18 results
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- Impact of clinical pilates on satisfaction with life of women with urinary incontinencePublication . Santos, Paula Clara; Lopes, Sofia; Teixiera, Ricardo João; Macedo, Carla; Azevedo, Rogério; Mesquita, CristinaThe high prevalence of urinary incontinence is a problem of public health due to its physical, psychological, social and economic effects. It affects predominantly all age female gender and may influence satisfaction with life. Clinical Pilates has been studied in healthy subjects and seems to have positive effects on the psychological and general well-being. However, this method lacks evidence upon its effect on women with urinary incontinence. This study aims to assess the impact of a Clinical Pilates exercise-based program on the perception of contraction of pelvic floor muscles and in satisfaction with life of women with urinary incontinence. A quasi-experimental investigation has been carried out with a 60 women sample distributed by an Experimental Group (EG; n=30) and a Control Group (CG; n=30). Participants were aged ≥ 50 years, diagnosed with stress and mixed urinary incontinence, grade ≥ 3 in the Modified Oxford Grading Scale. EG performed 60 minutes classes of Clinical Pilates based exercises twice a week for ten weeks. CG had no intervention. Pelvic floor efficacy was assessed through Broome’s Self-Efficacy Scale and satisfaction with life through Satisfaction with Life Scale. Descriptive statistics and the Inferential Statistics were used. The T-Student test, the Wilcoxon and the Mann-Whitney tests were used in case of abnormality with α = 0.05). The results showed that the Clinical Pilates exercise-based program had positive effects on the contraction of pelvic floor muscles, total score [79(10.48) vs 35.9(11.44); p < 0.001] in both Broome’s sub-scales, A [80.71(9.29) vs 35.36(18.57); p < 0.001] and B [77.6(11.06) vs 35.36(18.57); p = 0.02] and in satisfaction with life [24.00(8.00) vs 16.00 (8.00); p < 0.001]. In conclusion, Clinical Pilates has positively influenced participants’ perception of pelvic floor muscles contraction and satisfaction with life.
- Incapacidade do membro superior nos administrativos do Grupo CESPUPublication . Brochado, Gabriela; Mainguy, Melanie; Paspire, Perrine; Lopes, SofiaAs lesões músculo-esqueléticas relacionadas com o trabalho nos membros superiores são muito comuns e com um custo importante para as empresas. Avaliar e caracterizar a incapacidade e a sintomatologia dos membros superiores dos administrativos do grupo CESPU. Secundariamente pretende-se verificar se existe associação entre a idade, a antiguidade na função, o número de horas de trabalho por dia, o número de horas passadas na posição sentada por dia com a incapacidade ao nível dos membros superiores.
- Knowlegde of cervical posture using smartphonePublication . Silva, Bruna; Mourão, Ana; Lopes, Sofia; Araújo, FábioIn today’s world, we are facing a society dependent on technologies, more specifically smartphones. The repeated movements and the bad posture alongside its excessive usage promote discomfort and musculoskeletal malfunctions. Firstly, evaluate the individual’s knowledge about the cervical posture when using the smartphone, secondly, understand if there is any association between posture and the discomfort felt within the users and, finally, understand what is the self-awareness of the individuals regarding the posture they use, and what do they consider as correct. There was an observational analytical transversal study with 318 students and it was applied to all a questionnaire to characterize the sample with questions related to students’ knowledge about cervical posture. After the data was collected, it was analyzed and processed through the software IBM SPSS 25.0, with a significance level of 0,05. It was verified that 52 individuals have knowledge about the best cervical posture to adopt while using the phone, and they indeed adopt it. It was as well understood that there was an association between having knowledge and adopting good cervical posture and having less discomfort, however not statistically significate (p=0,079). This association was kept in the protective sense, but was statistically significant when adjusted for age, body mass index and schooling (OR=0,47; IC 95%: 0,22- 0,97). The individuals with the knowledge about good posture and indeed adopt it while using their phones, reveal a tendency to have less discomfort than the others. This association remained regardless the age, body mass index and schooling of the individuals.
