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  • Comfortable but Not Brilliant: Exploring the Incubation Experience of Founders of Technology-Based Startups
    Publication . Vaz, R.; Teixeira, Sandrina; Vidal De Carvalho, Joao
    Business incubators have been highlighted as vital contributors and value-creation organizations to entrepreneurs during their venture developments by offering them multiple resources and specialized support. Notwithstanding, several authors call attention to the significant literature gap concerning research focusing on entrepreneurs’ daily lived incubation experiences to understand their perspectives on incubators. This study aims to explore which aspects are perceived as creating value or limiting the venture development of 16 founders of technology-based startups by interviewing them. Ultimately, it contributes valuable insights about incubation factors that enhance or hinder their overall incubation experience. It suggests that entrepreneurs consider intangible resources and social and relational aspects as the most enriching dimensions of their incubation experiences and concludes with the services they consider to be more important. Moreover, it also reveals negative aspects of the incubation experience, mostly related to the nonregular periodicity of mentoring sessions, training events provided by external entities, and issues while using services provided by external incubators’ partners. Several recommendations for enhancing the incubation experience, managerial implications, and opportunities for further research are discussed.
  • A Importância dos catálogos para o sector do vestuário português qualidade estética e gráfica dos catálogos
    Publication . Teixeira, Sandrina
    O catálogo é um produto de comunicação com presença forte no mundo da moda, reflexo por excelência de cada coleção e imagem de marca. Verifica-se que os critérios objectivos de avaliação dos catálogos não foram ainda alvo de uma análise estruturada e aprofundada, apesar da importância que possuem para as empresas do sector do Vestuário. Assim, decidiuse estudar os elementos que definem o nível de qualidade estética e gráfica dos catálogos de vestuário. Analisaram-se catálogos de marcas portuguesas e internacionais da indústria da moda cuja qualidade é reconhecida pelos profissionais de design. Como resultado desse estudo foi criada a Matriz AQC - Matriz de Avaliação da Qualidade dos Catálogos Produto e a Matriz AQC – Matriz de avaliação da Qualidade dos Catálogos Imagem.
  • Understanding the Impact of Online Communication Strategies on Consumer Purchase Intention for Green Cosmetics
    Publication . Teixeira, Sara; Oliveira, Zaila; Teixeira, Sandrina; Teixeira, Sara
    ncreased environmental awareness has increased the demand for green products, mainly cosmetics. This fact challenges companies to adapt to changes and consider environmental problems in their communication strategies to offer products that meet current trends in the consumer market. This implies the need to understand the antecedents of purchase intention better. This research was guided by the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) with the aim of understanding the impact of online communication strategies on consumer purchase intention of green cosmetics. Intention to purchase green cosmetics was measured, as were two of the main TPB constructs, specifically attitude and subjective norms. In addition, other variables were added to the study, such as electronic word of mouth (e-WOM), influencer marketing, and brand content. Data collected through an online survey (N = 151) were analysed using statistical techniques based on variance through partial least squares (PLS) using the SmartPLS3 v.3.3.9 software. The results show that the online communication strategies that impact the purchase intention of green cosmetics are e-WOM and brand content. In practice, the results obtained provide valuable information for professionals and academics, benefiting the perception of the factors that motivate the intention to purchase green cosmetics, contributing to the implementation of better online communication strategies.
  • Developing a digital business incubator model to Foster Entrepreneurship, Business Growth, and Academia–Industry Connections
    Publication . Vaz, R.; Vidal de Carvalho, Joao; Teixeira, Sandrina
    The roles and positive impacts of business incubators, including virtual ones, in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in multiple industries, and their consequent contributions to fostering sustainable economic growth and social development, have been highly advocated in the extant literature. Nonetheless, several authors highlight the urgent need to further carry out research concerning these structures’ operation models by involving end users, since knowledge related to this phenomenon remains scant. This study sets out to convey the third phase of a broader research and development project following a design science research methodology. Ultimately, this contributes to the field by proposing a new virtual business incubator model with immediate practical applicability. This model was cocreated and validated with 23 incubator managers and startup founders from 15 business incubation centers during focus group sessions and organized into 8 dimensions concluded as fundamental in future digital incubation programs. Moreover, this study offers knowledgeable guidelines to support academics, practitioners, organization managers, or other professionals interested in building and running virtual business incubators. The main strengths and weaknesses of the proposed model are also highlighted, and several recommendations are provided to surpass the expected challenging stages of its implementation.
  • Leadership challenges in the context of university 4.0. A thematic synthesis literature review
    Publication . Rocha, Álvaro; Gonçalves, Maria José Angélico; Ferreira da Silva, Amélia; Teixeira, Sandrina; Silva, Rui
    Supported by an environment that is increasingly immersed in digital transformation, universities are facing important organizational changes in both tangible and intangible structures. Digital transformation isn’t all about technology, there is a human side of the story. Leadership is seen as a key issue in any process of change. However, leaders of professional and knowledge-based institutions, like universities, face special demands. The present article aims to synthesize what has been investigated about leadership in the context of University 4.0. A systematic approach was adopted in conducting the literature review. The main body of the article focuses on illustrating five thematic clusters grounded in the literature and identifying co-citation network of each cluster using bibliometrics. Results demonstrate that this is an emerging theme. This paper is the first attempt to systematically review all research that so far has been made available in the broad field of leadership in University 4.0.
