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O presente relatĂłrio de estĂĄgio para obtenção do grau de mestre foi elaborado no Ăąmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Integração Curricular: PrĂĄtica Educativa e RelatĂłrio de EstĂĄgio, do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.Âș e 2.Âș Ciclo de Ensino BĂĄsico (CEB), da Escola Superior de Educação (ESE) do Instituto PolitĂ©cnico do Porto (IPP).
Este documento pretende descrever de forma reflexiva as experiĂȘncias pedagĂłgicas desenvolvidas no ensino do 1.Âș CEB, com uma turma de 2.Âș ano de escolaridade, e no 2.Âș CEB, com uma turma do 5.Âș e outra do 6.Âș ano de escolaridade.
A PrĂĄtica Educativa Supervisionada (PES) foi desenvolvida Ă luz da metodologia de investigação-ação, uma vez que a mesma promoveu uma melhoria das prĂĄticas, adotando uma atitude reflexiva e crĂtica sobre a ação educativa. Este percurso desenvolveu-se atravĂ©s de um processo cĂclico que integrou observação, planificação, ação e reflexĂŁo, para o qual foi fundamental uma atitude indagadora de carĂĄter investigativo e crĂtico-reflexivo.
Inicialmente, enquadra-se legal e teoricamente a profissionalização docente, a sua pråtica pedagógica e a supervisão e cooperação na formação de professores. Pretende-se, assim, explorar os pressupostos legais e teóricos que sustentaram a pråtica educativa supervisionada.
A reflexão assume-se, tanto no presente relatório de estågio como ao longo da pråtica educativa supervisionada, como uma componente fundamental pois é através desta que o professor avalia e melhora as suas pråticas.
O Relatório de Estågio ainda revela a dimensão investigativa desenvolvida ao longo do ano letivo, através da exploração de um projeto investigativo no ùmbito da Matemåtica.
This training report to obtain a masterâs degree was written as part of the curricular unit (UC) Integração Curricular: PrĂĄtica Educativa Superviosionada e RelatĂłrio de EstĂĄgio, included in the curriculum of the Master Course in Ensino dos 1.Âș e 2.Âș Ciclo do Ensino BĂĄsico of the Escola Superior de Educação (ESSE) of Instituto PolitĂ©cnico do Porto (IPP). This document aims to describe on a reflective way the pedagogical experiences developed in teaching of primary school, with a second class, and in highschool, with a fifth and a sixth class. The PrĂĄtica Educativa Supervisionada (PES) was developed on a research-action metodology, once it promoted a better practice by adopting a reflective and critic posture on a educational act. This journey was developed by a ciclic process that integrated observationa, planning, action and reflection. Initially, it is explained, legally and theoretically, the teacher professionalization, their pedagogical practice and the supervision and cooperation on teachersâs formation. It is intended therefore, to explore the legal and theoretical assumptions that supported the Supervised Teaching Practice, The reflection is, on this training report as well as along the supervision educational practice, as a fundamental componente because itâs through it that the teacher avaliates and improves his practices. The Internship Report also reveals the investigative dimension developed throughout the school year, by exploiting a research project involving the study of Mathematic.
This training report to obtain a masterâs degree was written as part of the curricular unit (UC) Integração Curricular: PrĂĄtica Educativa Superviosionada e RelatĂłrio de EstĂĄgio, included in the curriculum of the Master Course in Ensino dos 1.Âș e 2.Âș Ciclo do Ensino BĂĄsico of the Escola Superior de Educação (ESSE) of Instituto PolitĂ©cnico do Porto (IPP). This document aims to describe on a reflective way the pedagogical experiences developed in teaching of primary school, with a second class, and in highschool, with a fifth and a sixth class. The PrĂĄtica Educativa Supervisionada (PES) was developed on a research-action metodology, once it promoted a better practice by adopting a reflective and critic posture on a educational act. This journey was developed by a ciclic process that integrated observationa, planning, action and reflection. Initially, it is explained, legally and theoretically, the teacher professionalization, their pedagogical practice and the supervision and cooperation on teachersâs formation. It is intended therefore, to explore the legal and theoretical assumptions that supported the Supervised Teaching Practice, The reflection is, on this training report as well as along the supervision educational practice, as a fundamental componente because itâs through it that the teacher avaliates and improves his practices. The Internship Report also reveals the investigative dimension developed throughout the school year, by exploiting a research project involving the study of Mathematic.
Pråtica educativa Reflexão Investigação Desenvolvimento Educational practice Reflection Investigation Development
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação