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Alberto Alves Carvalhais, Carlos

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  • Qualidade do ar interior em jardins-de-infância: relação entre os parâmetros ambientais e os níveis de ocupação dos espaços
    Publication . Santos, Joana; Aguiar, Mafalda; Alberto Alves Carvalhais, Carlos; Pereira, Cristiana; Fernandes, Anabela; Vieira Da Silva, Manuela; Santos Baptista, João; Teixeira, João Paulo
    Os edifícios escolares são espaços com características específicas, onde a garantia de condições de trabalho saudáveis é fundamental para a aprendizagem e bem-estar dos ocupantes. Contudo, os novos padrões arquitectónicos têm potenciado o aparecimento de edifícios mais herméticos, com reduzidas taxas de ventilação e problemas relacionados com a qualidade do ar interior (QAI). Com a recente legislação, adoptaram-se valores de referência para os parâmetros químicos e microbiológicos. A concentração de CO2 e microrganismos viáveis pode dar uma boa indicação da eficiência da ventilação. Neste âmbito, efectuou-se um estudo que teve como objectivos relacionar as concentrações de CO2 e microrganismos viáveis com os níveis de ocupação e eficiência da ventilação de salas de aulas. A quantificação dos parâmetros ambientais baseou-se na caracterização estrutural e de funcionamento do edifício. As amostragens foram efectuadas na Primavera, em nove salas de aula de quatro jardins-de-infância (JI) com diferentes tipos de construção. Os resultados demonstraram que os JI recentes apresentaram concentrações médias de CO2 superiores às verificadas nos JI do "plano centenário", atingindo valores máximos de 3400 ppm nos períodos de ocupação. Obtiveram-se concentrações elevadas de bactérias gram positivas nos JI de construção recente, que podem estar relacionadas com a sobrelotação dos espaços e ventilação insuficiente. Os valores de velocidade do ar também revelam a constante estagnação do ar nos espaços. O aumento das taxas de ventilação e sensibilização dos ocupantes são medidas chave para a melhoria da QAI. Contudo, é na fase de projecto do edifício que devem surgir preocupações com a QAI.
  • Health care staff perception of noise in neonatal intensive care units: a questionnaire survey from NeoNoise Project
    Publication . Alberto Alves Carvalhais, Carlos; Santos, J.; Coelho, M.; Xavier, A.; Silva, M.
    A hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is designed to treat premature infants who need special care. These kind of units have become quite sophisticated, with a sort of medical devices that support an array of health care staff, such, physicians, nurses, health technicians, etc. (Konkani & Oakley, 2012). Noise in NICU is recognized as an agent with negative implications on health and well-being of premature infants (Nicolau, Casal, Lopes, & Kronenberg, 2005) and health professionals (Carvalhais, Santos, Vieira da Silva, & Xavier, 2015). Noise in NICU, and its effects on patients and staff, such as physiological and psychological disorders, has become an important issue, particularly because in these case patients are mainly premature infants. Noise as a stressor does not only put pressure on the workers and may result in a higher error occurrence, but also affect in a negative way, the healing process of patients (Siegmann & Notbohm, 2013). Figure 1, presents a general noise reaction scheme which can be used for hypothesis testing in noise epidemiology considering the cause-effect (Babisch, 2002).
  • Mapeamento do contributo do P. PORTO para a concretização dos Objetivos de Desenvolivmento Sustentável (ODS)
    Publication . Vieira da Silva, Manuela; Sousa, Joana S.; Costa, Alzira; Carvalhais, Carlos
    O Instituto Politécnico do Porto (P.PORTO), enquanto instituição de ensino superior de excelência tem vindo a nortear a sua ação e delinear a sua estratégia, incorporando os princípios da Sustentabilidade em todos os seus processos. Neste sentido, os sete eixos de intervenção delineados no plano estratégico atual, demonstram clara consonância com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) da Agenda 2030 das Nações Unidas, perspetivando-se como uma orientação e um guia de ação para as Unidades Orgânicas (UO) e Serviços do P.PORTO, incluindo centros de investigação, parceiros, outras instituições e entidades relacionadas com o P.PORTO e os membros da comunidade académica. Neste sentido, o P.PORTO concretiza o compromisso para o desenvolvimento sustentável, por exemplo, através da implementação de ações na e/ou em parceria com a sua comunidade interna e externa. Este trabalho tem como objetivo mapear as principais atividades alinhadas com os ODS no universo P.PORTO, no primeiro semestre de 2023. Numa primeira fase foi realizada a auscultação das UO/Serviços, através do preenchimento de um questionário on-line para reporte de atividades/eventos técnico-científicos (workshops, congressos, seminários, jornadas etc.), ações na comunidade (rastreios, campanhas, voluntariado, entre outras), protocolos, projetos, cursos breves não conferentes de grau, e outras atividades não enquadradas nos tópicos anteriores. Posteriormente, a informação recolhida foi validada e complementada com a sistematização da informação compilada pela pesquisa e análise das publicações realizadas nas redes sociais do P.PORTO e das suas UO, assim como pela divulgação realizada via website e mailing list. A necessidade da realização deste segundo levantamento deveu-se ao facto de o primeiro não ter tido a adesão esperada por parte dos inquiridos e para que este estudo fosse o mais próximo da realidade possível. Assim, no primeiro semestre de 2023, foram realizadas 202 ações/atividades devidamente enquadradas nos ODS. A figura 1, mostra as atividades desenvolvidas por tipologia.
