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- ACADIGIA – Accelerating aCAdemia's DIGItal: potencialidades educativas do Kahoot e do MsFormsPublication . Peres, Paula; Silva, Cândida; Silva, SusanaEste poster apresenta um dos outputs de um dos projetos em que a Unidade de e-Learning e Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto está envolvida. Trata-se do projeto ACADIGIA – Accelerating aCAdemia´s DIGItal readiness for online and blended Augmented teaching – é uma iniciativa de 24 meses que promove sinergias em 6 países (Portugal, Espanha, Itália, Grécia, Roménia e Irlanda) e foi conceptualizado dentro do interesse conjunto das instituições envolvidas para desenvolver um modelo de “aceleração” que permita aos Institutos Politécnicos abraçar a transformação digital da educação, baseando-se na primeira prioridade estratégica do Plano de Ação de Educação Digital: “Promover o desenvolvimento de um ecossistema de educação digital de alto desempenho”. Um dos outputs deste projeto consiste no estudo de um conjunto de ferramentas tecnológicas que poderão potenciar a aprendizagem e a avaliação online. Este poster resume um estudo e a comparação entre as ferramentas Kahoot e Ms Forms nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, na avaliação e nas necessidade de formação dos docentes e dos estudantes para a sua utilização em contextos educativos.
- Learning inside the box: students' perceptions of emergency remote learningPublication . Fernandes, Joana; Silva, Susana; Silva, Cândida; Lima, Vanda; Carvalho, Amélia; Peres, PaulaCOVID-19 has had a considerable impact on learning environments, placing huge challenges on students and teachers. During the pandemic period, academic activities were mainly provided in a remote learning environment. Learning and assessment activities had to be adjusted to remote environments. The present study is particularly focuses on students' perceptions. Namely, it aims to understand the students' perceptions of the learning and assessment activities during the first lockdown due to COVID-19 in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution. Specifically, we aim to understand the difficulties and challenges identified by higher education students related to remote learning environments. For this qualitative study, we used a semi-structured interview for data collection. Data were collected in September and October 2020. We interviewed 29 students from a Portuguese Higher education institution. Data were analysed according to content analysis procedures. Our results suggest that most students had a positive evaluation of the learning process and assessment during the pandemic. The most positive dimensions were related to their ability to manage their own time and better work/study management. On the other hand, students understood it as a challenge to their ability to maintain focus, be motivated for classes and tasks, and interact with the teacher. These challenges are related to the understanding of less efficient learning. Therefore, most students were satisfied with the learning and the assessment process during the first lockdown. Furthermore, students identified several positive aspects and challenges related to this period. Higher Education Institutions' decision-makers should consider these results to develop new strategies and models for Higher Education.
- Digital influencers: possible roles in the promotion of tourist destinationsPublication . Ramalho, Bárbara; Silva, Susana; Silva, CândidaIn the globalisation era, digital influencers have become a key communication source of the 21st century and an important player in several business activities. They are known as content creators, they can influence large audiences who want to consume their contents and are available to be influenced by their information and behaviors. Additionally, digital platforms have played an important role in the development of new digital marketing strategies for the promotion of tourist destinations, namely integrating opinion leaders as products and service influencers. Therefore, this study aims to understand the role of digital influencers in the promotion of tourist destinations and to identify the strategies used for their promotion. To answer our objectives a qualitative study was conducted. 17 digital influencers participated in our study, of both genders, with a mean age of 26 years (SD=7.98). All the participants fulfilled a demographic questionnaire and it was conducted a semi-structured interview to answer the research question "How do Portuguese digital influencers promote a tourist destination?". The interviews were verbatim transcript and data analysed according to thematic analysis procedures. The preliminary results showed that “trip characteristics” and “influencer function” are the main categories. For the trip it is important to define the main reasons to visit the tourist destination, positive and negative dimensions related to the trip, and interests in the place. The influencer functions emerge from the communication with the followers, digital, technical and soft skills needed to be professional. Thus, it can be concluded that digital influencers can have an important role in the promotion of a tourist destination. The digital influencer should have significant communication skills but also digital, technical and soft skills. Therefore, it is crucial to train future tourism professionals to be prepared for this professional option. We discuss the main practical and theoretical implications and offer some suggestions for further studies.
- Creating collaborative research opportunities at a distance: from Porto to Cluj-NapocaPublication . Melo, Carla; Vasconcelos, Sandra; Liberato, Dália; Silva, Cândida; Amaral, Paula; Negrușa, Adina Letiția; Cosma, Smaranda Adina; Fleșeriu, CristinaFocusing on an Interdisciplinary Project (IP) involving Higher Education Institutions from Portugal (School of Hospitality and Tourism – Polytechnic Institute of Porto) and Romania (Faculty of Business – Babeş-Bolyai University), this short paper describes a joint project developed by tourism students attending tourism courses at both institutions. This project, which concentrated on the cities of Porto (Portugal) and Cluj-Napoca (Romania), involved different courses and set out to identify motivations, attitudes and perceptions of generation Z tourists, by collaboratively designing, applying and analyzing a joint questionnaire for each destination. Relying heavily on a technology-mediated, innovative approach that focuses on problem-solving, collaboration and communication skills, this paper draws on literature, field observation and informal feedback to give a general overview of the teaching and learning strategies used throughout the project and describe its implementation. Based on these premises, and taking into account the challenges currently being faced by HEI and the need to further enhance students’ learning experience and promote an articulated development of skills that meet the needs of an increasingly digital workplace, this project provides a practical framework for other initiatives within this scope, thus making a viable and constructive contribution towards educational innovation, particularly in the field of tourism education.
