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No âmbito do ciclo de estudos do Mestrado em Marketing Digital, foi elaborado o
presente relatório que tem por objetivo descrever as inúmeras atividades realizadas ao longo do
estágio curricular. Este estágio decorreu na empresa Samsys e teve a duração de 3 meses (400
horas), estando compreendido entre o período de 2/11/2021 a 7/02/2022.
De forma genérica, as funções no departamento de Comunicação e Marketing da empresa,
focaram-se em tarefas relacionadas com as atividades de Marketing Digital, como a análise de
concorrência, a criação de planos estratégicos de comunicação, as estratégias de Inbound
Marketing, a análise das redes sociais, a criação de conteúdos para as redes sociais (Instagram e
Facebook), a redação de artigos para blog, a criação de campanhas de E-mail Marketing, a criação
de anúncios em Google Ads e Social Ads, a análise e definição de estratégias de SEO, a
mensuração de resultados das atividades realizadas, entre outras atividades relacionadas.
Deste modo, a partir da experiência de estágio na Samsys foi possível adquirir e aplicar
conhecimentos adquiridos na parte curricular do mestrado em Marketing Digital em contexto real
de trabalho, sobre as mais variadas atividades de Marketing Digital, aplicando os respetivos
conhecimentos e, com isso, ajudando a alcançar os objetivos de comunicação definidos para as
diferentes empresas.
Within the scope of the study cycle of the Master in Digital Marketing, this report was prepared, which aims to describe the numerous activities carried out during the curricular internship. This internship took place at the company Samsys and lasted 3 months (400 hours), ranging from 2/11/2021 to 7/02/2022. In general, the functions in the company's Communication and Marketing department focused on tasks related to Digital Marketing activities, such as competitive analysis, creation of strategic communication plans, Inbound Marketing strategies, analysis of social networks, creating content for social networks (Instagram and Facebook), writing blog articles, creating Email Marketing campaigns, creating ads in Google Ads and Social Ads, analyzing and defining of SEO strategies, measurement of the results of the activities carried out, among other related activities. In this way, from the internship experience at Samsys, it was possible to acquire and apply knowledge acquired in the curricular part of the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing in a real work context, about the most varied Digital Marketing activities, applying the respective knowledge and, with that, helping to achieve communication goals defined by different companies.
Within the scope of the study cycle of the Master in Digital Marketing, this report was prepared, which aims to describe the numerous activities carried out during the curricular internship. This internship took place at the company Samsys and lasted 3 months (400 hours), ranging from 2/11/2021 to 7/02/2022. In general, the functions in the company's Communication and Marketing department focused on tasks related to Digital Marketing activities, such as competitive analysis, creation of strategic communication plans, Inbound Marketing strategies, analysis of social networks, creating content for social networks (Instagram and Facebook), writing blog articles, creating Email Marketing campaigns, creating ads in Google Ads and Social Ads, analyzing and defining of SEO strategies, measurement of the results of the activities carried out, among other related activities. In this way, from the internship experience at Samsys, it was possible to acquire and apply knowledge acquired in the curricular part of the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing in a real work context, about the most varied Digital Marketing activities, applying the respective knowledge and, with that, helping to achieve communication goals defined by different companies.
Marketing Digital Redes Sociais Inbound Marketing Publicidade Online SEO Performance Social media Inbound marketing Online advertising SEO Performance