Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2021-08"
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- Drug–drug interaction in elderly patients with cancerPublication . Capitão, Romana; Jesus, Ângelo; Oliveira, Rita; Afreixo, VeraElderly cancer patients have a high risk of exposure to potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs), given the therapeutic complexity to which they are subjected. The study of pDDIs is very important to enable more effective treatments, with the least possible number of complications.The aim of this study was to identify and characterize pDDIs in elderly cancer patients treated at the Day Hospital of IPO-Porto
- The influence of an aquatic exercise program on balance in patients with ankylosing spondylitisPublication . Ferreira, Margarida; Mesquita, Cristina; Santos, Paula Clara; Borges, João; Graça, Maria; Henriques, Ana; Lopes, SofiaAnkylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease that leads to a limitation of mobility, which can cause postural deficits and progressive loss of balance. Aquatic exercise improves this health condition. The objetive is to verify the influence of an aquatic exercise program, on balance and functionality, in individuals with AS. Pre-experimental study carried out on 6 individuals with AS. All individuals were assessed at baseline (M0) and 12 weeks after the intervention (M1) using the Bath indices (BASMI, BASFI and BASDAI) and the balance assessment protocol (‘Body Sway’) by the Physiosensing Platform. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 26. Were used descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon test to compare M0 and M1. The significance value was 0.05. We verify improvements in BASMI (P = 0.046), BASFI (P = 0.042) and BASDAI (P = 0.027) scores. Through the analysis of the center of pressure variables, there were no statistically significant differences, between moments, in the protocol. However, when assessing balance, in the anteroposterior mean distance in both the protocol (eyes open) and in the protocol (eyes closed), in the root mean square in both protocols and in mediolateral mean velocity, only in the protocol (eyes open), there was a slight decrease in the median value. The present study suggests that the specific aquatic exercise program, may influence balance and improve functionality in a population with AS. Therefore, the Bath indices translate improvements in the symptoms and functionalities of these participants.
- Developing Emotional Intelligence with a Game: The League of Emotions Learners ApproachPublication . Santos, Jaione; Jesmin, Triinu; Martis, António; Maunder, Michelle; Cruz, Sandra; Novo, Carolina; Schiff, Hannah; Bessa, Pedro; Costa, Ricardo; Vaz de Carvalho, CarlosBeing able to understand, express, and communicate emotions is widely recognized as a fundamental competence. For the younger generation entering the professional market, this is particularly relevant as, in this context, emotions are managed and communicated in ways (and channels) that are different from what they are used to and that can easily lead to misunderstandings. Therefore, it is important to analyze how young people deal with, understand, and interpret emotions, particularly in the context of a professional career where the ability to dialogue with different people and how to get around problems in a healthy and resilient way is essential. This analysis will allow one to design and create tools that allow the younger generation to improve their emotional intelligence and competence. This article introduces the League of Emotions Learners (LoEL) project, an innovative initiative that, through a game app, develops the emotional competence and intelligence of young people. The article then presents the results obtained in the initial validation that led to the positive understanding of its impact.
- A gestão da informação como facilitadora do empoderamento psicológico e da melhoria do desempenho profissionalPublication . Pinto, Cláudia; Carvalho, Milena; Martins, SusanaA informação é imprescindível às organizações. Estas estruturam-na e classificam-na com~base na sua orgânica e nas suas funções e atividades, ou seja, com base na produção documental, nos fluxos de informação entre departamentos, na salvaguarda e prova que essa informação constitui. Na Goweb Agency, Lda., a maioria dos documentos existia apenas para efeitos de certificação de qualidade. Por forma a melhorar a gestão da informação na organização, todos os documentos foram organizados de forma válida, intuitiva e assente nas necessidades informacionais dos colaboradores. Ao incorporá-los nas tarefas rotineiras do quotidiano e ao incentivar o seu uso, criando e adequando a partilha e a gestão de informação nas atividades da empresa, assistiu-se a uma diminuição da tensão interna entre os colaboradores, a um aumento do seu grau de satisfação, da sua eficiência e eficácia e da satisfação dos clientes da empresa, devido ao desempenho e à qualidade do trabalho apresentado.
