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- Collection and organization of information within the scope of a curricular internshipPublication . Ramos, Cristiana; Martins, Susana; Vidal de Carvalho, Joao; Braga, Inês; Osório Cardoso, Maria Ivone; Carvalho, Ana Branca; Santos, EleonoraA ligação do Ensino Superior com o mercado de trabalho é algo muito importante e progressivamente mais reconhecido pela academia e pelo mundo do trabalho, mostrando-se fundamental um diálogo cada vez mais regular entre ambos, para que possa haver um alinhamento de atuação e vantagens para ambas as partes. Na presente investigação pretende-se demonstrar como uma licenciatura portuguesa da área da Ciência da Informação atribuindo papel de destaque aos estudantes, como motores das suas aprendizagens, enquanto os professores passaram a ser mediadores do conhecimento, integrando no seu plano de estudos uma unidade curricular obrigatória de Estágio, devendo os seus estudantes finalistas de 3.º ano desenvolverem um estágio numa instituição, durante um período de 192 horas. O processo de orientação conta com um orientador da instituição (e coorientador, caso necessário) bem como com o tutor da instituição acolhedora de estágio, os quais fixam um plano de atuação, o qual envolve conhecimentos e a aplicação de competências desenvolvidas na parte curricular da licenciatura. Para além da introdução, esta investigação integra a revisão da literatura onde é apresentada uma perspetiva geral do problema abordado, com base na literatura publicada sobre a área em estudo, tendo como tópicos a Ciência da Informação, Gestão da Informação, Gestão do Conhecimento, Relação da Gestão da Informação com a Gestão do Conhecimento, Bases de Dados, Sistemas de Gestão de Bases de Dados e Modelação de dados. No capítulo relativo à metodologia é feita uma descrição detalhada de todas as atividades desenvolvidas durante a realização do estágio e o capítulo relativo aos resultados apresenta os artefactos produzidos, encerrando-se o trabalho com a respetiva conclusão.
- Is There an Economic Bias in Academic Success?Publication . Santos, Eleonora; Carvalho, Milena; Martins, SusanaThis paper analyses whether schools with better scores in National Exams are in regions NUTs III with greater purchasing power. Accordingly, we analyse the evolution of the ranking of schools considering the purchasing power of the regions where they are located. Using data collected in the media, related to school rankings by region for 2008 and 2014; and in Pordata database for regional purchasing power in 2007 and 2011; we calculate location and specialization measures and perform a regional shift-share analysis. The results show that schools located in regions with very high and high purchasing powers rank first; and both structural and regional changes are positive. A notable exception is the region of Alto Alentejo with a medium purchasing power. In contrast, regions with low purchasing power show negative structural and regional changes. These results indicate that, with an exception, the gap between regions of low and high purchasing powers has been perpetuated.
- The Fisherman's Route - Project of sustainability and pedagogical practicesPublication . Carvalho, Milena; Martins, Susana; Santos, Eleonora; Carvalho, Ana Brancahe Fisherman's Route is a collaborative project implemented through training and pedagogical innovation and the integration of final year students from LCTDI (ISCAP-P.Porto) in the curricular unit of Internship for the application of the skills of the Information Professional (IP) for the 21st century. Informational heritage makes it possible to create and enrich tourist activities based on local culture, promoting sustainable and local economic development, as well as safeguarding heritage, through the transfer of knowledge from the IP skills acquired at LCTDI. Through semi-structured interviews with members of the fishing communities of Caxinas and Poça da Barca and the analysis of documents, a survey of the informational heritage linked to fishing practices was carried out. The results of the project are presented, which is assumed as a model for local development, valuing traditions and preserving the informational heritage linked to the fishing activity. The importance of the competences that the IP holds in different work realities is inferred.
- Competitiveness of the Medical Tourism Supply in PortugalPublication . Santos, Eleonora; Moreira, Jacinta; Castanho, Rui Alexandre; Carvalho, Milena; Martins, SusanaSince 2008, Government and private hospitals, recognizing the growth potential of specialization in certain medical procedures, started to promote Portugal as a medical tourism destination. As a result, the country is internationally recognized in areas such as oncology, neuroscience, immunology, nanomedicine, and regenerative medicine, and as having an internationally accredited modern healthcare network based on innovation in therapeutic processes and products, qualified professionals, and state-of-the-art equipment. However, previous literature suggests that the lack of cooperation between the stakeholders are major obstacles to international performance. Moreover, the pandemic has caused restrictions to international travels, contributing to the decrease of demand for Medical Tourism, Thus, this paper analyses the evolution of the competitiveness of the medical tourism supply during the pandemic. Using an unbalanced panel of 157 private hospitals, collected from SABI for 2011-2020, we calculated 4 performance indicators: Market Share, Return on Investment, Productivity and Talent Retention. Results point to the possession of key factors to ensure the success and development of a consolidated supply of Medical Tourism. The paper makes recommendations on the strategies to increase competitiveness of medical tourism supply.