  • Applied research on environmental and occupational health in hospital context
    Publication . Carvalhais, Carlos; Xavier, Ana; Vieira Da Silva, Manuela; Santos, Joana
    Hospital facilities are normally, very complex, which combined with patient requirements promote conditions for potential development of uncomfortable working conditions. The work in hospitals is likely to damage health resulting in occupational accidents and diseases. In this sense, a project focused on Environmental and Occupational Health in Hospital Context was developed to be a contribution to understand the risk factors to which health professionals and patients are exposed in these environments and how this exposure can be reduced. This research line resulted in 34 publications and 11 oral/poster communications: 6 articles in international scientific journals, 3 book chapters, 13 articles/abstracts in books of international congress proceedings, 4 technical reports, 1 doctoral thesis and 7 final course works. The project allowed the study of data about occupational exposure and accidents in hospital environments in the North of Portugal
  • Avaliação da eficácia de medidas de redução do consumo de água numa instituição de ensino superior: desenho estudo piloto no P.PORTO
    Publication . Sousa, Joana S.; Costa, Alzira; Carvalhais, Carlos; Vieira da Silva, Manuela
    A irregular distribuição espacial e temporal dos recursos hídricos em Portugal, tem implicações diretas e indiretas no planeamento e gestão da água, e está na origem de situações de escassez, que a par com o efeito das alterações climáticas, intensificam a vulnerabilidade a fenómenos hidrológicos, como secas e cheias (Ministério do Planeamento, 2020).
  • Relation between occupational exposure to noise and work stress: an exploratory study in industrial environment
    Publication . Barros, Beatriz; Santos, Joana; Alberto Alves Carvalhais, Carlos
    Evidence indicates that exposure to excessive noise can affect auditory and non-auditory aspects of health. Research in industrial workplaces was more focused on the relation between occupational noise and auditory effects, and few relate noise exposure and non-auditory symptoms among workers. The set symptoms are referred to as occupational stress, having a direct impact on productivity and safety behaviors. The main goal of this study was to assess the effect of noise exposure on occupational stress.
  • Implementation of REACH in a metalworking industry: a perspective from a downstream user
    Publication . Coelho, Maria João; Alberto Alves Carvalhais, Carlos; Almeida, Teresa Ramos; Santos, Joana
    Reach is a European Union's regulation regarding the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. Reach purpose is the improvement of environmental and human health protection, against riks originated by chemicals.
  • Influence of automation on biomechanical exposure of the upper-limbs in an industrial assembly line: a pilot study
    Publication . Santos, Joana; Abreu, Ana Betty; Fonseca, Pedro; Alberto Alves Carvalhais, Carlos; Santos Baptista, João; Santos, Rubim; Vaz, Mário
    Automation of assembly work was originally developed to increase operation efficiency and to reduce workload. However, a considerable number of unanticipated ergonomic problems have been observed such as the interaction between humans and automated systems. The aims of this study were to quantify joint angle positions (shoulder, elbow and wrist) of workers in two assembly lines with different mechanization levels and analyse the performance of an inertial motion capture system. Seven experienced female assemblers participated in this study. The measurements were performed in the workplace with a full-body inertial measurement system (Xsens MVN BIOMECH system). Maximum cross-correlation between angle-time courses was calculated to quantify the waveform similarities. In manual line, there are larger variations of joint angles than in the semi-automatic one. The analysis of cross correlation coefficients revealed that electromagnetic interferences are potential limitations to the use of these systems under field conditions.
  • Noise in neonatal intensive care units: a short review
    Publication . Alberto Alves Carvalhais, Carlos; Vieira Da Silva, Manuela; Silva, Joana; Xavier, Ana; Santos, Joana
    Prematurity and low birth weight of newborns lead to the need of a special care in neonatal units, and their permanence in these places can be extended for a long period. Indoor environmental conditions, such noise levels above the recommended, may induce some risks, not only for the newborns development, but also for health care staff. This literature review aims to examine the studies related to noise in neonatal intensive care units to understand the sources and effects of noise, as well as some strategies to reduce noise exposure. The search strategy included an electronic search in databases (ISI Web of Knowledge and PubMed) of scientific articles published in English/Portuguese between 2000-2017. Studies providing data on noise levels found in the neonatal units, the effects on health of newborns and staff and the measures to minimize these effects were included. The exclusion criteria were as follows: duplicate printings; nonEnglish/Portuguese language; editorials, letters, patents, errata, meeting abstracts and conference papers. PRISMA methodology was followed to perform the review. Twenty-two articles were considered for full analysis. It is important to note that some potentially relevant studies were rejected due to language criteria. It was found that the noise levels to which the newborns and staff are exposed in NICU, often exceeds the recommended levels for these spaces. Evidence also shows several adverse health effects for newborns and health care staff perceptions of noise. There is no consensus regarding the best intervention to reduce noise levels.
  • Trust in human robot interaction: a literature review
    Publication . Ferreira, Sofia; Silva, Ana Sofia; Pinto, Ana; Santos, Joana; Carvalhais, Carlos
    The presence of collaborative robots (or cobots) in workplaces will become increasingly common due to the need to ensure the health and safety of workers and to make production systems more efficient and flexible. To ensure good performance in human-robot interaction, it is essential that there is trust on the part of the human in this technology. Objectives: Thus, the main objective of this study was to identify the factors that may influence human-robot interaction through a literature review. Materials and Methods: To accomplish this objective, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews method was applied. The scientific databases used were Pubmed and Web Of Science. Results and Discussion: The literature search resulted in a total of 63 articles, 5 of which were included for analysis after applying the eligibility criteria. The factor "errors made by the robot" was the most reported in the included studies. Correlation between the different factors impacting trust was also observed. Conclusions: The success of human-robot interaction depends on the trust that the human places in the technology. However, it is essential to develop further studies on trust in industrial settings.