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Food allergen control: Tropomyosin analysis through electrochemical immunosensing

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Regulations of the EU obliges the indication of the presence of allergens on food labels. This work reports the development of an electrochemical immunosensor to determine tropomyosin (TPM) – a major shellfish allergen – prevailing in the muscles of crustacean species. Two linear ranges between the signal and TPM concentration were obtained: between 2.5 and 20 ng mL−1 and between 30 and 200 ng mL−1, with a lowest limit of detection of 0.47 ng mL−1. The selectivity of the optimized immunoassay, tested with other food allergens (e.g., Cyp c 1, a fish allergen), assures the effective detection of TPM, enabling successful control of foodstuff labelling. Several (12) foods, containing high and low TPM concentrations and TPM-free samples, were analysed using the sensor. A conventional ELISA kit and recovery assays were used to evaluate the accuracy of the results.



Shellfish Crustacean Food allergy Tropomyosin Immunosensor Electrochemical biosensor


Organizational Units

Journal Issue