications within organizations with certified management systems standards, therefore supporting the integration of the SDGs within those organizations, and second, it stimulates the demonstration of their impacts on the SDGs (the SDRs).
  • B Impact Assessment as a Sustainable Tool: Analysis of the Certification Model
    Publication . Silva, Vítor; Lima, Vanda; Sá, José Carlos; Fonseca, Luís; Santos, Gilberto
    Currently, certification is an essential tool for a company’s sustainability and a seal of trust for the stakeholders. The B Corporation (B Corp) certification system is in line with the leading indicators of sustainable development and social responsibility published by the general assembly of the United Nations, namely: environment, community, workers, customers, and governance. Nevertheless, it is essential that academic research should empirically assess the B Corp model’s reliability for its validation and legitimization. In this study, we address the results of the B Impact Assessment of 2262 companies certified by B Corp from the beginning of 2017 to March 2021. The main objective is to analyze the B Impact Assessment, verifying the robustness and consistency of the model to measure and improve the economic, social, and environmental impact of companies. We analyzed the construct’s validity through a confirmatory factorial analysis using AMOS statistical software. The results allowed us to identify some weaknesses and limitations of the B Impact Assessment. This certification system reflects an unadjusted model where the main assessment indicators have problems with regard to the measurement scale. The governance and customer indicators are the most vulnerable. The findings also allow us to state that there are apparently no minimum values established for each of the parameters evaluated, which may cause imbalances in the sustainable development process of B Corp companies. This research contributes to enhancing B Impact Assessment as a sustainability tool, highlighting areas for improvement concerning the indicators’ measurement scales and the assessment process, including the monitoring of evaluators.
  • Design of a Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process – case study
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Lima, Daniela; Moreira, Dália; Pires, António; Bastos, João
    Nowadays, companies are facing a constant need to develop and increase coordination between operational functions to respond rapidly and accurately to customer requests. Linked with this need, an increasing number of practitioners are resorting to an established and integrated business management methodology, the Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP). The concept of S&OP has gained increased recognition over the years by several authors and companies. This project describes the S&OP implementation in Sogrape Vinhos (wines) S.A., a Portuguese wine producer and distributer. The company was confronted with low accuracy in the establishing the forecast demand plans, especially on a long-term horizon. In order to increase the demand plans accuracy, the company started a S&OP implementation program. This paper describes the company’s current planning process, explains the S&OP’s implementation model presenting the selected parameters adequate to the company’s context, and finally, evaluate the expected outcomes of this project. Preliminary results from the S&OP implementation project at Sogrape indicate significant savings at the operational level and greater effectiveness in developing the company’s demand plans.
  • Framework for a risk assessment model to apply in Virtual / Collaborative Enterprises
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Mota, Alzira; Bastos, João; Patrício, Leonel; Pires, António; Castro, Helio; Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela; Varela, Leonilde
    Risk assessment is a theme of large spectrum applied in different fields. In the context of Virtual / Collaborative Enterprises there are several risks whose assessment should be aware to avoid undesirable consequences either for entire networked or for a partner in particular. The objective of this work is centered on the creation of a framework / guidelines to serve as a basis for the creation of a better risk assessment model for Virtual / Collaborative Enterprises. This work analyzed the few models available in the literature and identified some gaps that were used to purpose complementary guidelines for the design and / or improve the future risk assessment models. The pointed guidelines covered three important topics: risk factors; assessment methods; and the impact in different life cycle phases of a Virtual / Collaborative Enterprise. Considering the results of the work it is our conviction that there is space to improve the research in this field and a more robust and flexible risk assessment model should be developed.
