Com o objetivo de identificar as principais problemáticas relacionadas com
equipas virtuais e quais as que emergem com maior significância após o início da
pandemia, este estudo apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura dos últimos cinco
Metodologicamente, aplicaram-se critérios de inclusão e exclusão, que
direcionaram a recolha da amostra, da qual resultaram 198 documentos científicos
publicados entre 2017 e 2021.
Os resultados mostram como evoluíram os estudos sobre equipas virtuais, quem
investiga, como investiga e o que é estudado neste âmbito. Destaca-se que os principais
temas de estudo na investigação sobre equipas virtuais são: a eficácia, o clima/contexto,
a liderança, a comunicação, os desafios, a confiança e a mudança. Os interesses na
produção científica sofreram alterações entre o período anterior e posterior ao início da
pandemia. A maior parte dos estudos antes da pandemia centravam-se na temática
eficácia, destacando os fatores que influenciavam a capacidade destas equipas para serem
ou não eficazes e produzirem bons resultados para as organizações. Depois do início da
pandemia, a maior parte dos estudos é focalizada na liderança, em específico, no impacto
da liderança nas equipas virtuais.
Este trabalho representa um novo ponto de partida para a investigação sobre
equipas virtuais, revelando ainda as tendências dos interesses de estudo depois do início
da pandemia, momento de expansão significativa deste tipo de equipas. Foram
identificadas como indicações para estudos futuros, a conceptualização de virtualidade na
definição de equipas virtuais, o papel da comunicação neste tipo de equipas, da
diversidade cultural entre os membros das equipas e ainda as mudanças que se verificaram
com as alterações nos métodos de trabalho devido à pandemia.
With the aim of identifying the main issues related to virtual teams and which ones emerge with greater significance after the onset of the pandemic, this study presents a systematic review of the literature of the last five years. Methodologically, inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, which directed the collection of the sample, from which resulted 198 scientific papers published between 2017 and 2021. The results show how the studies on virtual teams have evolved, who researches, how they research and what is studied in this area. It is noteworthy that the main themes of study in research on virtual teams are: effectiveness, climate/context, leadership, communication, challenges, trust and change. The interests in scientific production have changed between the period before and after the start of the pandemic. Most of the studies before the pandemic focused on the theme of effectiveness, highlighting the factors that influenced the ability of these teams to be effective and produce good results for the organizations. After the beginning of the pandemic, most of the studies focus on leadership, specifically on the impact of leadership on virtual teams. This work represents a new starting point for research on virtual teams, revealing also the tendencies of study interests after the beginning of the pandemic, a moment of significant expansion of this type of teams. We identified as indications for future studies, the conceptualization of virtuality in the definition of virtual teams, the role of communication in this type of teams, the cultural diversity among team members, and also the changes that occurred with the changes in working methods due to the pandemic.
With the aim of identifying the main issues related to virtual teams and which ones emerge with greater significance after the onset of the pandemic, this study presents a systematic review of the literature of the last five years. Methodologically, inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, which directed the collection of the sample, from which resulted 198 scientific papers published between 2017 and 2021. The results show how the studies on virtual teams have evolved, who researches, how they research and what is studied in this area. It is noteworthy that the main themes of study in research on virtual teams are: effectiveness, climate/context, leadership, communication, challenges, trust and change. The interests in scientific production have changed between the period before and after the start of the pandemic. Most of the studies before the pandemic focused on the theme of effectiveness, highlighting the factors that influenced the ability of these teams to be effective and produce good results for the organizations. After the beginning of the pandemic, most of the studies focus on leadership, specifically on the impact of leadership on virtual teams. This work represents a new starting point for research on virtual teams, revealing also the tendencies of study interests after the beginning of the pandemic, a moment of significant expansion of this type of teams. We identified as indications for future studies, the conceptualization of virtuality in the definition of virtual teams, the role of communication in this type of teams, the cultural diversity among team members, and also the changes that occurred with the changes in working methods due to the pandemic.
Virtual teams COVID-19 Systematic literature review Equipas virtuais Revisão sistemática de literatura