ISCAP - Matemática - Comunicações em eventos científicos
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- Preparing Undergraduate Students for LifePublication . Mendonça, Jorge; Torres, Cristina; Babo, LurdesLabour market is demanding for highly skilled graduates who are able to respond to a complex and ever changing world. Higher education institutions need to anticipate the rapid economic and social changes preparing students to this unknown world, promoting the student’s abilities and skills needed to achieve professional and personal success. This context has driven significant changes in learning, teaching and assessment processes. The purpose of this paper is to present an experience of assessment innovation in the course of Forecasting Methods and analyse students’ opinions about the skills developed.
- Recolha de resíduos sólidos urbanos - otimização de rotasPublication . Rodrigues, Ana Maria; Soeiro Ferreira, JoséEste trabalho dá a conhecer um novo problema, Problema Capacitado de Rotas em Arcos Misto, com Múltiplos Aterros Limitados. Baseado na situação de recolha/transporte de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos no concelho de Monção, são apresentadas características que, não sendo únicas em Portugal, nunca foram mencionadas na literatura. Diferencia-se pela existência de diversos pontos de deposição que, especialmente devido às reduzidas dimensões, apresentam restrições relacionadas com o número de visitas recebidas por dia. Um novo modelo de otimização, baseado na formulação do Mixed Ca- pacitated Arc Routing Problem é apresentado. São incluídos resultados computacionais provenientes de instâncias adaptadas da literatura e do problema real descrito.
- Setorização aplicada à definição de rotasPublication . Rodrigues, Ana Maria; Soeiro Ferreira, JoséA Setorização entendida como a divisão de um território em regiões mais pequenas pode apresentar vantagens em problemas de rotas com capacidades. Decidir, a priori, que região atribuir a que veículos, reduz substancialmente a dimensão das instâncias e conduz a resultados que, para além de serem obtidos de forma mais rápida podem expressar o interesse do agente decisor. A introdução de sectores em rotas de veículos permite igualmente lidar com situações de planeamento/calendário e outras restrições. Uma situação real será apresentada onde uma abordagem integrada sectores-rotas foi aplicada.
- Electromagnetism based approach to Sector design in Waste CollectionPublication . Rodrigues, Ana Maria; Soeiro Ferreira, JoséFor efficient planning of waste collection routing, large municipalities may be partitioned into convenient sectors. The real case under consideration is the municipality of Monção, in Portugal. Waste collection involves more than 1600 containers over an area of 220 km2 and a population of around 20,000 inhabitants. This is mostly a rural area where the population is distributed in small villages around the 33 boroughs centres (freguesia) that constitute the municipality. In most freguesias, waste collection is usually conducted 3 times a week. However, there are situations in which the same collection is done every day. The case reveals some general and specific characteristics which are not rare, but are not widely addressed in the literature. Furthermore, new methods and models to deal with sectorization and routing are introduced, which can be extended to other applications. Sectorization and routing are tackled following a three-phase approach. The first phase, which is the main concern of the presentation, introduces a new method for sectorization inspired by Electromagnetism and Coulomb’s Law. The matter is not only about territorial division, but also the frequency of waste collection, which is a critical issue in these types of applications. Special characteristics related to the number and type of deposition points were also a motivation for this work. The second phase addresses the routing problems in each sector: new Mixed Capacitated Arc Routing with Limited Multi-Landfills models will be presented. The last phase integrates Sectoring and Routing. Computational results confirm the effectiveness of the entire novel approach.
- Sectorization: measures and an electromagnetism based approachPublication . Rodrigues, Ana Maria; Soeiro Ferreira, JoséSectorization means dividing a set of basic units into sectors or parts, a procedure that occurs in several contexts, such as political, health and school districting, social networks and sales territory or airspace assignment, to achieve some goal or to facilitate an activity. This presentation will focus on three main issues: Measures, a new approach to sectorization problems and an application in waste collection. When designing or comparing sectors different characteristics are usually taken into account. Some are commonly used, and they are related to the concepts of contiguity, equilibrium and compactness. These fundamental characteristics will be addressed, by defining new generic measures and by proposing a new measure, desirability, connected with the idea of preference. A new approach to sectorization inspired in Coulomb’s Law, which establishes a relation of force between electrically charged points, will be proposed. A charged point represents a small region with specific characteristics/values creating relations of attraction/repulsion with the others (two by two), proportional to the charges and inversely proportional to their distance. Finally, a real case about sectorization and vehicle routing in solid waste collection will be mentioned.
- Behind video lectures in a MOOCPublication . Soares, Filomena Baptista; Lopes, Ana Paula; Vieira, IsabelThe year 2012 was the “boom year” in MOOC and all its outstanding growth until now, made us move forward in designing the first MOOC in our Institution (and the third in our country, Portugal). Most MOOC are video lectured based and the learning analytic process to these ones is just taking its first steps. Designing a video-lecture seems, at a first glance, very easy: one can just record a live lesson or lecture and turn it, directly, into a video-lecture (even here one may experience some “sound” and “camera” problems); but developing some engaging, appealing video-lecture, that motivates students to embrace knowledge and that really contributes to the teaching/learning process, it is not an easy task. Therefore questions like: “What kind of information can induce knowledge construction, in a video-lecture?”, “How can a professor interact in a video-lecture when he is not really there?”, “What are the video-lectures attributes that contribute the most to viewer’s engagement?”, “What seems to be the maximum “time-resistance” of a viewer?”, and many others, raised in our minds when designing video-lectures to a Mathematics MOOC from the scratch. We believe this technological resource can be a powerful tool to enhance students' learning process. Students that were born in digital/image era, respond and react slightly different to outside stimulus, than their teachers/professors ever did or do. In this article we will describe just how we have tried to overcome some of the difficulties and challenges we tackled when producing our own video-math-lectures and in what way, we feel, videos can contribute to the teaching and learning process at higher education level.
