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Introdução: No fu tebol os atletas são submetidos a um grande número de treinos e
jogos, não havendo muitas vezes tempo necessário para o repouso ou
alongamentos, estes factores predispõem o aparecimento de lesões incapacitantes
como a pubalgia. O fisioterapeuta deverá realizar uma correcta avaliação e
interpretação dos sintomas e das alterações posturais e biomecânicas do paciente
com pubalgia. Objectivo: Através deste estudo de caso pretende-se descrever a
avaliação e intervenção num caso de um jogador de fu tebol com pubalgia,
salientando o processo de raciocínio clín ico desenvolvido ao longo do tratamento.
Intervenção: Após a avaliação inicial, foi estabelecido, em conjunto com o atleta,
um plano de tratamento por um períodlo de cinco semanas com três sessões
semanais e exercícios durante os restantes dias. A intervenção visou a diminuição
da dor, normalização das alterações articu lares, reforço da musculatu ra
enfraquecida, promoção da estabilidade lombopélvica, restabelecimento da
mobilidade das cadeias musculares encurtadas e retorno à actividade desportiva.
Resultados: Verificou-se uma diminuição da dor, associada a um aumento de
flexibilidade e de força. Conclusão: Através da abordagem pelo conceito de cadeias
lesionais associado ao tratamento global de fisioterapia (exercícios terapêuticos,
electroterapia, massagem), obteve-se melhorias clinicamente importantes num
período de cinco semanas, verificando-se no fim do tratamento a ausência de
sintomatologia, o que permitiu o retorno do atleta à actividade desportiva.
Background: The football ath letes are submitted to a large number of practices and games, often with no time to rest or stretching, these factors predispose the development of disabling lesions such as pubalgia. The physiotherapist should perform a proper evaluation and interpretation of the symptoms and of the postu ral and biomechanical changes in the patient with pubalgia. Objective: The aim of th is study case is to describe the evaluation and intervention in the case of a football player with pubalgia, emphasizing the clinical reasoning process developed during the treatment. lntervention: After the initial assessment, was established with the agreement of the athlete, a treatment plan for a period of five weeks with th ree sessions per week and exercises during the remaining days. The intervention aimed the reduction of pain, the normalization of joints, the strengthening of the muscles, promoting the lumbopelvic stability, the restoration of mobility of the shortened muscle chains and the return to sporting activity. Results: There was a reduction of pain associated with an increased flexibility and strength. Conclusion: Th rough the concept of lesionai chains associated to the overall physiotherapy treatment (therapeutic exercise, electrotherapy, massage), we obtained a clinically important improvement over a period of five weeks, checking in the end of the treatment the absence of symptoms, which allowed the athlete's return to the sport activity.
Background: The football ath letes are submitted to a large number of practices and games, often with no time to rest or stretching, these factors predispose the development of disabling lesions such as pubalgia. The physiotherapist should perform a proper evaluation and interpretation of the symptoms and of the postu ral and biomechanical changes in the patient with pubalgia. Objective: The aim of th is study case is to describe the evaluation and intervention in the case of a football player with pubalgia, emphasizing the clinical reasoning process developed during the treatment. lntervention: After the initial assessment, was established with the agreement of the athlete, a treatment plan for a period of five weeks with th ree sessions per week and exercises during the remaining days. The intervention aimed the reduction of pain, the normalization of joints, the strengthening of the muscles, promoting the lumbopelvic stability, the restoration of mobility of the shortened muscle chains and the return to sporting activity. Results: There was a reduction of pain associated with an increased flexibility and strength. Conclusion: Th rough the concept of lesionai chains associated to the overall physiotherapy treatment (therapeutic exercise, electrotherapy, massage), we obtained a clinically important improvement over a period of five weeks, checking in the end of the treatment the absence of symptoms, which allowed the athlete's return to the sport activity.
Pubalgia Futebol Desporto Fisioterapia Cadeias lesionais Athletic pubalgia Football Sports Physiotherapy Physical therapy Lesional chains
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto