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Este estudo, na área da avaliação interna da escola, tem como ponto principal conhecer a perceção que o pessoal docente de uma escola do 3.º ciclo do ensino básico com ensino secundário do concelho de Vila Nova de Gaia tem sobre a efetividade do funcionamento e consecução do plano de melhoria da sua escola.
Utilizou-se uma metodologia quantitativa tendo por base a análise estatística dos resultados obtidos na aplicação dos inquéritos por questionários. Os resultados obtidos, com uma média de respostas positivas na casa dos 78,3% apontam para a valorização do processo de avaliação interna por parte de quem nele intervém. Apontam, igualmente, para um desconhecimento do processo por parte um número significativo, 17,9% de docentes, percentagem que está diretamente relacionada com um grande grupo de docentes que se encontram a lecionar neste estabelecimento há menos de 10 anos, 69,1%. Na situação oposta, podemos verificar que apenas 10,3% dos docentes se manifestaram em oposição às questões elencadas nos inquéritos, e como referência extrema, temos as posições mínimas de 1% de oposição em duas das afirmações apresentadas a escrutínio.
A literatura consultada, atesta a importância, a utilidade e a premência que devem ser alocadas aos processos de avaliação das escolas, sendo referido pela totalidade dos autores consultados, que o processo de autoavaliação é importante e útil para os planos de melhoria das escolas contribuindo, para o desenvolvimento organizacional e profissional e para a melhoria das práticas de ensino e de aprendizagem. Verificamos na consulta bibliográfica, no entanto, que o processo de avaliação interna é algo vago e que não recolhe grande consenso na sua implementação.
This study, in internai school evaluation, has as its main objective to understand the perception that the teaching staff of a school offering the 3rd cycle of basic education with secondary education in the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia have, regarding the effectiveness of the operation and achievement of the improvement plan for your school. A quantitative methodology was used based on the statistical analysis on the results obtained from the application of a questionnaire survey. The results obtained, with an average of positive responses of around 78.3%, point to the appreciation of the internai evaluation process by those involved in it. They also point to a significant number of teachers being unaware of the process, 17.9%, a percentage that is directly related to a large group of teachers who have been teaching in this establishment for less than 10 years, 69.1%. At the opposite situation, we can see that only 10.3% of teachers expressed opposition to the issues listed in the inquiry, and as an extreme reference, we have a minimum response of 1% of opposition in two of the statements presented for scrutiny. The literature consulted attests to the importance, usefulness and urgency that must be allocated to school evaluation processes, with all the authors consulted mentioning that the self-evaluation process is important and useful for school improvement plans, contributing, for organizational and professional development and for improving teaching and learning practices. We found in the bibliographical consultation, however, that the internai evaluation process is somewhat vague and does not achieve great consensus in its implementation.
This study, in internai school evaluation, has as its main objective to understand the perception that the teaching staff of a school offering the 3rd cycle of basic education with secondary education in the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia have, regarding the effectiveness of the operation and achievement of the improvement plan for your school. A quantitative methodology was used based on the statistical analysis on the results obtained from the application of a questionnaire survey. The results obtained, with an average of positive responses of around 78.3%, point to the appreciation of the internai evaluation process by those involved in it. They also point to a significant number of teachers being unaware of the process, 17.9%, a percentage that is directly related to a large group of teachers who have been teaching in this establishment for less than 10 years, 69.1%. At the opposite situation, we can see that only 10.3% of teachers expressed opposition to the issues listed in the inquiry, and as an extreme reference, we have a minimum response of 1% of opposition in two of the statements presented for scrutiny. The literature consulted attests to the importance, usefulness and urgency that must be allocated to school evaluation processes, with all the authors consulted mentioning that the self-evaluation process is important and useful for school improvement plans, contributing, for organizational and professional development and for improving teaching and learning practices. We found in the bibliographical consultation, however, that the internai evaluation process is somewhat vague and does not achieve great consensus in its implementation.
Autoavaliação da escola Avaliação Interna da escola Perceção Efetividade School self-evaluation Internal evaluation of the school Perception Effectiveness
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação