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  • The fisherman’s route project
    Publication . Martins, Susana; Carvalho, Milena
    The growing importance of informational heritage as a value generator agent and as a distinctive identity is, nowadays, an essential element for creating, distinguishing and enrich- ing tourism activities based upon the realities of the local heritage. Indeed tourism is now seen as strategic for local development. The School of Management and Industrial Studies (Vila do Conde) of Polytechnic Institute of Porto was contacted by Vila do Conde Parish Council in order to develop a joint project to preserve the identity and cultural connection of Vila do Conde to the fishing activity and its fishermen, who have in Caxinas and Poça da Barca one of the largest fishing communities in the country, through the creation of a cultural and tourism project "the Fisherman’s Route". This is a multifaceted project that aims to collect, recover and recreate in- formation, traditions as well as inventory assets covering diverse forms of Heritage.
  • How do 1st year graduate students search information at School of Industrial Studies and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto?
    Publication . Martins, Susana; Carvalho, Milena
    Higher Education Institutions (HEI) should enable students with expertise in different areas of knowledge and soft skills so that they become empowered to properly deal with pressing issues of an information era, and act according to the changes promoted by the implementation of Bologna Declaration. The HEI educate much of the labor force and that is why they must also assume responsibility in this training sphere, giving their student body with skills of Information Literacy (IL). Effectively to achieve this, all the actors of the teaching and learning process should have an active role, although on different scales. A partner of such an approach will undoubtedly be the library and the actions that it can develop so that students can effectively provide themselves with such skills. On that basis a descriptive research was conducted that assumed the following objectives: a) know the information search habits of students of 1st year of all undergraduate courses at the School of Industrial Studies and Management (ESEIG) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto IPP) (daytime degrees); b) assess compliance and impact of training activities implemented by the ESEIG-IPP Library in the field of information search. Data collection was based on a questionnaire created in Limesurvey. The results show that the most commonly used sources of information are the slides that teachers provide, followed by colleagues appointments. Still the general use of the Internet and the use of search engines are elements that characterize this student population as a whole. Despite the diminutive use of this community regarding the academic and scientific resources that the institution subscribes and offers, there is an awareness of the importance of having access to such resources, even more by the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Some elements of this community say that four months after the class started they never went to the library of the institution because they never needed it. With regard to training activities provided by the library, they appear to have little adhesion within this group of students and several reasons are shown to explain why that happens. But those who attended these activities assume they were satisfactory and that had a positive impact on their academic performance. This study showed that there are students who do not consider important or pertinent to know how to validate information sources and information, to know how to use the b-on (library of knowledge online – a database aggregator subscribed by institutions of higher education, research and others) and their bibliometric indicators or even to know how to manage the references and citations. We conclude that there is much work to be done, not only within this community, but also with the Presidency of ESEIG-IPP and the school faculty, that have a pertinent role in this matter, since there seems to be some alienation on the part of these students to relevant issues in the education sector and society information, and that will have a direct and immediate impact on their academic performance, but also in other individual spheres. It will therefore be necessary to develop an awareness campaign to the student body of the institution so that everyone can be informed about the importance that these issues have in these different contexts, and the library is a partner in this way.
  • Uma década de CTDI: balanço e perspectivas futuras
    Publication . Terra, Ana Lúcia
    Nesta comunicação serão apresentadas algumas reflexões sobre a situação atual e os desafios contextuais para a formação na área da Ciência da informação ministrada na ESEIG, incluindo a Licenciatura em Ciências e Tecnologias da Documentação e Informação (CTDI), bem como os Cursos de Especialização Pós-Graduada em lnformação Empresarial e em Gestão de Bibliotecas Escolares. Procurar-se-á refletir sobre o contributo do formato destes novos planos de estudo para a emergência e consolidação da Ciência da Informação, em Portugal, enquanto ciência, campo de ensino e âmbito de atuação profissional. Será analisado o contexto multidimensional, incluindo atividades e ambientes, do exercício profissional dos diplomados em CTDI e dos pós-graduados em lnformação Empresarial e em Gestão de Bibliotecas Escolares, exigindo competências diversificadas e complementares. Serão enfatizadas as competências necessárias para a formação de um profissional vocacionado para a gestão da informação e do conhecimento, tanto para a realidade específica dos serviços de informação como para o âmbito mais lato das organizações. Considerando a heterogeneidade semântica da designação "profissional da informação" refletir-se-á sobre a procura de uma afirmação identitária em paralelo com a necessidade de abertura a novas realidades sociotécnicas.
