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  • Partilha de informação em contexto empresarial na ótica da ciência da informação
    Publication . Moreira, Diogo; Martins, Susana; Carvalho, Milena
    Em ambiente empresarial, o cumprimento de prazos nos projetos pode levar à ausência de gestão da informação, nomeadamente a deficiências no processo de criação e organização documental que tornam difícil a sua recuperação. O projeto implementado assume como objetivo a definição de melhorias nos processos de criação, organização e partilha infodocumental, conduzindo ao desenvolvimento de instrumentos neste âmbito. Trata-se de uma investigação aplicada, baseando-se na revisão da literatura narrativa e na recolha de evidências através do uso de grelhas de observação e sua análise. É igualmente uma investigação exploratório-descritiva, permitindo conhecer e aprofundar temáticas. Foi necessário proceder-se ao mapeamento da documentação produzida ao longo dos projetos desenvolvidos e a uma avaliação da documentação armazenada nos repositórios institucionais DA ORGANIZAÇÃO X. Propuseram-se melhorias ao nível da criação, organização e partilha de infodocumentação que usassem as tecnologias por forma a facilitarem a criação, o acesso e a difusão infodocumental, cumprindo-se assim o objetivo proposto
  • Perceptions of the skills of graduates in the library and information science and technology degree of P. Porto, Portugal: A Statistical Data Analysis of the Alignment Between Students, Teachers, and Employers
    Publication . Martins, Susana; Lopes, Isabel Cristina; Carvalho, Milena
    Objective – The objective of this research was to identify the four professional competences of graduates in Library and Information Sciences and Technologies (LIST) considered most pertinent, from the points of view of students, teachers, and employers. We also sought to compare the perceptions of the different groups. The study was based on the premise that alignment of these perceptions may enhance the employability of LIST graduates. Methods – A questionnaire, used and validated by Arias-Coello et al. (2014), was further translated by Martins and Carvalho (2018). The questionnaire consisted of a set of questions regarding four dimensions: Information Management; Communication and Interpersonal Relationships; Domain and Application of Information Technologies; Organization Management. We sent the survey by email to the target audience; it was available to complete in April and May 2018. Data analysis included calculating mean and standard deviation, as well as Shapiro Wilk normality tests, statistical tests for multiple comparisons, ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis test, Friedman test, Wilcoxon test, and Pearson's correlation. Results – In relation to certain dimensions, one could think that age would be a determining factor, but this has not been proved. In fact, results showed that age is not a factor that influenced the importance attributed to different competences in the several dimensions. The respondents' academic degrees and areas of knowledge were linked to significant differences transversally. The Kruskal Wallis test indicated that students, teachers, and employers perceived the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) skills equally. As for the other competences, overall there were significant differences between students and employers, and there were significant differences between students and teachers regarding the perceived importance of organization management skills. There were also significant differences between teachers, students, and employers regarding the perceived importance of communication skills. We also found that responses within the teacher group had less dispersion of answers, therefore there was greater internal agreement. The opposite occurred in the employer group. Conclusion – The differences detected in the perception of the different groups were minor. However, it is necessary to create initiatives for the alignment of the perceptions of students and employers, because if all groups have the same perception, they will develop and value the same skills, responding to the needs of the labor market, thus promoting the employability of LIST graduates. The inclusion of a curricular internship, even one of short duration, in the first year of the degree could also be a way of endeavoring to bring together the expectations of both groups. These suggestions are part of a proposal to change and update the study plan and enhance the performance of course management.
  • Professional skills of the graduates in Library and Information Sciences and Technologies from the point of view of the potential employers, students and professors
    Publication . Martins, Susana; Carvalho, Milena
    This communication assumes that the professional skills of the graduated in Library and Information Sciences and Technologies (LIST) are known from the point of view of both the students themselves and their professors and even of the potential employers, which are here materialized by the host entities of curricular traineeship of the Undergraduate degree in LIST. These institutions have public and private nature and we can define them as follows: Microenterprise: employs less than 10 people and the annual turnover or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 2 million; Small enterprise: employs less than 50 people and the annual turnover or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 10 million; Medium-sized enterprise: employs less than 250 people and the annual turnover does not exceed EUR 50 million or the annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 43 million. In addition to the business types referred to above, there are also host entities of traineeship, organizations of public nature who work exclusively on document and information management such as libraries and archives. The starting point is the following question: Does the degree in LIST promote the acquisition of skills considered to be important and relevant for the professional performance? The general objective of this work is to assess among those that get closely involved with LIST, if this degree promotes the acquisition of important skills for these future information professionals, from three different perspetives: students, professors and the potential employers. Regarding the methodology, it will be created a survey by questionnary, previously used and validated in another study (Arias-Coello; Simón-Blas; Simón-Martín (2014)). The questionnaire consists of four dimensions: 1-Information Management; 2-Communication and Interpersonal Relationship; 3-Mastery and application of information technologies; 4-Organization Management Subdivided into 29 factors, that resulted in 29 questions. The scale of answer to be used includes values between 1 and 10, being 10 the highest value. The questionnaire will be made available electronically to the host institutions of traineeship (167), to the graduate students and to the full-time professors and it was previously initiated phone contact with the first ones and personal contact with the second and third ones, in order to raise awareness to fill the questionnaire. The answer rate is expected to be satisfactory and the collected data will be exported later and worked statically in the SPSS. It is expected that the results will allow to assess the opinions of different segments associated to the LIST degree and eventually identify the shortcomings in the curriculum of this Undergraduate degree and, thus, make recommendations for its adjustment, taking into account the perspectives of the participants interviewed.
  • Creation of a Mobile App Prototype for Internationalization of Rūta’s Products
    Publication . Pacheco, Inês; Pocevičienė, Rasa; Carvalho, Milena; Martins, Susana; Castro, Maria João
    This project was developed as part of an international cooperation program between Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) and the Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration (Portugal), which results in a double degree agreement for the bachelor’s degree students in Information Management (Lithuania) and bachelor degree students in Science and Technologies of Documentation and Information (Portugal). Nowadays almost everyone has access to the internet and a mobile phone, so companies are adopting different ways to attract customers. Not only the use of applications and social media have grown but also sales applications. Due to the pandemic many companies started using other ways to communicate with their customers and in the case of the Rūta’s Chocolate Museum, with its visitors. The close relationship between the Information Society, Information Science and Heritage, regardless of its´ nature, is explored and explained and as a continuation it is assumed that information professionals currently have diversified skills that allow them to work in contexts different from the so-called traditional ones, such as libraries and archives. The methodology was based on scientific literature review and on the identification and analysis of different variables that would influence its development, namely: a) identify and analyze what already exists about the museum on the web (website, social networks); b) know the visitors information needs; c) know the museum strategy for marketing; d) create an app prototype; e) create content for the app.comparison between app creation platforms was developed but the main criteria at this point was free of charge use as well as hierarchical content display. The content creation had in mind the goal of the company, mainly to promote the museum's activities and Rüta products by reaching potential customers all over the world, so the use of English was very important, but also what interests the users of the Rüta social networks showed. The app prototype is presented, and as mentioned before, the use of mobile applications as grown through the last years due to the growth of mobile phones users and companies making a huge investment in said mobile apps as it helps with the diffusion of their services making them more easily accessed by the costumers. This impacts not only financially but also in the way information society evolves as more and more information is created by minute. The change in information society is noticeable not only in the way it alters the information cycle (production, selection, use and storage) but also the professionals and the skills required so the information is useful and attends to what is needed. The educational implications of the project relate to the performance of the information professional in non-traditional areas, but in areas where the valorization of the informational heritage of companies, can give way to initiatives that will have positive impacts in activity and business. This requires graduates to use, in an integrated way, the specialized skills seized over the three years of the study cycle, but also put other transversal skills in practice, such as reasoning and problem solving. Within the scope of the project, it is considered that self-regulation and the search for solutions to problems presuppose environmental manipulations that ultimately originate behaviors that tend to increase the probability of achieving the educational goal.