  • Uma Plataforma para Aplicação de Algoritmos de Selecção de Recursos que Integram as Empresas Virtuais
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Putnik, Goran; Cunha, Manuela
    As Empresas Ágeis e Virtuais (EA/V), identificam-se como redes de empresas independentes, geralmente distribuídas geograficamente, com uma estrutura informática e organizacional heterogénea e com um acentuado comportamento dinâmico da sua estrutura organizacional, i,e. com elevada dinâmica de reconfiguração da sua estrutura organizacional. O processo de seleção de recursos, entidades/empresas integrantes de uma EA/V, assume uma parte importante no projeto e reconfiguração de EA/V uma vez que a seleção eficiente dum sistema de recursos (exequível em tempo útil e cuja solução permita o desempenho desejado), contribuirá certamente para essa dinâmica, e consequente flexibilidade das EA/V. A seleção de recursos é uma tarefa difícil. Esta dificuldade decorre de fatores quantitativos e qualitativos, i.e 1) da complexidade do processo de seleção, 2) da adequação dum algoritmo concreto ao problema/requisito concreto e 3) da heterogeneidade das implementações de algoritmos em linguagens de programação concretas e dos sistemas operativos concretos dos computadores. Este trabalho apresenta o conceito de plataforma de software para gestão da seleção de algoritmos de seleção de recursos e a integração destes algoritmos em processos de projeto e reconfiguração de EA/V. Os objetivos, ou funções desta plataforma são; 1) Gestão de bases de dados (distribuídas ou não) de parceiros das EA/ e dos algoritmos - é necessário conhecer os algoritmos disponíveis no "mercado", e ter acesso facilitado a eles. Significa que quem os desenvolve quer participar no processo de seleção, e como tal ao disponibilizá-los para o "broker", deve criar condições de fácil integração (ou utilização) destes algoritmos em processos de uma EAN, 2) Gestão do processo próprio de seleção de algoritmos. Escolher rapidamente um algoritmo mais eficiente e adequado para efetuar a seleção de recursos pretendida é um fator importante. Demorar tempo a ter acesso ao algoritmo, ou até ao tentar pô-lo a correr, significa que a flexibilidade pretendida na seleção de recursos ficará aquém do pretendido. 3) Fornecer o ambiente e a plataforma de operação de "broker" como agente principal de projeto e reconfiguração de EAN. No final, a utilização duma plataforma deste tipo abre oportunidades de adaptação de algoritmos já existentes ao nosso problema, e de meios de disponibilização desses algoritmos, mais eficientes.
  • Definição de um Modelo Rigoroso de Selecção de Sistemas de Recursos para Projecto de um Sistema de Produção Virtual/OPIM para Produtos Complexos
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Putnik, Goran
    Esta comunicação, apresenta os objectivos do projecto de doutoramento “Definição de um Modelo Rigoroso de Selecção de Sistemas de Recursos para o Projecto de um Sistema de Produção Virtual/OPIM para produtos Complexos”, o qual se insere num módulo do projecto de Sistemas de Produção Virtual/ “One product Integrated Manufactures” (SPV/OPIM), em desenvolvimento na Universidade do Minho e com a participação da nossa Escola nesse projecto. A actualidade do tema assenta no facto da selecção de recursos ser uma parte importante do projecto de organização dos sistemas de produção ou empresas, e no nosso caso em particular do projecto de SPV/OPIM, sistema este, que indicia potenciais de melhor desempenho do que os modelos organizacionais convencionais, conforme já verificados na tese de mestrado intitulada “Modelo de Selecção Abragente Aplicado à Selecção de Sistemas de Máquinas Ferramentas para um Sistema de Produção Virtual/OPIM”, com a qual se pretende relacionar este comunicação.
  • Dynamic Supply Chains: Models, Organizational Issues and Supporting Technologies
    Publication . Bastos, João; Azevedo, Américo; Ávila, Paulo
    In recent decades, with globalization, the financial crisis and the entry of new players in the global markets, the industrial enterprises in order to survive are forced to update its supply chain strategy in line with the new and challenging circumstances. Thus, company managers have put a growing interest in developing strategies designed to provide companies with the resources, capabilities and ICT technologies in order to compete successfully in the market. Supply chain managers increasingly understand that it is the time to fundamentally rethink how to design and operate the supply chains that link with their own company, namely suppliers and customers. For too long, there has been a major concern with infrastructures, resource utilization and cut costing in the operation activities, ultimately in efficiency. However, even recognizing that maintaining lower levels of operating costs are important, achieving and maintaining future competitiveness demands more sophistication.
  • Dynamic Supply Chains: Models, Organizational Issues and Supporting Technologies
    Publication . Bastos, João; Azevedo, Américo; Ávila, Paulo
    Over the past decades with the increasing globalization, the industrial enterprises were forced to update its supply chain strategy in line with the new and challenging circumstances of globalized and competitive market. Thus, company managers have put a growing interest in developing strategies designed to provide companies with the resources and capabilities in order to compete successfully in the market.