- Occupational health: does compliance with physical activity recommendations have a preventive effect on musculoskeletal symptoms in computer workers?Publication . Moreira, Sara; Salomé Ferreira, Maria; Begoña Criado, Maria; Machado, Jorge; Mesquita, Cristina; Lopes, Sofia; Santos, Paula ClaraA lack of physical activity in computer workers (CW) can contribute to the development of musculoskeletal symptoms (MSS). Aim: (i) Evaluate MSS over a 12 month and 7 days period, (ii) determine physical activity (PA) levels and compliance with World Health Organization (WHO) PA recommendations, and (iii) assess the relationship between compliance with WHO PA recommendations and MSS. A cross-sectional observational study comprising 119 computer workers. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) was used to evaluate the MSS and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to analyse the perception of the level of PA. MSS occurred in the lumbar region (56.3%), neck (43.7%), and shoulders (39.5%). 44.7% of the participants reported a low level of PA. The percentage of compliance was similar among women and men (62.2% vs. 58.5%, respectively). Negative correlations were found between pain intensity and metabolic equivalent values. The participants who followed the WHO PA recommendations reported a lower frequency of MSS compared to those who did not, but the differences were not statistically significant. It was possible to conclude that computer workers presented a higher frequency of MSS in the lower back, neck, and shoulders. Regarding the level of PA, participants were mostly classified as low. Participants who followed the WHO PA recommendations reported lower MSS than those who did not. This finding could be important in obtaining successful programs that promote health-oriented physical activity in this group of workers.
- Incapacidade funcional cervical, lombar e membros superiores em funcionários do Grupo CESPUPublication . Silva, R.; Sousa, G.; Brochado, G.; Rocha, P.; Coelho, A.; Lopes, S.As Lesões Músculo-Esqueléticas Relacionadas com o Trabalho foram consideradas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como uma doença de saúde pública. Estudos realizados até ao momento indicam que a tendência da prevalência de incapacidades associadas a estas lesões, venha a aumentar nos próximos anos sendo que, as regiões anatómicas que reportam sintomatologia associada ao trabalho e que por sua vez poderá criar incapacidade para o indivíduo são, a região cervical, região lombar e membro superior. Destas três regiões referidas é consensual que a região lombar é aquela com maior prevalência de sintomatologia.
- The impact of clinical pilates exercises on tension-type headaches: A case seriesPublication . Leite, Agathe; Matignon, Antoine; Marlot, Léa; Coelho, Ana; Lopes, Sofia; Brochado, GabrielaTension-type-headaches appear as the third most common disease in the general population and have a big impact on quality of life. The aim is to verify the impact of clinical Pilates exercises on pain intensity, impact headaches, neck disability, state of anxiety, depression, stress and quality of sleep in higher-education students. After a sample selection questionnaire was completed, a series of cases was carried out with 9 undergraduate students with tension-type headaches. Five instruments were applied before and after an intervention program: (i) Numerical Rating Scale—NRS, (ii) Headache Impact Test—HIT-6™, (iii) Neck Disability Index, (iv) Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales and (v) Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Four sessions of 30 min classes of Pilates exercises were held for 2 weeks. The pain intensity decreased in only 2 participants. The impact of tension-type headaches on normal daily life and ability to function was improved in all patients, and only one patient’s functional disability caused by pain in the cervical region did not improve. In regard to negative emotional states, 6 individuals reported improvements, and only one individual reported a lower quality of sleep after the program. The exercise program can induce positive effects on disorders associated with tension-type-headaches.
