ESE - LE - Comunicações em eventos científicos
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- The other of myself: representations of Portuguese teachers about intercultural education related conceptsPublication . Prata Gomes, Miguel; Afonso, Carlos; Calvacanti, Joana; Cruz, Mário; Medeiros, Paula
- Plurilingualism vs multilingualism in early years of schooling: The rise of a critical cultural awareness in primary schoolPublication . Cruz, Mário; Medeiros, Paula; Ribeiro, Gorete; Marcelo, Marisa; Barreira, CarlaSince early 80s the Council of Europe has taken a great approach to teaching and learning of languages by encouraging plurilingual practices instead of multilingual practices, being these understood as the coexistence of several languages within a given society. In this context, we believe that once one learns many languages, one values one's native language, allowing one to understand it more clearly and to communicate with others on an equal footing and, more importantly, one also learns about other cultures. This is an issue of great importance in order to value and respect one's own and other cultures in the context of European integration. Considering this, in this article, we present two linked projects: a) the “PrimaLang” project, related teaching practices multilingual promoting critical cultural awarenessl in the 1st cycle of Portuguese Primary School System; b) the “Plurilingual” project, which refers to the design of a coursebook which stimulates the development of a plurilingual competence in the 1st cycle of Portuguese Primary School System. At the same time, we analyze some materials made by students and teachers in the projects to better understand their contribution under the InterNetwork Comenius Project
- Duma pedagogia crítica a uma hiperpedagogia crítica: caminhos para a implementação da pedagogia para a autonomia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem on-linePublication . Cruz, Mário; Araújo e Sá, Maria Helena; Moreira, AntónioPartindo do conceito de pedagogia crítica, procuraremos, neste artigo, explorar caminhos e dar sugestões para a implementação duma hiperpedagogia crítica, emancipatória e para a autonomia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem mediado por computador, que se baseia no desenvolvimento de competências de interação dialógica on- line, de forma a que os aprendentes enformem verdadeiras comunidades de aprendizagem suportadas por três tipos de presença: a didáctica, a social e a cognitiva na linha de Garrison & Anderson (2003) e Séré (2009). Levando a cabo o ciclo de ação-reflexão-nova ação de Freire (2000), acreditamos que é possível que os aprendentes mobilizem, de forma efetiva, processos e suas atividades dialógicas na sua rede de conexões on-line com vista a uma efetiva partilha, transferência e co-negociação de saberes de diversa natureza e com o fim de resolver problemas com que se deparam na sua sociedade glocal.
- The Role of Hispanic America in the Teaching of Spanish as Foreign Language: Representations of Students and TeachersPublication . Cruz, Mário; Araújo e Sá, Maria HelenaWe believe that with the positioning of Spanish as an international language and the prominent role of Hispano- American countries in the vitality and projection of this language (Mora-Figueroa, 1998), there is a need for the inclusion of linguistic and cultural varieties in the teaching and learning process of Spanish as Foreign Language, in a context where the Spanish varieties in course books and practices still prevail (cf. Kraviski, 2007). In this paper we propose an analysis of the representations of both students and teachers about the place of Hispanic America in the teaching and learning of Spanish as Foreign Language at Secondary School level (Altmann and Vences, 2004; Pérez, 2003) through questionnaires. At the same time, we will focus on the approaches of the different linguistic and cultural varieties of Spanish (Alvar, 2002), arising in the most used course books in secondary education (initial levels). Moreover, following a qualitative methodological perspective, we undertook a case study (Benson, Chik, Gao, Huang and Wang, 2009) which includes the use of different techniques and instruments, i.e., a methodological triangulation of different sources (namely, questionnaires and course books assessment grids) in order to interpret the obtained data (Pérez, 2003; Altmann & Vences, 2004). On the one hand, the results show that a lot of the course books entail topics related to cultural varieties but some of them fail in addressing aspects related to the linguistic diversity within the Spanish language. On the other hand, students reveal cultural representations which are somewhat stereotypical and show at the same time a sincere desire to learn more about Hispano-American cultural and linguistic diversity, whereas teachers are quite aware of the existence of Spanish cultural and linguistic varieties but some of them are not so eager to work with these varieties within the classroom walls. According to our findings, the study of Spanish language and cultural varieties can be done by making use of vocabulary exercises of contrastive nature, research activities based on audiovisual and online resources, reflexive exercises about poetry and novels and semi-real production tasks.
- From and Beyond Gamified Activities in Primary English LearningPublication . Oliveira, Suzette; Cruz, MárioAlguns estudos relacionados com a implementação da pedagogia da gamificação começaram a surgir, tanto relacionados com contextos de aprendizagem do ensino básico como secundário, já começaram a surgir, centrando-se nos caminhos a seguir no que concerne o uso deste tipo de abordagem para a promoção do desenvolvimento de competências do século XXI (Cruz & Orange, 2016). No entanto, pouco se tem visto sobre os efeitos das tarefas gamificadas nos alunos do 1o CEB, especialmente em relação ao seu incentivo da competitividade e do pensamento crítico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir a implementação de tarefas gamificadas na aprendizagem de inglês no 1o CEB. Seguindo uma abordagem metodológica etnográfica, observámos práticas gamificadas com um grupo de alunos que aprendem Inglês no 3o / 4o anos, em que foram convidados a: responder questionários, desenvolver trabalhos de projeto, realizar pequenos roleplays, analisar criticamente livros ilustrados, etc. Os resultados mostram que as tarefas gamificadas promovem comportamentos de índole competitivo entre os estudantes, o que, por sua vez, estimula o pensamento crítico criativo e colaborativo na sala de aula.
- “Chicos, Sacad El Móvil De Vuestras Mochilas Porque Lo Vamos A Usar”- Empowering Spanish As Foreign Language Students Through Mobile DevicesPublication . Cruz, MárioIn a post-globalized world, mobiles and tablets are the most popular electronic devices among university students, since they are their first option to access the Internet, exchange messages, take pictures, record videos, play games, etc. Taking into account that they are part of their daily life, it is urgent to take advantage of them to explore learning experiences inside classrooms (Toledo, 2015), by involving students in interactive and gamified tasks (Osores, et al, 2013; Álvarez, 2016; Chou, 2016). Under the scope of a case study related to the learning of linguistic and cultural varieties of Latin-American Spanish (Cruz, 2018; Moreno Fernández, 2010), we will present didactic experiences with digital tools, which were carried out with Spanish as Foreign Language students (A2/B1.2 levels) of the Graduation Degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures at a School of Education in Porto, Portugal. Following a qualitative methodological approach, we have collected and analyzed students’ representations about the use of mobile devices (though questionnaires) and their project works related to the Latin-American Spanish varieties. Results show that students have empowered themselves in the learning process, revealing that they have (re)constructed knowledge related to the topic through hyper sensory strategies and resources (Cruz & Orange, 2016).