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O objetivo do presente trabalho é relatar e descrever de forma crítica todo o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo do ano letivo de 2023-2024, na Escola Profissional de Música de Espinho. Foram obtidos conhecimentos através da oportunidade que me foi concedida de realizar o estágio profissionalizante e acompanhar o percurso de alunos desta instituição, no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, inserida no Mestrado em Ensino de Música – Variante de Instrumento (Violoncelo), da ESMAE/ESE – IPP. O respetivo estágio, permitiu o acompanhamento de aulas individuais de violoncelo de alunos do Ensino Básico e do Ensino Secundário da Escola Profissional, e de aulas de Classe de Conjunto, da mesma. Como parte integrante deste relatório, foi desenvolvido um projeto de investigação-ação, que demonstra a aplicabilidade didática da obra “Adagio Lamentoso”, de Maria Teresa de Macedo, como parte do programa de violoncelo a adotar, apresentando e demonstrando simultaneamente, como a adoção de obras portuguesas no programa da disciplina de instrumento pode ser benéfica e enriquecedora no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
The objective of this work is to report and critically describe all the work developed throughout the 2023-2024 academic year, at the Escola Professional de Música de Espinho. Knowledge was acquired through the opportunity given to me to undertake a professional internship and monitor the journey of students at this institution, within the scope of the Supervised Teaching Practice curricular unit, included in the Master's Degree in Music Teaching – Instrument Variant (Cello), from ESMAE/ESE – IPP. The internship assistance allowed the accompaniment of individual cello lessons in Basic Education and Secondary Education classes at the Professional School, and Ensemble Class classes there. As an integral part of this report, an action research project was developed, which demonstrates the didactic applicability of the work “Adagio Lamentoso”, by Maria Teresa de Macedo, as part of the cello program to be adopted, presenting and demonstrating simultaneously, how the adoption of Portuguese works in the instrument discipline program can be beneficial and enriching in the teaching-learning process.
The objective of this work is to report and critically describe all the work developed throughout the 2023-2024 academic year, at the Escola Professional de Música de Espinho. Knowledge was acquired through the opportunity given to me to undertake a professional internship and monitor the journey of students at this institution, within the scope of the Supervised Teaching Practice curricular unit, included in the Master's Degree in Music Teaching – Instrument Variant (Cello), from ESMAE/ESE – IPP. The internship assistance allowed the accompaniment of individual cello lessons in Basic Education and Secondary Education classes at the Professional School, and Ensemble Class classes there. As an integral part of this report, an action research project was developed, which demonstrates the didactic applicability of the work “Adagio Lamentoso”, by Maria Teresa de Macedo, as part of the cello program to be adopted, presenting and demonstrating simultaneously, how the adoption of Portuguese works in the instrument discipline program can be beneficial and enriching in the teaching-learning process.
Ensino Música Violoncelo Maria Teresa de Macedo Escola profissional Academia de música Espinho Teaching Music Cello Academy of music