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  • Intelligent Logistics Management in Industry 4.0: An Application Based on an Automated Intelligent Vehicle
    Publication . Menezes, César; Castro, Helio; Ávila, Paulo; Bastos, João; Putnik, Goran; Cunha, Maria; Ferreira, Luís
    Companies that faces transport challenges and require logistics efficiency need to implement solutions based on automation, provided in Industry 4.0. Intelligent Logistics Management, satisfying the demanding requirements of the customer, using new technologies and advanced tools to control and to act along the supply chain are mandatory. To address this topic, this paper presents an application of an Automated Intelligent Vehicle.
  • An analysis about the resources selection process in agile/virtual enterprises
    Publication . Pires, António; Putnik, Goran; Ávila, Paulo
    We intend in the context of this work, to do an analysis on studies, literary revisions and mainly on existent models, in the universe of virtual enterprises resources selection, in order to allow us to put on perspective, in a sustainable way, new slopes to be incorporated that contributes to an improvement of the whole global process. This analysis for the A/VE was focused in several areas and basic slopes for the whole global process of the problem in question, namely in terms of the pre-selection phases and requisites; selection phases, requisites and methods; mathematical models, used tools and other important areas. There were incorporated the decision process of create an A/VE project and the requisites of the process principal phases. We approach the essential aspects for the work that is intended to develop, such as the integration of the existent models with the tasks plan (PT) of the product, namely if there are contemplated the eformulation and evaluation of the PT, and other important characteristics such as the weighting of resources and the incorporation of the value concept in the existent models, being that in our opinion an integration of a methodology of the type of Value Analysis will be able to incorporate surplus values in all this process. Conclusions were withdrawn on the whole global process, pointing to gaps and limitations and trying to do an approach which allows to sinthetize and put in perspective an efficient analysis of the whole extent of the problem in question.
  • Broker and Market of Resources as Organizational Mechanisms for Sustainability of Resources Selection Processes In Agile / Virtual Enterprises
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Putnik, Goran; Cunha, Maria; Pires, António
    Our Agile / Virtual Enterprises (A/V E) model, it is associated with the creation of temporary net of several physical organizations (or resources), with the intention to develop and produce one or more products/services, in the quantity and quality desirable, answering rapidly to a market solicitation. Our model has to satisfy four functional requirements: virtuality, distributivity, integrability and agility. The main mechanisms, or tools, for assuring satisfaction and implementation of these requirements, by the Virtual Enterprises Architecture Reference Model (BM_VEARM), are the Broker, the Market of Resources and the virtuality (as the specific organization architectural, or structural, pattern). In this paper, Broker and Market of Resources, and their roles and relationship within the process of resources selection, as one of the main processes of the A/V E as well as one of the “agility” processes, are considered. Both of them, Broker and Market of Resources, are independent physical entities, with own juridical identification, that inter-working between them and the Principal (the mentor of a business opportunity), could origin an A/V E creation. We will show in this article the main functions and its organizational position, associated to the triple Broker – Resources Market – Principal, for the A/V E configuration and operation. For the resources system selection those functions will be more detailed explained and identified its tools or type of tools, and its desired performance to assure the A /V E integrability and agility. One of these kinds of tools, are expected to be quality assurance tools, namely the value analyses.
  • The potential of value analysis application in the furniture industry – a case study at IKEA
    Publication . Pires, António; Ávila, Paulo; Putnik, Goran; Varela, Leonilde; Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela; Caldeira, Rita
    Value analysis methodology uses a structured and methodical job plan contemplating several steps to ensure success in its application. This paper intends to perspective the potential of value analysis application, namely in the furniture industry. To draw conclusions of this potential a case study was developed at an IKEA factory in Portugal. To characterize the customer needs in a clear language and to quantify the value of a product (a bookcase) produced in this factory, a value analysis study was developed. Functional analysis is the most known and distinctive phase of value analysis and is, nowadays, an autonomous tool. With this functional analysis, the authors intend to describe the functions that the product performs, to provide a better knowledge of the product, to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of the product through its functional performance and to facilitate the search for alternative solutions. The results obtained allowed us to reach some important conclusions about the application of value analysis in this type of industry and can be an initial step to promote the use of this tool in this kind of industry.
  • Optimization of the quality plan in Saint-Gobain Mondego, SA - a case study
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Putnik, Goran; Sá, Catarina; Contente, João
    The quality plan is one of the most important documents into the quality management systems. It brings to the system how the quality control should be done in order to assure the product quality and the customer’s satisfaction. Nowadays the production systems have to continue to improve its performance in order to be more competitive and the quality plan has to follow this trend too. In this work we will present a case study developed in Saint-Gobain Mondego, SA, whose goal was to improve the quality plan in order to reduce the product non conformities and simultaneously the costs associated with the quality. The present work makes firstly a presentation of the enterprise production process and an overview of how the quality controls it is performed during the process. After that, we will characterize the problem that Saint-Gobain proposes to study; our propose to decrease the problem; the tests effectuated and the analysis of the results; and the final conclusions about this case. How we will see, there are strong signs that the proposal tested will bring quality improvement associated with a cost reduction and consequently better satisfaction for the customer.