- Silicon improves the redox homeostasis to alleviate glyphosate toxicity in tomato plants—are nanomaterials relevant?Publication . Soares, Cristiano; Nadais, Pedro; Sousa, Bruno; Pinto, Edgar; Ferreira, Isabel M. P. V. O.; Pereira, Ruth; Fidalgo, FernandaGiven the widespread use of glyphosate (GLY), this agrochemical is becoming a source of contamination in agricultural soils, affecting non-target plants. Therefore, sustainable strategies to increase crop tolerance to GLY are needed. From this perspective and recalling silicon (Si)’s role in alleviating different abiotic stresses, the main goal of this study was to assess if the foliar application of Si, either as bulk or nano forms, is capable of enhancing Solanum lycopersicum L. tolerance to GLY (10 mg kg−1). After 28 day(s), GLY-treated plants exhibited growth-related disorders in both shoots and roots, accompanied by an overproduction of superoxide anion (O2•−) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in shoots. Although plants solely exposed to GLY have activated non-enzymatic antioxidant mechanisms (proline, ascorbate and glutathione), a generalized inhibition of the antioxidant enzymes was found, suggesting the occurrence of great redox disturbances. In response to Si or nano-SiO2 co-application, most of GLY phytotoxic effects on growth were prevented, accompanied with a better ROS removal, especially by an upregulation of the main antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). Overall, results pointed towards the potential of both sources of Si to reduce GLY-induced oxidative stress, without major differences between their efficacy.
- Cenografia em campo expandido: práticas artísticas e terminologias em debatePublication . Maia, HelderNesta apresentação procurarei expor alguns elementos que nos ajudam a caracterizar a cenografia como prática artística que, pela sua herança das práticas de palco (stagecrafts) se afirma como uma arte de criação coletiva, material e socialmente implicada. A diversidade deste campo disciplinar, corroborada pela história, não nos permite centrar a discussão no âmbito das terminologias, antes nos obriga a uma forte reflexão sobre práticas e métodos. A performatividade tem sido uns dos assuntos centrais na evolução dos conceitos. Perante a vertigem da imediatez, alguns autores têm procurado estabelecer relações entre a cenografia e a performance design, procurando recentrar as discussões sobre cenografia, o seu caracter expositivo e de curadoria, aspeto em relação ao qual sou crítico. As abordagens contemporâneas colocam a cenografia e uma boa parte da sua expressão num campo híbrido e interdisciplinar que, de uma forma positiva alarga o seu campo de trabalho e reflexão, atraindo novos pensadores para as questões da espacialidade nas artes. Sabendo do valor desta abertura, não podemos ficar indiferentes ao interesse que alguns assuntos têm tido entre a comunidade académica. Por outro lado, percebemos que a abrangência e expansão do campo de discussão também nos coloca numa zona cinzenta de dispersão de referências, principalmente do ponto de vista das metodologias e das práticas artísticas. O que norteia a minha intervenção não é a defesa da práxis como contraponto às propostas desenvolvidas, antes a procura de uma noção de equilíbrio, assumindo o interesse de uma Practice based or led research, que nos situe e nos ajude a enfrentar o futuro sem reservas e preconceitos, mas também sem fronteiras, valorizando o campo frutuoso de debate no qual participamos hoje.
- Systematic review of intrapartum fetal heart rate spectral analysis and an application in the detection of fetal acidemiaPublication . Castro, Luísa; Loureiro, Maria; Henriques, Teresa S.; Nunes, InêsIt is fundamental to diagnose fetal acidemia as early as possible, allowing adequate obstetrical interventions to prevent brain damage or perinatal death. The visual analysis of cardiotocography traces has been complemented by computerized methods in order to overcome some of its limitations in the screening of fetal hypoxia/acidemia. Spectral analysis has been proposed by several studies exploring fetal heart rate recordings while referring to a great variety of frequency bands for integrating the power spectrum. In this paper, the main goal was to systematically review the spectral bands reported in intrapartum fetal heart rate studies and to evaluate their performance in detecting fetal acidemia/hypoxia. A total of 176 articles were reviewed, from MEDLINE, and 26 were included for the extraction of frequency bands and other relevant methodological information. An open-access fetal heart rate database was used, with recordings of the last half an hour of labor of 246 fetuses. Four different umbilical artery pH cutoffs were considered for fetuses' classification into acidemic or non-acidemic: 7.05, 7.10, 7.15, and 7.20. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) was used to quantify the frequency bands' ability to distinguish acidemic fetuses. Bands referring to low frequencies, mainly associated with neural sympathetic activity, were the best at detecting acidemic fetuses, with the more severe definition (pH ≤ 7.05) attaining the highest values for the AUROC. This study shows that the power spectrum analysis of the fetal heart rate is a simple and powerful tool that may become an adjunctive method to CTG, helping healthcare professionals to accurately identify fetuses at risk of intrapartum hypoxia and to implement timely obstetrical interventions to reduce the incidence of related adverse perinatal outcomes.
