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Este relatório descreve e analisa o estágio curricular realizado no Studio Merge, situado
na Boavista, Porto, como parte do Mestrado em Design, com especialização em Design
Gráfico, na Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design. O estágio, que ocorreu de janeiro a
março de 2024, proporcionou uma experiência imersiva e enriquecedora, permitindo a
aplicação prática dos conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos ao longo do curso.
O documento sintetiza os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos adquiridos durante o
estágio, essenciais para compreender o papel profissional do designer. A descrição
abrange o processo realizado para projetos encomendados, uma proposta para um
potencial cliente e o desenvolvimento de projetos autopropostos pelo Studio Merge, que
se destaca pelo desenvolvimento de identidades visuais e projetos experimentais e
inovadores na área do design gráfico.
O estágio ocorreu durante uma fase de transição do Studio Merge, que inaugurou um
novo espaço em dezembro de 2023, proporcionando a oportunidade de crescimento e
contribuição durante essa fase. A experiência no Studio Merge permitiu consolidar
conhecimentos académicos, desenvolver novas competências e obter valioso
conhecimento prático, especialmente na conceptualização e desenvolvimento de
identidades visuais com interação direta com os clientes.
Esta experiência foi acompanhada pelo Designer André da Silva, CEO do Studio Merge,
que cumpriu o papel de Tutor de Estágio.
This report describes and analyses the curricular internship carried out at Studio Merge, located in Boavista, Porto, as part of the Master's Degree in Design, specializing in Graphic Design, at the School of Media Arts and Design. The internship, which took place from January to March 2024, provided an immersive and enriching experience, allowing the practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired throughout the course. The document summarizes the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the internship, which is essential for understanding the professional role of a designer. The description covers the process carried out for commissioned projects, a proposal for a potential client and the development of self-proposed projects by Studio Merge, which stands out for its development of visual identities and experimental and innovative projects in the field of graphic design. The internship took place during a transitional phase at Studio Merge, which opened a new space in December 2023, providing the opportunity to grow and contribute during this phase. The experience at Studio Merge allowed me to consolidate academic knowledge, develop new skills and gain valuable practical knowledge, especially in the conceptualization and development of visual identities with direct interaction with clients. This experience was overseen by Designer André da Silva, CEO of Studio Merge, who acted as Internship Tutor.
This report describes and analyses the curricular internship carried out at Studio Merge, located in Boavista, Porto, as part of the Master's Degree in Design, specializing in Graphic Design, at the School of Media Arts and Design. The internship, which took place from January to March 2024, provided an immersive and enriching experience, allowing the practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired throughout the course. The document summarizes the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the internship, which is essential for understanding the professional role of a designer. The description covers the process carried out for commissioned projects, a proposal for a potential client and the development of self-proposed projects by Studio Merge, which stands out for its development of visual identities and experimental and innovative projects in the field of graphic design. The internship took place during a transitional phase at Studio Merge, which opened a new space in December 2023, providing the opportunity to grow and contribute during this phase. The experience at Studio Merge allowed me to consolidate academic knowledge, develop new skills and gain valuable practical knowledge, especially in the conceptualization and development of visual identities with direct interaction with clients. This experience was overseen by Designer André da Silva, CEO of Studio Merge, who acted as Internship Tutor.
Relatório de estágio
Estágio Design gráfico Comunicação Identidade visual Internship Graphic design Communication Visual identity