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DM_PedroPinto_MEI_2022 | 2.53 MB | Adobe PDF |
Este projeto discute o problema de partilha de informação e de interoperabilidade de dados
num contexto Business-to-Business, explorado no contexto de um estudo de caso sobre partilha
de dados em redes colaborativas num cluster industrial. Concretamente, discute-se a
viabilidade e exequibilidade dos International Data Spaces no contexto do cluster do calçado.
Este trabalho apresenta também uma demonstração de como a adoção de processos digitais
contribui para apoiar a gestão baseada em dados para otimizar o planeamento produtivo das
Neste trabalho foi implementada uma arquitetura de interoperabilidade para a cadeia de valor
da ind ´ ustria do calc¸ado, com base nos International Data Spaces e, verificou-se a sua exequibilidade
na capacidade de interligac¸ ˜ao uniformizada e segura de dois sistemas de empresas
diferentes. Esta soluc¸ ˜ao tamb´em ´e capaz de estabelecer uma conex˜ao entre contextos de
dados IIoT com contextos de dados B2B. Com isto, foi tamb´em testada a conex˜ao entre duas
diferentes implementac¸ ˜oes de um componente IDS, de forma a validar o IDS-RAM.
O resultado deste trabalho pretende assim estabelecer as bases necess´ arias para o desenvolvimento
e implementac¸ ˜ao de uma arquitetura IIoT utilizando soluc¸ ˜oes inovadoras da ind ´ ustria
4.0 para tornar este cluster mais flex´ıvel e eficiente.
This project discusses the problem of information sharing and data interoperability in a B2B context. Therefore, this project presents a case study on the scope of data-sharing in collaborative networks in an industrial cluster. It explores the feasibility and executability of International Data Spaces in the context of the footwear cluster. This work also presents a demonstration of how the adoption of digital processes contributes to supporting data-based management to optimize the productive planning of industries. In this work, an interoperability architecture was implemented for the footwear industry value chain, based on the International Data Spaces, and its feasibility was verified in the uniform and secure interconnection capacity of two systems from different companies. This solution is also able to establish a connection between IIoT data contexts with B2B data contexts. The connection between two different implementations of an IDS component was also tested, in order to validate the IDS-RAM. The result of this work intends to establish the necessary basis for the development and implementation of an IIoT architecture using innovative solutions from I4.0 to make this cluster more flexible and efficient.
This project discusses the problem of information sharing and data interoperability in a B2B context. Therefore, this project presents a case study on the scope of data-sharing in collaborative networks in an industrial cluster. It explores the feasibility and executability of International Data Spaces in the context of the footwear cluster. This work also presents a demonstration of how the adoption of digital processes contributes to supporting data-based management to optimize the productive planning of industries. In this work, an interoperability architecture was implemented for the footwear industry value chain, based on the International Data Spaces, and its feasibility was verified in the uniform and secure interconnection capacity of two systems from different companies. This solution is also able to establish a connection between IIoT data contexts with B2B data contexts. The connection between two different implementations of an IDS component was also tested, in order to validate the IDS-RAM. The result of this work intends to establish the necessary basis for the development and implementation of an IIoT architecture using innovative solutions from I4.0 to make this cluster more flexible and efficient.
International Data Spaces Internet of Things Indústria 4.0 Indústria do Calçado