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Este Relatório de Estágio é composto por duas secções. Na primeira parte, será feita uma descrição da prática profissional realizada pela mestranda no Conservatório de Música do Porto, na classe da professora Isabel Calado - a qual acompanhou este Estagio como Professora Cooperante, bem como a Professora Ana Mafalda Castro, como Supervisora. Inicialmente, é apresentada a instituição onde foi realizado este Estágio, assim como a contextualização e funcionamento da mesma. De seguida, faz-se uma descrição do desempenho dos alunos acompanhados ao longo do ano lectivo (2013-2014), bem como as práticas educativas desenvolvidas pela Professora Cooperante. Por fim, é apresentada uma reflexão, com a análise de todos os parâmetros e critérios previstos para a realização deste Estágio. Na segunda parte, descreve-se o projecto de investigação, efectuando uma revisão da literatura sobre tratados, artigos, livros e manuais, todos eles contendo abordagens relacionadas com a Pedagogia musical, nomeadamente a que se relaciona com o ensino do Cravo. A investigação tem como fonte inicial de pesquisa o período áureo da Musica Barroca, (Séc.XVII, Séc.XVIII), mas não só; também será feita uma análise de manuais, dissertações, teses de mestrado e artigos mais recentes sobre o objecto de investigação em causa. Seguidamente, expõe-se a metodologia desenvolvida, incluindo um inquérito a professores de Cravo que exercem a sua actividade actualmente. Para culminar, serão apresentadas as conclusões resultantes deste estágio.
This internship report is composed by two sections. On the first part, there will be a description of the professional practice made by the MA candidate. This practice took place at Conservatório de Música do Porto, at Professora Isabel Calado’s – who attended this internship as cooperating teacher - harpsichord class. Professora Ana Mafalda Castro attended as supervisor teacher. Initially, the institution will be presented where this internship took place, as well as its contextualization and functioning. Following it will be made a description of the performance of the pupils who have been attended along the 2013-2014 school year, as well as the educational practices developed by the cooperating teacher. Finally, it will be presented a reflection, with the analysis of all the predicted parameters and criteria to the accomplishment of this internship. On the second part, the research project is described, making a literature revision about treatises, articles, books and manuals, all containing approaches related to musical Pedagogy, namely the one that relates to Harpsichord teaching. The investigation has as initial research source the golden period of Baroque Music (17th, 18th centuries), but not only; it will also be made an analysis of manuals, dissertations, MA thesis and more recent articles about the investigation object in consideration. Next, the developed methodology is exposed, including an inquiry to harpsichord teachers who exercise their activity at present. To culminate, the resulting conclusions of this internship will be presented.
This internship report is composed by two sections. On the first part, there will be a description of the professional practice made by the MA candidate. This practice took place at Conservatório de Música do Porto, at Professora Isabel Calado’s – who attended this internship as cooperating teacher - harpsichord class. Professora Ana Mafalda Castro attended as supervisor teacher. Initially, the institution will be presented where this internship took place, as well as its contextualization and functioning. Following it will be made a description of the performance of the pupils who have been attended along the 2013-2014 school year, as well as the educational practices developed by the cooperating teacher. Finally, it will be presented a reflection, with the analysis of all the predicted parameters and criteria to the accomplishment of this internship. On the second part, the research project is described, making a literature revision about treatises, articles, books and manuals, all containing approaches related to musical Pedagogy, namely the one that relates to Harpsichord teaching. The investigation has as initial research source the golden period of Baroque Music (17th, 18th centuries), but not only; it will also be made an analysis of manuals, dissertations, MA thesis and more recent articles about the investigation object in consideration. Next, the developed methodology is exposed, including an inquiry to harpsichord teachers who exercise their activity at present. To culminate, the resulting conclusions of this internship will be presented.
Ensino do cravo Modelos de ensino Indicações pedagógicas Repertório Peças musicais usadas no Barroco Harpsichord teaching Teaching models Pedagogical indications Repertoire Musical pieces used in Baroque