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  • Influence of two tapings on the reaction time of the peroneal muscles
    Publication . Ferreira, A.; Monteiro, P.; Carvalho, Paulo; Moreira, Camilo
    This study aimed to investigate the influence of two different types of tapings on the reaction time of the peroneal muscles, using surface electromyography, in female volleyball athletes with sprain history and indicators of instability. A quasi-experimental study with a sample of 15 athletes was conducted. Adhesive elastic tapings heel-lock and kinesiotape, with peroneus and ligament application, were compared. For data analysis the parametric tests repeated measures ANOVA and T test for paired samples were used. The application of the kinesiotape reduced the reaction time of peroneal muscles significantly while the adhesive elastic band had no significative influence on it.
  • Efeitos do exercício físico aeróbio combinado com tranferência elétrica capacitiva E R.
    Publication . Noites, Andreia; Vale, Ana Luísa Pinto; Pereira, Ana Sofia Teixeira; Morais, Andreia Sofia Silva; Carvalho, Paulo; Mendonça, Adriana; Vilarinho, Rui
    A acumulação de tecido adiposo na região abdominal é um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares. No sentido de procurar estratégias que atuem sobre a adiposidade abdominal, a Transferência Elétrica Capacitiva Resistiva e o exercício físico surgem como aliados, permitindo intervir nas medidas antropométricas, indicadoras desse risco. Verificar as diferenças provocadas nas medidas antropométricas por quatro sessões de um protocolo de transferência elétrica capacitiva resistiva abdominal combinada com exercício físico aeróbio, quando comparado com exercício físico aeróbio isolado. ambos os protocolos após quatro sessões nas medidas antropométricas. Este estudo randomizado controlado duplamente cego, contou com a participação de 28 indivíduos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, o grupo experimental (n=14) e placebo (n=14). Foram realizadas 4 sessões, com um intervalo mínimo de 24 horas entre elas. Os participantes alocados ao grupo experimental foram sujeitos a uma sessão de Transferência Elétrica Capacitiva abdominal seguida de exercício físico aeróbio de intensidade moderada. O grupo placebo realizou o protocolo de Transferência Elétrica Capacitiva com intensidade de zero watts, seguido do protocolo de exercício físico aeróbio semelhante ao do grupo experimental. Procedeu-se à avaliação das medidas antropométricas, nomeadamente perímetro da cintura, rácio cintura/altura e à medição da espessura de tecido adiposo subcutâneo com recurso à ultrassonografia, antes do início da intervenção e imediatamente após a quarta sessão. O estudo foi aprovado pela comissão de ética da Escola Superior de Saúde- Politécnico do Porto (registo nrº 1351/2018). Observaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas em todas as medidas (p<0,05), sendo que o GE apresentou uma diminuição significativa destas variáveis (p<0,05). A associação da radiofrequência com o exercício físico parece ser um meio coadjuvante na redução do tecido adiposo abdominal em indivíduos do sexo feminino saudáveis.
  • Activation timings of the scapular stabilizers in subjects with a stroke affecting the right versus left hemispheres
    Publication . Ferreira, S.; Silva, Cláudia; Silva, A.; Carvalho, Paulo; Santos, Rubim
    Lesions affecting the right hemisphere influence the ability to plan the virtual reaching trajectory and, consequently the postural control. On the other hand, left hemisphere lesions affect the ability to select the adequate motor program to reach the target. This study aimed to explore the existence of differences at the activation timings and sequence of activation of the scapular stabilizers, mainly the serratus anterior, superior, middle and inferior trapezius fibers, in relation to the anterior deltoid, in subjects with a stroke affecting the right versus left hemispheres, during reaching. Besides, it aimed to establish comparisons between both sides of each subject and a group of subjects without of each subject and a group of subjects without pathology.
  • Análise da sequência do movimento de levantar/sentar, em indivíduos pós AVE: Estudo da relação da activação dos músculos vasto medial oblíquo e vasto lateral
    Publication . Gomes, Joana; Carvalho, Paulo; Santos, Rubim; Silva, Cláudia C.; Sousa, Andreia S. P.; Silva, Augusta
    O objectivo deste estudo foi comparar o rácio dos músculos Vasto Medial Oblíquo (VMO) e Vasto Lateral (VL), na sequência de movimento de levantar e sentar, em indivíduos sem patologia e em indivíduos com Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE). Pretendeu-se também verificar a sequência de activação de alguns músculos do membro inferior na sequência de movimento de levantar. Verificou-se existir diferenças significativas para afirmar que, no movimento de levantar, indivíduos com sequelas de AVE apresentam menor rácio VMO/VL no membro predominantemente atingido em relação aos indivíduos sem patologia. Diferentes sequências de activação muscular durante o movimento de levantar foram observadas.