  • Informação/comunicação na dinâmica pública dos Estados e das organizações supraestatais: conceitos operatórios e método de pesquisa em Ciência da Informação
    Publication . Terra, Ana Lúcia; Silva, Armando Malheiro da
    Tomando como ponto de partida uma pesquisa centrada nas políticas de informação e de comunicação da União Europeia e com uma abordagem assumidamente de Ciência da Informação (CI), aplicando o método quadripolar de investigação científica, será reformulado o conceito de política(s) de informação e confrontado com outros conceitos afins. Através de um exercício hermenêutico, procurar-se-á validar um modo de abordar os binómios informação-cultura e informação-comunicação no âmbito da ação pública dos Estados, na relação infocomunicacional que este estabelece com os cidadãos. No campo de estudo da CI, é imperativo inserir os binómios informação-cultura e informação-comunicação, suas manifestações e práticas sociais e políticas centradas na dinâmica pública dos Estados e de organizações supraestatais, como a União Europeia.
  • O orfeonismo: oportunidade para um encontro imediato entre a arquivística e a musicologia?
    Publication . Terra, Ana Lúcia
    This text propose and discuss the contribution that archival science, rooted in a perspective of trans and interdisciplinary Information Science, can bring to the organization of collections related to musical activity, with its inventory, organization, preservation and promotion of access. The specific case of “orfeões” will be addressed from the perspective of a complex information system. We present a case study regarding the organization of the Orfeão Poveiro archival fund, from Póvoa de Varzim, using ICA-AtoM tool, an open source application that uses the international standards of archival description.
  • First step to lifelong learning: school libraries and information literacy: a portuguese case study
    Publication . Terra, Ana Lúcia; Sá, Salvina
    This presentation covers a case study centered on the analysis of information behavior of a sample of students that visit the school libraries within the Vila do Conde municipality. We analyze the students’ abilities to use collections and technological resources available in school libraries, namely their capacities in information searching and retrieval especially with the documents in free access. We emphasize the role of information literacy as a facilitating element in learning seeing as information literate people are those who learned how to learn and are able to locate, organize and use information effectively.
  • Direitos de autor em Portugal: a perspetiva dos profissionais da informação
    Publication . Terra, Ana Lúcia
    Apresentam-se e analisam-se os resultados portugueses de um inquérito focado no levantamento das opiniões, perceções e experiências relacionadas com questões de direitos de autor de profissionais da informação, maioritariamente bibliotecários. Foi aplicado um inquérito com 22 perguntas, tendo sido recolhidos 127 questionários completos. Depois da contextualização teórica, é feito o enquadramento do estudo português no âmbito do projeto internacional Copyright policies of libraries and other cultural institutions. De seguida, são tratados os dados relativos à caracterização da amostra, à familiaridade evidenciada pelos inquiridos relativamente as temáticas dos direitos de autor, ao seu nível de conhecimento sobre aspetos particulares deste âmbito, às políticas de direitos de autor nas instituições onde exercem a sua atividade profissional e à sua opinião no que respeita à formação sobre direitos de autor para os profissionais da informação. Por fim, são tecidas algumas considerações finais sublinhando os aspetos mais relevantes da pesquisa.
  • Políticas de indización en bibliotecas escolares de Brasil y Portugal: análisis comparativo
    Publication . Terra, Ana Lúcia; Fujita, Mariângela Spotti Lopes; Agustín-Lacruz, María del Carmen
    Considerando un marco teórico que incluye la indización dentro del Análisis Documental y de la Organización y Representación del Conocimiento, se describen los resultados obtenidos de una investigación realizada sobre las políticas de indización existentes en las bibliotecas escolares brasileñas y portuguesas. Se describen de forma concisa los contextos legales y organizativos en los que se encuadran estas bibliotecas. Se detalla la metodología y el cuestionario desarrollado para la recogida y el proceso de los datos obtenidos de 150 bibliotecas escolares brasileñas y 406 portuguesas. Se identifican los niveles educativos, la adscripción institucional y ubicación geográfica de las bibliotecas escolares de la muestra. Se determina la existencia y uso de catálogos. Se describen los lenguajes de indización utilizados así como la existencia de manuales para guíar la indización. Se detallan aspectos relacionados con el número de descriptores recomendados, las recomendaciones y normas utilizadas, comparando la realidad brasileña y portuguesa.
  • Access and information behaviour of European Documentation Centres users in Portugal and Spain: a comparative study
    Publication . Martín González, Yolanda; Terra, Ana Lúcia
    The aim of this study was to undertake a comparative analysis of the practices and information behaviour of European information users who visit information units specialising in European information in Portugal and Spain. The study used a quantitative methodology based on a questionnaire containing closed questions and one open question. The questions covered the general sociological profile of the respondents and their use of European Document Centres, in addition to analysing aspects associated with information behaviour relating to European themes. The study therefore examined data on the preferred means and sources for accessing European information, types of documents and the subjects investigated most. The use of European databases and the Internet to access material on Europe was also studied, together with the reasons which users considered made it easy or difficult to access European information, and the aspects they valued most in accessing this information. The questionnaire was administered in European Document Centres in 2008 and 2010.