- Social media in hotel crisis communication: a case studyPublication . Silva, Cândida; Silva, Susana; Rodrigues, BrunaThe evolution of social media has transformed the way people communicate, share experiences and search for information before and after a trip. These platforms can bring countless benefits to businesses but implementing them effectively brings countless challenges. In the hotel industry, the use of social media as a digital marketing strategy has become fundamental to promote brands and services, as well as to create a closer relationship with the customer. It then becomes essential to understand how hotels can use these platforms effectively. Moreover, defining communication strategies, especially in periods of global crisis, with customers and public that include social networks are fundamental and a great challenge. In this sense, in this paper a case study of a hotel in a period including the global pandemic crisis of COVID-19 was conducted where good practices for social media management in hospitality are proposed, supported by the literature review and the practical learning provided in the fieldwork. These good practices also take into consideration the application of successful social media strategies in a hotel during times of crisis.
- Great expectations: the graduate view of skills in hospitalityPublication . Silva, Susana; Silva, Cândida; Soares, GiselaSkills are understood as key issues in the labour market and conceptualised as individual attributes needed to perform competent work. The distinction between hard and soft skills is one of the most used theoretical conceptualization – hard skills being understood as technical skills, required of professionals, and soft skills being seen as personal traits which are not specifically related to the function. One hundred years after the publication of Mann’s A Study of Engineering Education (1918), and as employers expect a new level of readiness from new hires, the focus is on bridging the soft skills gap. However, most of the literature delves into mismatched expectations of both industry and educators, and little documentation can be found regarding the skills that future employees believe their employers will require.
- Ferramentas web para a gestão de informaçãoPublication . Oliveira, Lino; Silva, Cândida
- Peer assessment: the perceptions of hospitality and tourism studentsPublication . Silva, Susana; Silva, CândidaPeer assessment has been the theme of considerable research interest over the last decades, with numerous researchers defending the integration of peer assessment into the practices in the several graduation phases, namely in high education. In this study, we aimed to understand what were the students’ perceptions of the peer assessment, inter and intra-group after its application in the courses of hospitality and tourism. A quantitative approach was used with the application of an online survey to hospitality and tourism students at the end of the academic year. Our sample had 114 students, 30 men, and 84 females. 54 were master’s students and 60 were graduate students. Our main results showed that the majority of the students consider having enough knowledge to assess their peers and recognize that this strategy implies a huge responsibility for the students. Although most of the students consider the colleagues’ assessment subjective and more subjective and less demanding than the teachers’ assessment. Moreover, this strategy is understood as a tool to develop individual knowledge. Most of the students did not refer any kind of difficulty doing inter or intra-group assessments. Regarding the overall perception of the strategy, most students consider that this strategy should be used in other classes, it is a fair assessment strategy and students should be involved in the peer assessment. Results suggested that peer assessment should be considered as a possible strategy to integrate the assessment methodology. These findings provide support for peer assessment as a practice to implement in higher education and suggest several implications for the implementation of peer assessment in the classroom.
- Describing skills in hotel management syllabi: a view from the fieldPublication . Silva, Rosa; Soares, Gisela; Pataco, Teresa; Oliveira, Mónica; Silva, Susana; Silva, CândidaDeveloping a course curricula is a complex and difficult task since it must reflect the fundamental technical competencies and skills, but also the soft skills that students must develop to practice a specific profession. In this sense, Higher Education Institutions have been struggling to find strategies and incorporate methodologies into their course curricula that will promote the balanced development of these technical and transversal competencies and skills. Therefore, this paper describes an exploratory study on how the competencies and skills dynamic is featured in the description of the learning outcomes of a 3-year Bachelor in Hospitality Management degree in Portugal. It analysed the forty learning outcomes of the different subjects of the degree and framed in the Reference Framework by The Council of the European Union. Moreover, it also analysed the application of the taxonomy of Bloom in describing the learning outcomes. The preliminary results show that there are some explicit learning outcomes outlined in the reference framework of the European Union but they still lack those related to soft skills development. Furthermore, the application of the taxonomy of Bloom is adequate and fully present in the learning outcomes. These results highlight the need of reviewing the description of the learning outcomes, mainly its alignment with the content and teaching and assessment methodologies adopted by the different subjects.
- Tourism events: bringing innovation to the North of PortugalPublication . Silva, Susana; Silva, Cândida; Alves, JoãoTourist destinations are places or regions that offer a set of tourism products, which provide experiences to the consumer according to their itinerary, culture, travel motivation, education, or life experience. Events usually provide the consumer with an opportunity for leisure and social interaction that goes beyond the experience of everyday life and by the desire of people to live an original and exclusive experience. Therefore, an event can be used to promote a destination and to make known the traditions, cultures, and experiences of local communities. In this way, it was carried out a study to understand the importance of events for the promotion of a tourist destination, identifying the themes of the events used to that promotion, and the role of events in the promotion of a touristic destination. This study was conducted in the Municipalities of the North of Portugal, following a qualitative methodology to collect and analyze data. The municipalities participating in this study hold entertainment, cultural, sports, and educational events, and the results showed that those events are a great attraction for visitors creating a good economic impact in the region, contributing to the increase of consumption and bigger dissemination of their products facilitating potential new contacts for business and partnerships.
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