  • FIFA 11+ para a Prevenção de lesões em jogadores de futebol: revisão de revisões
    Publication . Pinto, João; Direito-Santos, Bruno; Lobo, Ricardo; Gustavo, Diogo; Carvalho, Paulo
    O objetivo desta revisão de revisões é aferir se o FIFA 11+ é eficaz na prevenção de lesões no futebol. Foi feita pesquisa de revisões sistemáticas publicadas após 2014 nas bases de dados PubMed e PEDro. As revisões foram avaliadas através da checklist AMSTAR. No total quatro revisões sistemáticas foram incluídas, três delas com meta-análise. A qualidade da evidência encontrada é de moderada a elevada qualidade. Conclui-se que existe moderada a elevada evidência de que a utilização do protocolo FIFA 11+ reduz o número de todas as lesões totais e das lesões específicas do membro inferior.
  • Diagnostic ultrasound assessment of deep fascia sliding mobility in vivo: A scoping review – Part 2: Femoral and crural fasciae
    Publication . Soares, Hélio Rafael; Pinheiro, Ana Rita; Crasto, Carlos; Barbosa, Pedro; Dias, Nuno; Carvalho, Paulo
    Failure of fascial sliding may occur in cases of excessive or inappropriate use, trauma, or surgery, resulting in local inflammation, pain, sensitization, and potential dysfunction. Therefore, the mechanical properties of fascial tissues, including their mobility, have been evaluated in vivo by ultrasound (US) imaging. However, this seems to be a method that is not yet properly standardized nor validated. To identify, synthesize, and collate the critical methodological principles that have been described in the literature for US evaluation of deep fascia sliding mobility in vivo in humans. A systematic literature search was conducted on ScienceDirect, PubMed (Medline), Web of Science and B-On databases, according to the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines. The OCEBM LoE was used to evaluate the level of evidence of each study. ́ From a total of 104 full-text articles retrieved and assessed for eligibility, 18 papers were included that evaluate the deep fasciae of the thoracolumbar (n ¼ 4), abdominal (n ¼ 7), femoral (n ¼ 4) and crural (n ¼ 3) regions. These studies addressed issues concerning either diagnosis (n ¼ 11) or treatment benefits (n ¼ 7) and presented levels of evidence ranging from II to IV. Various terms were used to describe the outcome measures representing fascial sliding. Also, different procedures to induce fascial sliding, positioning of the individuals being assessed, and features of US devices were used. The US analysis methods included the comparison of start and end frames and the use of cross-correlation software techniques through automated tracking algorithms. These methods had proven to be reliable to measure sliding between TLF, TrA muscle-fascia junctions, fascia lata, and crural fascia, and the adjacent epimysial fascia. However, the papers presented heterogeneous terminologies, research questions, populations, and methodologies. This two-part paper reviews the evidence obtained for the thoracolumbar and abdominal fasciae (Part 1) and for the femoral and crural fasciae (Part 2). The US methods used to evaluate deep fascia sliding mobility in vivo in humans include the comparison of start and end frames and the use of cross-correlation software techniques through automated tracking algorithms. These seem reliable methods to measure sliding of some fasciae, but more studies need to be systematized to confirm their reliability for others. Moreover, specific standardized protocols are needed to assess each anatomical region as well as study if age, sex-related characteristics, body composition, or specific clinical conditions influence US results.
  • Ligaduras funcionais na Fisioterapia
    Publication . Magalhães, Bárbara; Carvalho, Paulo
    O texto de apoio aqui proposto têm por objetivo a criação de um auxiliar de estudo, contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão da realização de ligaduras funcionais em lesões do sistema músculo-esqueléticas. Consideramos este documento uma peça fundamental para a aquisição das competências básicas dos futuros fisioterapeutas.