  • Information Technology Adoption on Digital Marketing: A Literature Review
    Publication . Figueiredo, Fátima; Gonçalves, Maria José Angélico; Teixeira, Sandrina
    Data generation is currently expanding at an astonishing pace, and the function of marketing is becoming increasingly sophisticated and customized. Companies seek to understand their internal corporate environment and externalities and to exponentially enhance their marketing power. This study aims to understand the influence of Big data analysis on digital marketing. The methodologies used to approach this issue were: (a) a systematic literature review based on articles dated between 2014 and 2020; and (b) a bibliometric analysis of articles dated between 2000 and 2020 using the software VOSviewer. The literature review allowed us to conclude that in the next decades, the business world in general, and marketing in particular, will define more oriented strategies based on a more profound knowledge of consumer behavior. Artificial intelligence agents driven by machine learning methods, technology, and Big data will be a conditioning factor in defining these strategies
  • Towards a Unified Virtual Business Incubator Model: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis
    Publication . Vaz, R.; Vidal De Carvalho, Joao; Teixeira, Sandrina
    Virtual business incubators have been highlighted for their positive impacts in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in several business areas, contributing to sustainable economic growth and social development. However, despite their crucial roles, previous literature emphasizes that research concerning their business models has been largely ignored, and several important issues are still unaddressed. This article aims to contribute to filling this gap and advancing this field by providing the first bibliometric and systematic literature review, as far as the authors know, concerning virtual business incubator models. The main results reveal the following: that academic production is relatively new, fragmented, and develops under a diversity of research paths; the analyzed models (n = 12) have only some dimensions in common and are proposed based on three different perspectives (business organization and management, information and communication systems, and user experience); there is not a virtual business incubator model more suitable to support digital businesses or startups creation. Based on the results, it is argued that there is a need to further develop a model towards a unified virtual business incubator by actively involving different stakeholders during its design. This research can help managers, academics, and other professionals interested in running virtual business incubator programs.
  • Facebook's features and the impact on the purchase behavior of consumers of organic products: generation Y And Z
    Publication . Teixeira, Elisabete; Lima, Ana; Teixeira, Sandrina
    In the era of digital globalization, there are many behavioral changes in consumption. Most social media users use them to search for information about a product to determine whether they want to proceed with the purchase. Therefore, companies must develop digital marketing strategies for their profiles on social networks, especially in competitive markets, such as organic products. The objective of this study is to understand whether Facebook’s features have an influence on the purchasing behavior of consumers of organic products and which of the features has the most impact on these individuals. A questionnaire was created to carry out this study, which received 205 responses. The results of the study showed a positive influence of the following Facebook features on the purchase behavior of consumers of organic products: the “like” button, the “share” button, and the “advertising” button. Furthermore, these features proved to be more influential on Generation Z.
  • Design de uma framework digital de incubação de empresas: promover o empreendedorismo, o crescimento de negócios e as conexões academia-indústria
    Publication . Vaz, R.; Vidal De Carvalho, Joao; Teixeira, Sandrina
    Os papéis e os impactos positivos que as incubadoras de empresas assumem na promoção do empreendedorismo e da inovação em múltiplas indústrias, incluindo as virtuais, e as suas consequentes contribuições para a promoção do crescimento económico sustentável e do desenvolvimento social, têm sido altamente salientados na literatura. No entanto, vários autores sublinham a necessidade premente de desenvolver a investigação relacionada com os modelos de funcionamento destas estruturas e envolver os utilizadores finais ao longo do processo, uma vez que o conhecimento relacionado com este fenómeno permanece escasso. Esta investigação incide na terceira fase do projeto de investigação da Incubadora Digital do CEOS.PP, desenvolvido segundo os princípios da metodologia de design science. Em última análise, este trabalho contribui para a área científica assinalada, propondo uma nova framework de criação e gestão de incubadoras digitais de empresas, com aplicabilidade prática imediata. Esta framework foi cocriada e validada com gestores de incubadoras e fundadores de startups de múltiplos centros de incubação de empresas durante sessões de focus group, estruturando-se em 8 dimensões consideradas fundamentais para futuros programas de incubação digital. Além disso, este estudo oferece recomendações baseadas na experiência diária dos participantes para apoiar académicos, investigadores, gestores de organizações e outros profissionais interessados em construir e gerir incubadoras de empresas em ambientes virtuais. Os principais pontos fortes e fracos da framework proposta são também destacados, discutindo-se, por fim, diversas recomendações para superar etapas identificadas previamente como críticas durante o processo da sua implementação.