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Os métodos matriciais com recurso a bandas de controlo (BC) são
globalmente utilizados para avaliação e gestão do risco ocupacional
em situações onde o conhecimento técnico e científico é incipiente.
Neste trabalho, apresentam-se os principais métodos BC disponíveis
para implementação em locais de trabalho para o controlo do risco
de exposição dos trabalhadores que operam nas áreas da produção
de nanopartículas, assim como as suas diferenças e similitudes.
Verificou-se que, estas abordagens permitem categorizar os riscos,facilitando a sua gestão. Contudo, não foram encontradas evidências
da validação científica de nenhum dos métodos.
Control banding (CB) methods are widely used for the assessment and management of occupational risk in situations where scientific and technical knowledge is in an early stage. The aim of this work is to present and compare the main available CB methods, developed to control the risk of workers' exposure in areas where nanoparticles are produced, as well as their differences and similarities. It was found that these approaches make it possible to categorize the risks, thus making their management easier. However, no evidence of scientific validation of any of the methods was found.
Control banding (CB) methods are widely used for the assessment and management of occupational risk in situations where scientific and technical knowledge is in an early stage. The aim of this work is to present and compare the main available CB methods, developed to control the risk of workers' exposure in areas where nanoparticles are produced, as well as their differences and similarities. It was found that these approaches make it possible to categorize the risks, thus making their management easier. However, no evidence of scientific validation of any of the methods was found.
Avaliação de risco Banda de controlo Nanomaterial fabricado Exposição ocupacional Risk assessment Control banding Manufactured nanomaterial Occupational exposure
RISCOS - Associação Portuguesa de Riscos, Prevenção e Segurança