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Através desta dissertação de mestrado, pretendemos estudar a relação entre as
tipologias de conteúdos e o Brand Engagement na rede social Instagram, utilizando a
conta oficial do Futebol Clube do Porto como estudo caso.
Ao longo dos anos temos visto um aumento exorbitante de utilizadores na
aplicação Instagram, tendo vindo a tornar-se numa ferramenta empresarial imprescindível
para aumentar a notoriedade da marca e, consequentemente, vendas. Os seguidores
utilizam a aplicação para se divertirem e partilharem momentos hedónicos, e mais do que
nunca, surge a necessidade nas empresas de utilizarem o comportamento dos utilizadores
a seu favor na rede social.
Desta forma, este estudo analisou as diferentes tipologias de conteúdo (taskoriented,
informativo, remunerativo e entretenimento) e relacionou-as com as diferentes
métricas que medem o Brand Engagement (gostos, comentários, impressões, e-score)
utilizando para estudo de caso a conta do Futebol Clube do Porto.
Analisados os conteúdos, denotamos que a tipologia entretenimento é a que se
destaca mais, por ser a que apresenta uma percentagem de engagement mais alta.
Percebemos também o grande favoritismo na tipologia remunerativo. Já a tipologia
informativo demonstra ser a mais neutra de todos. Por fim, aquela que não retém a atenção
dos utilizadores é a task-oriented.
Conclui-se que, apesar de existirem disparidades nos níveis de interação entre as
tipologias, todas elas cumprem um papel importantíssimo, e necessário para uma boa
estratégia de marketing. É fundamental as marcas definirem o seu objetivo, o que
pretendem comunicar, e desenhar um plano de marketing de conteúdo harmonioso, tendo
em conta as tipologias existentes e as suas características.
Through this master's thesis, we intend to study the relationship between content typologies and Brand engagement on the social media platform Instagram, using the official Futebol Clube do Porto page as study case. Over the years we have seen an exorbitant increase in users on Instagram, which has become an essential business tool to increase brand awareness and, consequently, sales. Followers use the application to have fun and share hedonic moments, and more than ever, there is a need for companies to use user behavior in their favor on the social network. Because of this, this study analyzed the different types of content (task-oriented, informative, remunerative and entertainment) and related them with the different metrics that measure Brand engagement (likes, comments, impressions, e-score) using the account of Futebol Clube do Porto as a study case. By analyzing the contents, we understood that the entertainment typology stands out the most, as it has the highest percentage of engagement. We also noticed the great favoritism in the remuneration typology. The informative typology, on the other hand, proves to be the most neutral of all. Finally, the one that does not hold users' attention is task-oriented. We conclude that, although there are disparities in the levels of interaction between the typologies, they all play a very important and necessary role for a good marketing strategy. It is essential for brands to define their objective, what they want to communicate, and design a harmonious content marketing plan, taking into account the existing typologies and their characteristics.
Through this master's thesis, we intend to study the relationship between content typologies and Brand engagement on the social media platform Instagram, using the official Futebol Clube do Porto page as study case. Over the years we have seen an exorbitant increase in users on Instagram, which has become an essential business tool to increase brand awareness and, consequently, sales. Followers use the application to have fun and share hedonic moments, and more than ever, there is a need for companies to use user behavior in their favor on the social network. Because of this, this study analyzed the different types of content (task-oriented, informative, remunerative and entertainment) and related them with the different metrics that measure Brand engagement (likes, comments, impressions, e-score) using the account of Futebol Clube do Porto as a study case. By analyzing the contents, we understood that the entertainment typology stands out the most, as it has the highest percentage of engagement. We also noticed the great favoritism in the remuneration typology. The informative typology, on the other hand, proves to be the most neutral of all. Finally, the one that does not hold users' attention is task-oriented. We conclude that, although there are disparities in the levels of interaction between the typologies, they all play a very important and necessary role for a good marketing strategy. It is essential for brands to define their objective, what they want to communicate, and design a harmonious content marketing plan, taking into account the existing typologies and their characteristics.
Marketing digital Conteúdo Brand engagement Instagram Digital marketing Content