- The influence of miRNAs on radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer – a systematic reviewPublication . Soares, Sílvia; Guerreiro, Susana S.; Cruz-Martins, Natália; Sousa Pinho Faria, Isabel Maria; Baylina, Pilar; Sales, Maria Goretti; Correa-Duarte, Miguel A.; Fernandes, RúbenIn the last years, extensive investigation on miRNomics have shown to have great advantages in cancer personalized medicine regarding diagnosis, treatment and even clinical outcomes. Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common male cancer and about 50% of all PCa patients received radiotherapy (RT), despite some of them develop radioresistance. Here, we aim to provide an overview on the mechanisms of miRNA biogenesis and to discuss the functional impact of miRNAs on PCa under radiation response. As main findings, 23 miRNAs were already identified as being involved in genetic regulation of PCa cell response to RT. The mechanisms of radioresistance are still poorly understood, despite it has been suggested that miRNAs play an important role in cell signaling pathways. Identification of miRNAs panel can be thus considered an upcoming and potentially useful strategy in PCa diagnosis, given that radioresistance biomarkers, in both prognosis and therapy still remains a challenge.
- Ganhos em saúde em utentes internados em unidades de media duração e reabilitaçãoPublication . Almeida, Diogo; Amoedo, Natália; Morais, Carminda; Nunes, Alcina; Pimenta, RuiO envelhecimento da população, o aumento das patologias crónicas e as mudanças de perfil da rede familiar obrigaram a repensar os cuidados de saúde. Criou-se, assim, a Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados, sendo a Unidade de Média Duração e Reabilitação (UMDR) uma das tipologias de cuidados e foco de análise do presente estudo. Pretende-se avaliar os ganhos em saúde obtidos com o internamento em UMDR ao nível do estado cognitivo, do risco de queda e da independência funcional; relacionar o estado cognitivo no momento da admissão com a independência funcional no momento da alta; analisar os ganhos a nível do estado cognitivo, do risco de queda e da independência funcional em função do género. Realizou-se um estudo observacional, analítico e retrospectivo, segundo a metodologia STROBE. Partiu-se da análise documental inerente à base de dados da UMDR, dos doentes internados no período de 1/01/2017 a 31/12/2020, perfazendo 342 indivíduos, dos quais 33 foram excluídos. Recolheram-se dados relativos à caraterização sociodemográfica, ao momento de admissão e ao momento da alta do estado cognitivo, do risco de queda e da independência funcional, avaliados respetivamente através dos seguintes instrumentos, Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, Berg Balance Scale e Índice de Barthel. Definiu-se o nível de significância de 5%. A amostra foi constituída por 309 indivíduos, maioritariamente do sexo masculino, 56% (n=173), com média ± Desvio Padrão de idade 73,9±12,2 anos, casados 39,8% (n=123), reformados 83,8% (n=259) e com um diagnóstico principal de acidente vascular cerebral 45,6% (n=141). O estudo evidenciou ganhos em saúde estatisticamente significativos ao nível do estado cognitivo, do risco de queda e da independência funcional (p≤0,001). Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas no nível da independência funcional no momento da alta, atendendo ao estado cognitivo inicial (p≤0,001) e, entre géneros, ao nível dos ganhos em saúde de estado cognitivo (p=0,016), risco de queda (p≤0,001) e independência funcional (p≤0,001).
- Digital pathology in the immunohistochemical evaluation of biomarkers in breast cancerPublication . Lopes, J.; Silva, S.; Monteiro, J.; Pinto, I.M.; Silva, ReginaCurrently, the evaluation of biomarkers HER-2 and ER is critical for targeting therapy for breast cancer and is performed by experienced pathologists, which takes time and causes a certain interobserver variability. The use of histological slide scanners coupled with the application of software for immunoexpression quantification can be profitable in pathological laboratories routine. This study aims to compare the quantification of HER-2 and ER immunoexpression employing automatic algorithms, using as standard the evaluation performed by a pathologist.
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