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Multiple-Choice items are used in many different kinds of tests in several areas of
They can be considered an interesting tool to the self-assessing or as an alternative or
complementary instrument to the traditional methods for assessing knowledge.
The objectivity and accuracy of the multiple-choice tests is an important reason to think
about. They are especially useful when the number of students to evaluate is too large.
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is an Open Source
course management system centered around learners' needs and designed to support
collaborative approaches to teaching and learning. Moodle offers to the users a rich
interface, context-specific help buttons, and a wide variety of tools such as discussion
forums, wikis, chat, surveys, quizzes, glossaries, journals, grade books and more, that
allow them to learn and collaborate in a truly interactive space.
Come together the interactivity of the Moodle platform and the objectivity of this kind of
tests one can easily build manifold random tests.
The proposal of this paper is to relate our journey in the construction of these tests and
share our experience in the use of the Moodle platform to create, take advantage and
improve the multiple-choices tests in the Mathematic area.
Multiple-choice tests Moodle Mathematics Technology in education