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- The State of the ReCLes. pt CLIL training projectPublication . Arau Ribeiro, María Del Carmen; Gonçalves, Ana; Moreira Silva, Manuel; Morgado, Margarida; Coelho, MargaridaContent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), an area that has only recently been more thoroughly explored for appropriate use at higher levels of education, has been one of the research areas identified by the Association of Language Centers in Higher Education in Portugal ( members – administration and research professors are striving to make a difference in the paucity of scientific publications in this area with the creation of their national program for training content teachers in Portuguese higher education. To best learn from each other in a collaborative network and apply well-informed teaching and learning methodology to English-taught classrooms, the underlying concepts range from classroom management and scaffolding to learner autonomy and from Web 2.0 tools to terminology-based learning. As an update of the current state of the art as interpreted in this project, the outreach and reception will be described in full with attention to some detailed examples of the more successful aspects as well as others where we have found room for improvement. Recommendations will be made for other networks and individual schools aiming to effectively prepare their students for the market by using an integrated approach to content and language learning. This paper reports on the current state of the ongoing CLIL Training Project, financed in part by the FCT (the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), with project members from a number of universities and polytechnics across Portugal.
- Studyng the nexus of symbolism and cross-cultural agreementsPublication . German, MynaStudyng the nexus of symbolism and cross-cultural agreements
- Portuguese built heritage in West BengalPublication . Chakrabarty, MahuaPortuguese built heritage in West Bengal
- Informal networks Portugal-BrazilPublication . Freitas, Joana GasparInformal networks Portugal-Brazil
- Remembered histories and forgotten societiesPublication . Manatunga, AnuraRemembered histories and forgotten societies
- Creative industries in Macau innovation and tradition at USJPublication . Barbosa, Álvaro
- A internacionalização do Ensino Superior em MoçambiquePublication . Chavale, Albino
- História, religião e literatura. caminhos que se cruzam no femininoPublication . Avelino, CarlaSoror Antónia Baptista, religiosa professa no Convento da Esperança de Vila Viçosa, redigiu o Livro da Fundação do santo Convento de nossa Senhora da esperança de Villa viçoza e de algũas plantas que em elle se criarão pera o ceo dignas de memoria, concluído em 1657. Trata-se de um exemplar único, autógrafo, que permaneceu manuscrito até hoje. A faceta de cronista da autora coabita com a de poetisa, almejando uma intencionalidade didática, de doutrinação, ao propor modelos de santidade de religiosas que viveram no convento da Esperança de Vila Viçosa, aspirando à plenitude da perfeição religiosa. Ao perpetuar as figuras que traz à memória, Soror Antónia imortaliza, simultaneamente, a história do convento, cumprindo deste modo um propósito identitário que respeita a comunidade religiosa do mesmo convento. A análise que se impõe propicia a reconstituição de um retrato epocal, com base na compreensão da história local e regional, fornecida pelas frequentes alusões aos hábitos de vida comunitária, práticas devocionais e pelas relações do convento com o exterior. A filiação do texto de Soror Antónia Baptista a obras coevas permite inseri-lo no filão da escrita conventual feminina direcionada para as obras de "fundação".
- Intercultural awareness through. Digital storytellingPublication . Ribeiro, SandraIn today’s globalized world, communication students need to be capable of efficiently communicating across the globe. At ISCAP, part of the 3rd year syllabus in Translation and New Technologies course is focused on culture and the need to be culturally knowledgeable. We argue the approach to incorporate cultural aspects in HE needs to be studentcentered, in order to encompass not only intercultural awareness, but also the 21st century skills students need to be successful and competent citizens. Additionally, as studies have shown, the manipulation of digital tools fosters greater student involvement in learning activities. We have adopted Digital Storytelling - multimodal storytelling technique - to promote a personal, student-centered reflection on intercultural communication. We intend to present student and teacher perspectives on this learning experience and assess its relevance in HE contexts, based on the content analysis of student expressed perspectives on this activity as well as a multimodal analysis of the digital stories created. A preliminary analysis of our case study has demonstrated that Digital Storytelling potentiates two complimentary types of reflection: on the one hand, students felt the need to reflect on their own intercultural knowledge, create and adapt their finding in the form of a story; on the other hand, viewing others’ stories they have raised questions and demonstrated points of view otherwise ignored.