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O presente relatório de projecto pretende apresentar uma proposta de tradução de um
excerto da obra The Professor in the Cage: Why Men Fight and Why We Like to Watch,
de Jonathan Gottschall, juntamente com uma análise tradutiva da mesma,
simultaneamente abordando a temática não-ficcional da obra e a área de especialidade
que aborda: os desportos de combate. Inicialmente, será feita uma apresentação à obra
em si, assim como ao seu autor, de modo a proporcionar uma compreensão mais
aprofundada das suas características e estilo. De seguida, é feita uma introdução à
temática abordada na obra, i.e., os desportos de combate e a sua relação com a
sociedade e a cultura. É feita uma abordagem em particular ao desporto de combate
frequentemente conhecido como MMA (mixed martial arts, ou artes marciais mistas) e
à sua génese, o seu papel na sociedade ocidental moderna e o seu impacto cultural e
relevância no século XXI. Devido à especificidade temática da obra, é sequencialmente
apresentada uma reflexão acerca da terminologia específica, seguida por uma extracção
terminológica em formato de glossário relativo aos desportos de combate, juntamente
com uma descrição do processo de obtenção da terminologia técnica. Por último, é
realizada uma análise ao processo tradutivo em si, com referência às estratégias
utilizadas e teorias aplicadas na tradução da obra.
This project report includes a proposed translation of an excerpt of the book The Professor in the Cage: Why Men Fight and Why We Like to Watch, by Jonathan Gottschall. Also included in this report is an analysis of the translation process, simultaneously addressing the non-fictional content of the book and its main subject-matter: combat sports. First, an introduction to the book itself will be made, as well as its author, in an attempt to improve the understanding of the focused work and its literary style. This is followed by an introduction to the main theme of the book, i.e., combat sports and their significance in society, along with their cultural impact. In this context, MMA (mixed martial arts) is particularly referenced, as well as the origin of the sport, its role in the contemporary western world and its impact and relevance in the 21st century. Due to the specific theme of the book, a chapter is then dedicated to the discussion and consideration of the role of terminology in this context. This reflection is followed by the inclusion of a glossary containing technical terms pertaining to combat sports, along with a description of the process implied in the extraction of the mentioned terminology. The last chapter of this report intends to present an analysis of the process of translation itself, with reference to all strategies and translation theories applied to this case.
This project report includes a proposed translation of an excerpt of the book The Professor in the Cage: Why Men Fight and Why We Like to Watch, by Jonathan Gottschall. Also included in this report is an analysis of the translation process, simultaneously addressing the non-fictional content of the book and its main subject-matter: combat sports. First, an introduction to the book itself will be made, as well as its author, in an attempt to improve the understanding of the focused work and its literary style. This is followed by an introduction to the main theme of the book, i.e., combat sports and their significance in society, along with their cultural impact. In this context, MMA (mixed martial arts) is particularly referenced, as well as the origin of the sport, its role in the contemporary western world and its impact and relevance in the 21st century. Due to the specific theme of the book, a chapter is then dedicated to the discussion and consideration of the role of terminology in this context. This reflection is followed by the inclusion of a glossary containing technical terms pertaining to combat sports, along with a description of the process implied in the extraction of the mentioned terminology. The last chapter of this report intends to present an analysis of the process of translation itself, with reference to all strategies and translation theories applied to this case.
Nota: 20 valores
Tradução literária Literatura não-ficcional Desportos de combate Jonathan Gottschall Terminologia Non-fiction literature Literary translation Combat sports Terminology