- Estimação nos modelos bivariados de médias móveis de valor inteiroPublication . Torres, Cristina; Silva, Eduarda; Silva, IsabelNas últimas décadas, o estudo das séries temporais de contagem univariadas tem sido objecto de interesse crescente na literatura. Uma das classes de modelos mais populares é a dos modelos auto-regressivos e médias móveis de valor inteiro não-negativo, INARMA, obtida através da substituição da multiplicação por um operador aleatório, chamado thinning, nos modelos ARMA convencionais. Os modelos INAR para séries de contagem univariadas têm sido amplamente estudados na literatura no que diz respeito quer às suas propriedades probabilísticas quer à inferência estatística. Por outro lado, a classe alargada de modelos de médias móveis para séries de valor inteiro, INMA, em que as operações thinning em instantes diferentes são dependentes entre si, não tem sido objecto de tanta atenção. De facto os modelos INMA não são Markovianos pelo que a inferência estatística apresenta dificuldades adicionais. Actualmente o interesse na análise de séries temporais de contagem centra-se em modelos e métodos para séries multivariadas. Neste trabalho, consideram-se os modelos INMA bivariados propostos por Torres et al. (2012). Nesta classe alargada de modelos bivariados INMA, a estrutura de dependência entre as duas séries temporais é introduzia pela dependência entre os dois processos de chegada enquanto que a dependência em cada série é definida pela dependência de operações thinning em instantes diferentes. Consideram-se estimadores baseados em momentos: método dos momentos (MM), método dos momentos generalizados (GMM) e método dos momentos eficiente (EMM), assim como estimadores baseados na função geradora de probabilidades.
- Multiple-choice tests: a tool in assessing knowledgePublication . Azevedo, Jose Manuel; Lopes, Ana Paula; babo, lurdes; Torres, CristinaThe purpose of this paper is to analyse if Multiple-Choice Tests may be considered an interesting alternative for assessing knowledge, particularly in the Mathematics area, as opposed to the traditional methods, such as open questions exams. In this sense we illustrate some opinions of the researchers in this area. Often the perception of the people about the construction of this kind of exams is that they are easy to create. But it is not true! Construct well written tests it’s a hard work and needs writing ability from the teachers. Our proposal is analyse the construction difficulties of multiple - choice tests as well some advantages and limitations of this type of tests. We also show the frequent critics and worries, since the beginning of this objective format usage. Finally in this context some examples of Multiple-Choice Items in the Mathematics area are given, and we illustrate as how we can take advantage and improve this kind of tests.
- Moodle and multiple-choice testsPublication . babo, lurdes; Azevedo, Jose Manuel; Torres, Cristina; Lopes, Ana PaulaMultiple-Choice items are used in many different kinds of tests in several areas of knowledge. They can be considered an interesting tool to the self-assessing or as an alternative or complementary instrument to the traditional methods for assessing knowledge. The objectivity and accuracy of the multiple-choice tests is an important reason to think about. They are especially useful when the number of students to evaluate is too large. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is an Open Source course management system centered around learners' needs and designed to support collaborative approaches to teaching and learning. Moodle offers to the users a rich interface, context-specific help buttons, and a wide variety of tools such as discussion forums, wikis, chat, surveys, quizzes, glossaries, journals, grade books and more, that allow them to learn and collaborate in a truly interactive space. Come together the interactivity of the Moodle platform and the objectivity of this kind of tests one can easily build manifold random tests. The proposal of this paper is to relate our journey in the construction of these tests and share our experience in the use of the Moodle platform to create, take advantage and improve the multiple-choices tests in the Mathematic area.
- New challenges in mathematics for the european higher educationPublication . Torres, Cristina; babo, lurdes; Azevedo, Jose ManuelIn this paper we will talk about a math project submitted to the Lifelong Learning Programme. European higher education needs a reform in order to play its full role in the Europe of Knowledge. Modernisation of higher education is necessary in the areas of curricula (Bologna process), funding and governance so that higher education institutions can face the challenges posed by globalisation and contribute more effectively to the training and retraining of the European workforce. On the other hand Mathematics is an essential component of all educational systems. Mathematical literacy is being scrutinized in assessment efforts such as the OCDE Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). This showed a low level in Europe. Due to the Bologna Process, which brought several didactical implications for Higher Education (HE) institutions, there is the need of lifelong learning. This evolution is in conflict with the earlier mentioned lack of competencies on basic sciences, such as Mathematics. Forced by this duality, efforts are combined to share expertise in the Math field and the integration of pedagogical methodologies becomes a necessity. Thus, several European countries have proposed an International Project to the Lifelong Learning Programme, Action ERASMUS Modernisation of Higher Education, to make institutions more attractive and more responsive to the needs of the labour market, citizens and society at large. One of the main goals of the project is to attract students to math through high-quality instructional units in an understandable, exciting and attractive way.