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A fast, high-throughput digital coincidence detection system for a large RPC-PET camera

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Current work aiming at studying the feasibility of a resistive plate chamber (RPC)- PET camera for human whole-body screening indicates that a very cost-effective and highsensitivity camera can be built. Such a camera will use the high intrinsic time resolution (better than 300 ps full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the RPC technology to implement a time of flight (TOF)-PET camera that, along with its very large field of view, can reach a sensitivity exceeding the present crystal-based PET technology by a factor up to 20 with a spatial resolution near 2 mm. Due to the large number of RPC plates forming such a system (in the order of 100 RPC plates, or even more) and to the large amount of data generated it is essential to have an effective on-line trigger that helps reducing the pressure on the data saving and processing system. In this work we present simulation results of an all-digital coincidence-detection system implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) that can cope with the task of generating the high speed trigger for such a camera. The method implemented for coincidence detection is vir tually dead-time free and very fast. It is shown the trigger system can process all the events inside the RPC-PET camera in real-time. This will allow a better understanding of the camera and will contribute to its optimization, simplifying significantly the design of its data acquisition system.



Trigger concepts and systems (hardware and software) Gamma camera SPECT PET PET/CT Coronary CT angiography (CTA) Trigger algorithms


Clemencio, F. M. C., Loureiro, C. F. M., & Landeck, J. (2012). A fast, high-throughput digital coincidence detection system for a large RPC-PET camera. Journal of Instrumentation, 1-9.

Research Projects

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Journal Issue


IOP Publishing for Sissa Medialab

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