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Desde tempos antigos que a Humanidade tem uma necessidade e consciência de que o acontecimento tem de ser registado pois, é através desses progressos documentais que vamos tendo conhecimento de como a sociedade se comporta. A História de um arquivo não deixa de ser um tema em desenvolvimento e fundamental para a construção de uma sociedade que se encontra em constante progresso, mas que não pode nem deve descurar as suas memórias materiais e imateriais, sob pena de perder a sua própria identidade.
O Arquivo Nacional de Malta teve início na década de 1970, um dos grandes impulsionadores na área arquivística foi Sir Hilary Jenkinson. Este arquivo e tal como referido acima é em boa parte a memória da história destas ilhas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial naquilo que designam como Segundo Cerco de Malta (1940-1942), em que a resistência dos malteses e dos ingleses que compunham a sua guarnição bloquearam com sucesso, apesar das enormes perdas e danos que sofreram, o esforço de guerra ítalo-germânico no Norte de África (bastará ter em conta que a RAF baseada em Luqa atacou constantemente os comboios navais de abastecimento que saíam da Itália em direção ao Norte de
África, comprometendo assim, o abastecimento logístico das tropas italianas e, sobretudo do Áfrika Korps de Rommel a um ponto que este terá afirmado que já não tinha gasolina para os seus carros de combate (vd. Glossário).
Os arquivos malteses estão divididos em dois setores em arquivos governamentais, semipúblicos, privados e eclesiásticos, segundo o relatório de Jenkinson, sendo que, o seu principal objetivo era salvaguardar a informação num só local, pois esta encontrava-se dispersa. É importante frisar de que estes arquivos se encontram fragmentados pela ilha, mas os repositórios encontram-se hospedados na Biblioteca Real de Malta ou na Biblioteca da Universidade. Um marco histórico importante foi o Cerco de Malta que ocorreu no século XX (1940-1942) e, que foi um acontecimento importante e revolucionário pois, a luta constante e tentativa de controle sobre este arquipélago era determinante para que as forças dos Aliados vencessem a 2ª Guerra Mundial.
Since ancient times, Humanity has had a need and awareness that events must be recorded, as it is through these documentary advances that we gain knowledge of how society behaves. The History of an archive is still a developing and fundamental theme for the construction of a society that is in constant progress, but that cannot and should not neglect its material and immaterial memories, under penalty of losing its own identity. The National Archives of Malta began in the 1970s, one of the great drivers in the archival field was Sir Hilary Jenkinson. This archive, as mentioned above, is largely the memory of the history of these islands during the Second World War in what they call the Second Siege of Malta (1940-1942), in which the resistance of the Maltese and the English who made up their garrison blocked successfully, despite the enormous lasses and damage they suffered, the ltalian-German war effort in North Africa (just keep in mind that the RAF based in Luqa constantly attacked naval supply convoys leaving ltaly towards the north of Africa, thus compromising the logistical supply of ltalian troops and, above all, of Rommel's Áfrika Korps to a point where he stated that he no longer had gasoline for his combat vehicles (see Glossary). Maltese archives are divided into two sectors into government, semi public, private and ecclesiastical archives, according to Jenkinson's report, and their main objective was to safeguard information in one place, as it was dispersed. lt is important to emphasize that these archives are fragmented across the island, but the repositories are hosted in the Royal Library of Malta or the University Library. An important historical milestone was the Siege of Malta that occurred in the 20th century (1940-1942) and was an important and revolutionary event as the constant struggle and attempt to contrai this archipelago was decisive for the Allied forces to win the 2nd World War.
Since ancient times, Humanity has had a need and awareness that events must be recorded, as it is through these documentary advances that we gain knowledge of how society behaves. The History of an archive is still a developing and fundamental theme for the construction of a society that is in constant progress, but that cannot and should not neglect its material and immaterial memories, under penalty of losing its own identity. The National Archives of Malta began in the 1970s, one of the great drivers in the archival field was Sir Hilary Jenkinson. This archive, as mentioned above, is largely the memory of the history of these islands during the Second World War in what they call the Second Siege of Malta (1940-1942), in which the resistance of the Maltese and the English who made up their garrison blocked successfully, despite the enormous lasses and damage they suffered, the ltalian-German war effort in North Africa (just keep in mind that the RAF based in Luqa constantly attacked naval supply convoys leaving ltaly towards the north of Africa, thus compromising the logistical supply of ltalian troops and, above all, of Rommel's Áfrika Korps to a point where he stated that he no longer had gasoline for his combat vehicles (see Glossary). Maltese archives are divided into two sectors into government, semi public, private and ecclesiastical archives, according to Jenkinson's report, and their main objective was to safeguard information in one place, as it was dispersed. lt is important to emphasize that these archives are fragmented across the island, but the repositories are hosted in the Royal Library of Malta or the University Library. An important historical milestone was the Siege of Malta that occurred in the 20th century (1940-1942) and was an important and revolutionary event as the constant struggle and attempt to contrai this archipelago was decisive for the Allied forces to win the 2nd World War.
Arquivo Cerco de Malta 2ª Guerra Mundial Estado Novo Archive Siege of Malta 2ⁿᵈ World War New-State
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação