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STVgoDigital project aims the transition of the textile and apparel industries to the new Industry 4.0 paradigm promoting the digitalization to increase productivity and efficiency of the entire value chain. Specifically, the PPS4 Worker 4.0 aims to develop an exoskeleton solution based on sensing and active components within a garment to support sewing operation movements that may cause injuries and/or pain in sewing machine workers. Seamstresses’ work requires physical efforts related to poor posture and repetitive tasks that increase the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders. In a general context, in industrial environments have been implemented lower and upper limb devices empowered for human ergonomic improvement, due to the high prevalence of postural complaints and consequently pain. With this, much has been developed in the realm of exoskeletons and artificial muscles aimed at various situations. To achieve the objectives of developing an exoskeleton that integrates a sensing component that monitors workers’ movements in real-time, identifying its ergonomic posture, feeds the actuation component, and uses machine learning algorithms to predict future ergonomic risks in a wearable, light, and flexible garment to support the execution of movements inherent to some professional activities, this research was based on an ergonomic risk assessment and definition of performance parameters, the definition of the architecture system and the wearable garment, and in the construction of prototypes and analysis in a laboratory environment with seamstress’ volunteers.
Textile-based exoskeleton Ergonomic risk assessment Sewing machine workers Artificial muscles Textile and apparel industries
Oliveira, J. N., Costa, L., Ramôa, A., Silva, R., Fertuzinhos, A., Vale, B., Estudante, I., Pinheiro, J., Pilastri, A., Dias, P., Matta, A., Sampaio, R., Machado, D., Cortez, P., Costa, M., Roças, A., Madureira, P., Moreira, J., Pereira, J., … Pereira, F. (2023). Worker 4.0: A textile exoskeleton to support apparel industry. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, 86(86), 20–28.