  • Effects of radiofrequency on adipose tissue: A systematic review with meta-analysis
    Publication . Vale, Ana Luísa; Pereira, Ana Sofia; Morais, Andreia; Noites, Andreia; Mendonça, Adriana Clemente; Martins Pinto, Juliana; Vilarinho, Rui; Carvalho, Paulo
    Equipment that acts in the reduction in adipose tissue are becomingwidely investigated. One of the resources that begin to gain recognition is radiofre-quency. To verify the existence of scientific evidence and the methodological qualityof the articles on the effects of radiofrequency in the reduction in adipose tissue. Systematic review with meta‐analysis on the effects of radiofre-quency on adipose tissue. The research was carried out using several databases andincluding experimental studies only in humans. The evaluation of the methodologicalquality of the articles was done based on the PEDro Scale. Twelve articles related with adipose tissue and cellulitis were included.There was a great variability of protocols, and the methodological quality was gen-erally low and the methods most used for the evaluation of results were anthro-pometry, photography, and histopathology. Clinical results suggest a positive effectof radiofrequency on the reduction in adipose tissue, proving an increase in adipo-cyte lipolysis. After statistical analysis, it was verified that the anthropometry pre-sented questionable results. The clinical results of the studies point to the positive effects ofradiofrequency on the reduction in adipose tissue; however, the low methodologicalmake this topic still debatable, requiring more controlled studies.
  • Effect of an aerobic exercise session combined with abdominal radiofrequency on lipolytic activity in women: Randomized control trial
    Publication . Noites, Andreia; Vale, Ana Luísa; Pereira, Ana Sofia; Morais, Andreia; Vilarinho, Rui; Carvalho, Paulo; Amorim, Manuela; Moreira, Teresa; Mendonça, Adriana
    Abdominal adiposity is a cardiovascular risk factor; it is assumed that the combination of radiofrequency and physical exercise may decrease this excess of adipose tissue. To understand whether an aerobic physical exercise session associated with abdominal radiofrequency increases the level of lipolytic activity. The study analyzes the effect of a combined aerobic exercise session with radiofrequency. Participants were 30 healthy female volunteers, aged 18-28 years, randomly assigned to an experimental group and placebo group. They were characterized by a sociodemographic questionnaire, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Food Frequency Questionnaire. The groups performed an abdominal radiofrequency session followed by moderate aerobic exercise, assessing glycerol concentration and lipid profile values before and after the intervention. In the experimental group, a percentage of potency was used that allowed to maintain the temperature between 40º C and 42º C to the epidermis. In the placebo group, the power of the radiofrequency was 0 Watt. To compare results, Student's t test was used for a significance level of 0.05. There were no significant changes in glycerol concentrations between groups (P > 0.05). There were no changes in the lipid profile of both groups after the intervention (P > 0.05). The association of exercise with radiofrequency did not present an increased effect on lipolytic activity when compared to the isolated exercise. The application of this technique is a safe intervention.
  • Rehabilitation outcomes and parameters of blood flow restriction training in ACL injury: a scoping review
    Publication . Caetano, Daniel; Oliveira, Catarina; Correia, Cristiana; Barbosa, Pedro; Mesquita Montes, António; Carvalho, Paulo
    To identify the outcomes of physical function, physical fitness, training, and cuff parameters, used in BFRT in ACL rehabilitation. This scoping review was initiated on April 25th, 2020, according to the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Relevant literature was identified searching three main concepts: BFRT, rehabilitation and ACL injury on MEDLINE (PubMed), CENTRAL of Cochrane Library, Web of Science and PEDro. Studies looking at adults with a primary ACL injury undergoing conservative or pre/post-surgery rehabilitation with BFR or BFRT, with physical fitness and physical function as outcomes or other physical outcomes were included. Sixty-eight articles were identified and six were included. One article was added through backward tracking. All studies used BFRT in the ACL injury surgical rehabilitation. Most studies evaluated physical fitness (muscular strength and volume) however, physical function was not considered a pri mary outcome. Training and cuff parameters were heterogeneously prescribed. The existing evidence is not enough to draw definitive conclusions due to the heterogenous reported outcomes and parameters. Future investigation with standardized outcome measures and specific protocols are needed to draw conclusions on patients’ physical function, so BFRT can be used more effectively in clinical rehabilitation practice.