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A construção da identidade profissional é um processo de aprendizagem constante
que se encontra intimamente relacionado com o gosto, a vontade de crescer e evoluir
continuamente, tanto a nível profissional, como pessoal. De facto, ser professor com
sentido é um enorme desafio que ganha significado em contexto educativo. Nesse
momento, torna-se possível refletir sobre as diversas dimensões implicadas no perfil de
um (bom) professor. É neste quadro que a elaboração do presente relatório de estágio é
extremamente significativa, na medida em que se desenvolve progressivamente, ao longo
de um ano bastante exigente, embora riquíssimo em experiências e partilhas de ideias. A
sua realização surge no âmbito da unidade curricular Integração Curricular: Prática
Educativa e Relatório de Estágio, inserida no segundo ano do mestrado em Ensino do 1.º
e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico. É de salientar o papel preponderante dos professores
orientadores cooperantes, dos supervisores institucionais e do par pedagógico, ao longo
desta jornada. O espírito de cooperação vivido durante este processo evolutivo permitiu
que a professora estagiária apurasse o seu caráter reflexivo e colaborativo. O estado de
comprometimento assumido com o contexto educativo transformou-se numa experiência
verdadeiramente inesquecível para a formanda.
Repare-se que o presente trabalho apresenta um cariz investigativo no âmbito da
exploração de um projeto onde a Transdisciplinaridade é abordada como um fator
relevante para a formação de seres críticos, ativos e reflexivos.
Com a Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada e o pleno envolvimento com o
agrupamento de escolas X, foi possível traçar um mapa para a descoberta de um tesouro,
isto é, para a construção de um perfil de docente que assegurará – assim se espera - uma
viagem profunda, profícua e enriquecedora.
The construction of the professional identity is a constant learning process that is closely related with the passion, the will to grow and continuous evolution, both professionally and personally. In fact, being a teacher with sense is a huge challenge that gains significance in educational settings. At this point, it becomes possible to reflect on the several dimensions underlying a (good) teacher. It is in this framework that the preparation stage of this report assumes to be extremely significant in that gradually develops over a very demanding year, however, rich in ideas and experiments shares. It construction process becomes as part of the course Curriculum Integration: Education and Training Report Practice, inserted in the second year of the Master in Education 1st and 2nd cycles of basic education. It is worth noting the leading role of cooperating guiding teachers, institutional supervisors and pedagogical pair, along this journey. The spirit of cooperation experienced during this evolutionary process allowed the trainee teacher ascertaining their reflective and collaborative nature. All this, is reflected in a state of commitment that trainee teacher took to the educational context, which proved to be a truly unforgettable experience. Notice that, this paper presents an investigative nature in the course of operation of a project where the Transdisciplinary is approached as a relevant factor for the formation of critical beings, active and reflective. With the Pedagogical Practice Supervised and full engagement with the grouping X schools, it was possible to draw a map for the discovery of a treasure, that is, for the construction of a teaching profile that will ensure - as expected - a deep journey, fruitful and enriching.
The construction of the professional identity is a constant learning process that is closely related with the passion, the will to grow and continuous evolution, both professionally and personally. In fact, being a teacher with sense is a huge challenge that gains significance in educational settings. At this point, it becomes possible to reflect on the several dimensions underlying a (good) teacher. It is in this framework that the preparation stage of this report assumes to be extremely significant in that gradually develops over a very demanding year, however, rich in ideas and experiments shares. It construction process becomes as part of the course Curriculum Integration: Education and Training Report Practice, inserted in the second year of the Master in Education 1st and 2nd cycles of basic education. It is worth noting the leading role of cooperating guiding teachers, institutional supervisors and pedagogical pair, along this journey. The spirit of cooperation experienced during this evolutionary process allowed the trainee teacher ascertaining their reflective and collaborative nature. All this, is reflected in a state of commitment that trainee teacher took to the educational context, which proved to be a truly unforgettable experience. Notice that, this paper presents an investigative nature in the course of operation of a project where the Transdisciplinary is approached as a relevant factor for the formation of critical beings, active and reflective. With the Pedagogical Practice Supervised and full engagement with the grouping X schools, it was possible to draw a map for the discovery of a treasure, that is, for the construction of a teaching profile that will ensure - as expected - a deep journey, fruitful and enriching.
Identidade Profissional Caráter reflexivo e colaborativo Ensino-Aprendizagem no 1.º e 2.º ciclos do Ensino Básico Transversalidade professor investigador Professional Identity Reflective and collaborative character Teaching and Learning Transversality teacher researcher
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação