Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022-01"
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- Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the Brief Norwegian Safety Climate Inventory (Brief NORSCI)Publication . Monteiro, Raquel; Vieira Da Silva, Manuela; Arezes, Pedro; Rodrigues, MatildeThe aim of this study was to translate and validate the Portuguese version of the 11-item Brief Norwegian Safety Climate Inventory (Brief NORSCI) to Portuguese language and test its validity and reliability in a Portuguese LPG plant. The validity was assessed by an Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA). The test-retest reliability and internal consistency were determined by using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Cronbach’s Alpha, respectively. The Brief NORSCI was translated into the Portuguese language using a forward-backward translation design. The Portuguese version was then applied to a sample of 80 workers. After a 2-week period, workers were asked to fill out a second questionnaire to assess the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of Brief NORSCI. In the test-retest, the ICC for the Brief NORSCI total score was moderate (0.70) and the Cronbach’s Alpha showed an acceptable internal consistency (=0.80). In addition, from the EFA resulted three dimensions according to the theoretical assumptions. The Portuguese version of Brief NORSCI was found to be a valid and a reliable tool to assess safety climate.
- Promoção literacia em sono na infância - adolescência: uma necessidade emergentePublication . Tavares, Diana; Leite, Liliana; Amorim, Manuela; Lima, Raul CerveiraOs problemas relacionados com o sono têm sido cada vez mais vistos como um problema de saúde pública. Atualmente, as exigências diárias parecem impor um encurtamento do tempo e a qualidade do sono. Um sono não reparador e os horários desregulados podem aumentar os riscos de patologia e diferentes tipos de disfunção, como fisiológica e hormonal. De facto, a afetação cognitiva (perceção, memória, funções executivas) subsequente a estas alterações do sono constituem uma questão de saúde pública.Esta problemática pode ser amplamente minimizada mudando hábitos ou estilos de vida. O conhecimento das regras de sono / higiene de sono pode melhorar substancialmente a qualidade de vida. Contudo, o que se verifica é que, apesar do crescente conhecimento sobre a importância do sono para a saúde, ainda não existe uma campanha sustentada e sistematizada para a promoção de hábitos de sono adequados, sobretudo ao nível das crianças e adolescentes, e respetivos educadores, sendo a infância e adolescência a faixa etária mais permeável a mudanças comportamentais.
- Applied research on environmental and occupational health in hospital contextPublication . Carvalhais, Carlos; Xavier, Ana; Vieira Da Silva, Manuela; Santos, JoanaHospital facilities are normally, very complex, which combined with patient requirements promote conditions for potential development of uncomfortable working conditions. The work in hospitals is likely to damage health resulting in occupational accidents and diseases. In this sense, a project focused on Environmental and Occupational Health in Hospital Context was developed to be a contribution to understand the risk factors to which health professionals and patients are exposed in these environments and how this exposure can be reduced. This research line resulted in 34 publications and 11 oral/poster communications: 6 articles in international scientific journals, 3 book chapters, 13 articles/abstracts in books of international congress proceedings, 4 technical reports, 1 doctoral thesis and 7 final course works. The project allowed the study of data about occupational exposure and accidents in hospital environments in the North of Portugal
- LOVE.DIST@NCE: ensino à distância como forma de equidade no acesso ao Ensino SuperiorPublication . Jesus, Ângelo,; Araújo, André,; Gonçalves, Maria João,O Ensino Superior tem assistido a um crescimento em todo o mundo nas últimas décadas. Contudo, verificam-se grandes assimetrias no que respeita ao acesso, com países/regiões específicos a apresentar acentuadas desigualdades de oportunidades, especialmente em grupos populacionais sub-representados devido ao status socioeconómico, raça, etnia, religião, idade, sexo, deficiência ou origem geográfica. Paralelamente, o acesso à internet tem vindo a massificar-se e provar o seu potencial como forma de democratização no acesso à informação. O projeto Love.Dist@nce foi criado para responder às necessidades da Geórgia e de Israel, com o contributo de parceiros Europeus, com o objetivo de promover a educação inclusiva através de ensino à distância. Após 18 meses de atividade o projeto segue o seu curso e foram já criados vários relatórios e materiais de apoio que servirão de base à implementação de unidades curriculares piloto atualmente em curso, envolvendo docentes, estudantes e não-docentes.
- A avaliação multidomínio da eficácia de programas de reabilitação neurocognitiva suportados nas novas tecnologias digitaisPublication . Pinto, Joana O.; Geraldo, Andreia; Peixoto, Bruno; Castro-Caldas, Alexandre; Barbosa, Fernando; Dores, Artemisa RochaO envolvimento das novas tecnologias digitais nos processos de estimulação e reabilitação neurocognitiva (RNC) tem potenciado a eficácia e eficiência dos serviços de RNC, nomeadamente através de uma maior personalização aos perfis funcionais de cada indivíduo. Apesar disso, os protocolos de avaliação da eficácia destes processos baseiam-se maioritariamente em resultados de instrumentos tradicionais que não fornecem informação específica sobre as alterações que produzem quer no funcionamento cerebral per se, quer no seu funcionamento multissensorial. Desta forma, o projeto de investigação em curso foca-se na avaliação da eficácia de programas de RNC suportados nas novas tecnologias digitais, em diferentes patologias neurológicas utilizando protocolos de avaliação constituídos por medidas de resultado multidomínio. Os protocolos incluem medidas de: avaliação neuropsicológica tradicional, do estado emocional, qualidade de vida, funcionalidade, neurofisiologia (i.e., conectividade funcional), e das funções sensoriopercetivas
- Designing human-robot collaboration (HRC) workspaces in industrial settings: A systematic literature reviewPublication . Simões, Ana Correia; Pinto, Ana; Santos, Joana; Pinheiro, Sofia; Romero, DavidIn the pursuit of increasing efficiency, productivity and flexibility at production lines and their corresponding workstations, manufacturing companies have started to heavily invest in “collaborative workspaces” where close interaction between humans and robots promises to lead to these goals that neither can achieve on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to know the contributions, recommendations and guidelines that literature presents in terms of designing a manufacturing workplace where humans and cobots interact with each other to accomplish the defined objectives. These aspects need to be explored in an integrated and multidisciplinary way to maximize human involvement in the decision chain and to promote wellbeing and quality of work. This paper presents a systematic literature review on designing human-robot collaboration (HRC) workspaces for humans and robots in industrial settings. The study involved 252 articles in international journals and conferences proceedings published till 2019. A detailed selection process led to including 65 articles to further analysis. A framework that represents the complexity levels of the influencing factors presented in human-robot interaction (HRI) contexts was developed for the content analysis. Based on this framework the guidelines and recommendations of the analysed articles are presented in three categories: Category 1 – the first level of complexity, which considers only one specific influencing factor in the HRI. This category was split into two: human operator, and technology; Category 2 – the second level of complexity, includes recommendations and guidelines related to human-robot team’s performance, and thus several influencing factors are present in the HRI; and, finally, Category 3 – the third level of complexity, where recommendations and guidelines for more complex and holistic approaches in the HRI are presented. The literature offers contributions from several knowledge areas capable to design safe, ergonomic, sustainable, and healthy human-centred workplaces where not only technical but also social and psychophysical aspects of collaboration are considered.
- New therapeutic approaches based on ionic liquidsPublication . Ferraz, Ricardo; Teixeira, Cátia; Prudêncio, Cristina; Teixeira, Dulce; Vieira, Mónica; Gomes, PaulaIonic liquids (ILs) are currently defined as salts (with at least one organic ion) stable above their melting point. They began to be used mainly as solvents, but quickly drew the attention of the Life Sciences, as some of the characteristics of those compounds may be relevant in therapeutic applications. ILs can show more interesting physicochemical properties at the level of active pharmaceutical ingredients such as water solubility, in addition to the fact that ILs (liquids at room temperature and/or human body temperature) do not present polymorphism, an aspect which often limits the conditions of use and therapeutic efficacy of solid active pharmaceutical ingredients. This line of research seeks, through a careful choice of the ions, to fine-tune some of these properties, and to study the combination of two bioactive molecules that have ionizable groups of opposite charge, forming ionic liquids with a dual therapeutic effect.
- Projeto ForPharmacy: Farmácia do futuro com um ecossistema plug-and-playPublication . Dores, Artemisa Rocha; Castro, Maria; Marques, AntónioOs serviços prestados nas farmácias comunitárias podem ser otimizados, com a aplicação das tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs), dando resposta a necessidades bem documentadas e a outras emergentes, como as associadas à pandemia de COVID-19. O projeto ForPharmacy tem como objetivo desenvolver soluções inovadoras de telefarmácia. Neste trabalho propomos a apresentação do projeto e do consórcio. Como resultado do projeto espera-se que a aplicação das TICs permita a digitalização dos serviços das farmácias, bem como a utilização das telecomunicações com pacientes a distância ou impedidos da presença física. Esta possibilidade pode ser uma grande vantagem para populações vulneráveis, como é o caso dos idosos e pessoas com doenças crónicas, assim como no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19. As soluções digitais geradas permitirão às farmácias oferecer uma vasta gama de cuidados de saúde, contribuindo para expandir o acesso aos serviços prestados e, simultaneamente, melhorar a segurança dos pacientes.
- Benefits, concerns, and perceptions of knowledge workers regarding a video stress detection softwarePublication . Rodrigues, Matilde; Ferreira, Simão; Figueiredo, Henrique; Rodrigues, Fátima; Moreira, Fernando; Costa, Luís; Rocha, NunoStress is not only highly destructive, causing various mental health disorders (anxiety, insomnia, depression), cardiovascular diseases, poor immune function, and presenteeism, as it is costly. While concerns about occupational stress have increased, new solutions for its management have emerged. Systems based on the use of facial recognition, posture, eye movements, video monitoring, and behavioral stress detection have shown good results. Their drawback has mainly been the recording of the said video feed and privacy threats proceeding. This Focus Groups aimed to raise the opinions, perceptions, and concerns of end users regarding the system under development. With a new solution in mind, we gathered two groups of knowledge workers, one group of team leaders, and a group of consulting psychologists to gather their perceptions. A Focus Groups was conducted online via Microsoft Teams, as COVID-19 restrictions were applied during that period. Against previous reports, knowledge workers showed that privacy threats were not their major concern. Both groups showed that Mental Health was their main focus as the follow-up structure regarding stress detection was the most prevalent topic being close to information sharing and software adaptation. The results highly contribute to the development of future stress detection applications/software and the importance of a detailed and thorough explanation regarding the software framework.
- Fattymess: fat diet-induced obesity in melanoma metastasisPublication . Correia, Joana; Costa, Raquel; Prudêncio, Cristina; Soares, Raquel; Coelho, PedroMelanoma is the most aggressive skin cancer characterized by a high metastatic potential and poor survival rate, leading to major morbidity/mortality. Overweight, obesity and diet composition have been identified as risk factors for many types of cancers. However, there are cancers where obesity is associated with favorable outcomes and this has been coined the “obesity paradox”. Preliminary data obtained by our research group disclosed paradoxical findings unveiling that obesity act as a two-edged sword in melanoma: potentiating primary tumor growth, and vascularity/angiogenesis, but at the same time decrease metastatic potential, thus preventing secondary tumor growth. In this exploratory research project, we propose to further explore and deepen the impact that fat-rich diets and obesity partake in melanoma etiology