- The influence of an aquatic exercise program on balance in patients with ankylosing spondylitisPublication . Ferreira, Margarida; Mesquita, Cristina; Santos, Paula Clara; Borges, João; Graça, Maria; Henriques, Ana; Lopes, SofiaAnkylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease that leads to a limitation of mobility, which can cause postural deficits and progressive loss of balance. Aquatic exercise improves this health condition. The objetive is to verify the influence of an aquatic exercise program, on balance and functionality, in individuals with AS. Pre-experimental study carried out on 6 individuals with AS. All individuals were assessed at baseline (M0) and 12 weeks after the intervention (M1) using the Bath indices (BASMI, BASFI and BASDAI) and the balance assessment protocol (‘Body Sway’) by the Physiosensing Platform. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 26. Were used descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon test to compare M0 and M1. The significance value was 0.05. We verify improvements in BASMI (P = 0.046), BASFI (P = 0.042) and BASDAI (P = 0.027) scores. Through the analysis of the center of pressure variables, there were no statistically significant differences, between moments, in the protocol. However, when assessing balance, in the anteroposterior mean distance in both the protocol (eyes open) and in the protocol (eyes closed), in the root mean square in both protocols and in mediolateral mean velocity, only in the protocol (eyes open), there was a slight decrease in the median value. The present study suggests that the specific aquatic exercise program, may influence balance and improve functionality in a population with AS. Therefore, the Bath indices translate improvements in the symptoms and functionalities of these participants.
- Association of fall risk in older adults between gender, fear of falling and autonomyPublication . Rios, T; Simões, A; Lopes, SofiaAging is a natural process of the individual and is associated with a decline in physical and mental function. Given the high prevalence of older adults worldwide, it becomes ppropriated to identify the consequences of this reduction. The falls appear as a consequence more common in this specific population, which triggers the need to identify the different risk factors, in order to prevent them and create intervention programs in that way.
- Ventilação mecânica não invasiva e a severidade na disfunção temporomandibular em portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónicaPublication . Pinto, Ana Rita; Venâncio, João Paulo; Silva, Nuno; Simões, Ana; Chaves, Paula; Lopes, SofiaA doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica é uma das principais causas de morbilidade e mortalidade, sendo a ventilação mecânica não invasiva (VMNI) um meio de intervenção. Tendo em conta a biomecânica da articulação, esta intervenção pode originar disfunção temporomandibular (DTM). Verificar a prevalência de DTM em indivíduos com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica. Secundariamente pretendeu-se avaliar a severidade de DTM associada ao número de horas/anos de utilização de VMNI, ao tipo de interface e ao modo ventilatório nesses doentes. Estudo transversal constituído por 49 doentes com patologia obstrutiva. Foi aplicado o Questionário Anamnésico de Fonseca. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se o coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman e o teste de Mann-Whitney com α=0,05. Relativamente à severidade de DTM constatou-se que 15 indivíduos apresentavam DTM leve. Verificou-se uma associação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre o número de horas/anos de utilização de VMNI (r=0,422; p=0,01) e uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a severidade de DTM e modo ventilatório (p=0,018). Quanto à severidade de DTM em função do tipo de interface (p=0,833) constatou-se que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Concluiu-se que a maioria dos doentes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica apresentavam DTM e foram classificados como DTM leve. Verificou-se uma associação positiva entre o número de horas e de anos de utilização de VMNI nestes doentes.
- e-FisioPausa – Impacto de um programa de exercício na qualidade de vida e na atividade física em funcionários do grupo CESPU: série de casosPublication . Afonso, Anthony; Lopes, Sofia; Le Pape, Eloise; Martins, Johanna; Pietri, Julie; Rocha, PaulaA prática de atividade física e principalmente de exercício físico regular de pelo menos 150 minutos de intensidade moderada ou 75 minutos de alta intensidade semanal é importante para uma boa condição de saúde e qualidade de vida. A modernização do trabalho e do seu ambiente, leva a um aumento do sedentarismo, favorecendo a ocorrência de doenças músculo-esqueléticas, cardiovasculares e outras, nos trabalhadores de escritório com grande impacto na qualidade de vida. O confinamento devido à COVID-19 aumentou estes riscos, surgindo assim a necessidade de intervir nestes trabalhadores.