  • Adaptations of a resources system selection problem of Distributed/Agile/Virtual Enterprises for using genetic algorithms
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Mota, Alzira; Putnik, Goran; Costa, Lino
    The selection of resource systems is still a difficult matter to solve in distributed / Agile / Virtual enterprises ( D/A/V Es ) integration. Attempts to solve the resources selection problem, has originated several models and consequently different algorithms have been applied to obtain solutions. The exact algorithms have good performance (in terms of computational time) for low dimension problems. However, become ineffective as the complexity increases. Genetic algorithms are considered robust and versatile. These have been applied to complex problems in several application areas and gained popularity in innumerable research works. To improve the computational time in solving the resources selection problem, we pretend to apply a genetic algorithm. Due to the characteristics of the model, the application of this algorithm forced adjustments in the initial model. In this work, we present the adaptations performed in the study model in order to use genetic algorithms.
  • A contribution for the development of new resources selection models for the agile/virtual enterprises
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Putnik, Goran; Cunha, Maria
    The process of resources systems selection, takes an important part in Agile / Virtual Enterprises (A/V E) integration because the efficient resources selection, or resources systems selection, running in useful time and cost and with efficient solution, is an important operation within the A/V E design phase and certainly will contribute for the flexibility of an A/V E within the phase of its reconfiguration. The resources systems selection is a difficult matter to solve in A/V E because: it can be of exponential complexity resolution; it can be a multi criteria problem; and because there are different types of A/V Es with different requirements that have originate the creation of a specific resources selection model for each one of them. This kind of selection approach models will be reviewed from literature and analyzed its limitations and the consequent necessities of development new ones. At the first time we identified necessities that never were thought before, like performance measures for the selection model, and the necessities of identifying the sponsor for the selection process. We will see too that the models fit uniquely the requirements of a unique A/V E are rigid and not flexible enough to satisfy the requirements of another A/V E. These limitations that we highlight in this work are important to be considered in the development of new models and were simultaneously considered in the development of our selection model for the project of the BM_Virtual Enterprise.
  • Contribuição da ISO 9001: 2000 na Criação e Implementação de Quantificadores de Desempenho para as Pequenas e Médias Empresas
    Publication . Ávila, Paulo; Putnik, Goran; Lopes, Manuel; Afonso Fernandes, António; Cavaco, Ismael
    A maioria das pequenas e médias empresas não têm ou não possuem adequadas medidas de desempenho para se auto-avaliarem. Com certeza que valores relacionados com alguns parâmetros contabilísticos normalmente são conhecidos, e.g., volume de faturação, resultado líquido, etc. Contudo, nos nossos dias não bastam apenas esses parâmetros e o empresário deve perceber que os desempenhos financeiros dependem de outras medidas de desempenho, i.e., os primeiros são consequência dos segundos. Com a implementação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade (SGQ), segundo a norma NP EN ISO 9001: 2000, nas pequenas e médias empresas, pensamos que é uma importante oportunidade para perceber, criar e implementar medidas de desempenho, de forma racional e com acréscimo de valor ou de importância para a empresa. Isto significa, a criação de medidas de desempenho que podem ser úteis e não para criar mais “papeis” que nunca serão utilizados no quotidiano da empresa, e que nalguns casos, apenas servem para impressionar os auditores da qualidade ou para decorar as paredes da empresa. A oportunidade criada com a implementação da norma ISO 9001: 2000 ocorre da necessidade de implementar o SGQ inserido no contexto duma estrutura de processos que interagem entre si (através de entradas e saídas de cada processo) e com o exterior (clientes e fornecedores) e que descrevem as principais atividades no seio da empresa que são importantes para assegurar a qualidade do sistema. Para cada um dos processos pertencentes ao SGQ é necessário, entre outros requisitos da norma, descrever os seus mecanismos de controlo, i.e., as suas medidas de desempenho. A descrição dessas medidas de desempenho, que ficam a cargo de cada empresa, são de crucial importância para a aplicação do círculo de Deming (plan do check act – PDCA), quer no seio de cada processo quer para o todo do SGQ implementado dentro da empresa. O propósito deste artigo passa primeiro por chamar a atenção das empresas para a oportunidade de definirem medidas de desempenho úteis aquando da implementação dum SGQ. Em segundo, mostraremos um conjunto de processos tipo para pequenas e médias empresas da indústria metalomecânica e para cada processo definiremos algumas das medidas de desempenho que poderão ser utilizadas pelas mesmas, para quantificarem o desempenho de cada processo e simultaneamente do todo da empresa.
  • Domain of applicability of Value Analysis approach in the pre-selection of resources
    Publication . Pires, António; Putnik, Goran; Ávila, Paulo
    For the project of an Agile/Virtual Enterprise (A/V E) the resources selection is a key factor. The output of the selection process should be prepared to guarantee quality, efficiency and cost-attractiveness, in order to ensure the agility and integrability of the A/V E. Despite the potential of Value Analysis (VA), none of the resources selection models found in the literature incorporates the VA integration. The main objective is to quantify the selection process performance with VA integrated into the pre-selection of resources in accordance with the developed model. The paper presents through the simulation results analysis, some of the benefits of VA application: greater applicability domain for candidate resources and number of tasks; and reduction of the selection time.
  • A Framework for Simulator Development for Fixed Horizon, Rolling Horizon and Real Time Management Modelling and Evaluation
    Publication . Putnik, Goran; Alves, Cátia; Ávila, Paulo; Ferreira, Luís; Castro, Helio; Shah, Vaibhav
    This paper presents a framework for simulator development for fixed horizon, rolling horizon and real time management models for their modelling and evaluation in ubiquitous production networks under conditions of dynamic environments for economic and environmental sustainability.