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O presente estudo teve por intenção documentar e avaliar os efeitos de um programa de intervenção integrado, centrado no uso combinado de uma abordagem multissensorial e cognitiva (orientada para a tarefa) em sessões de intervenção direta e de consultadoria, sobre as competências de escrita de alunos do 1º ciclo de escolaridade. Para o efeito, adotou-se uma abordagem quantitativa, através de um desenho de estudo de caso único, tipo AB. A amostra foi constituída por 4 alunos - e suas professoras – cujas características funcionais se inscreviam num quadro de disgrafia, i.e., com alterações na qualidade da escrita quanto ao traçado ou grafia. O programa de intervenção foi conduzido ao longo de oito semanas. Para avaliar os efeitos do programa, recorreu-se à adaptação do “Protocolo McMaster de Avaliação da Escrita – 2ª edição” (Pollock et al., 2009), avaliando, nos momentos pré e pós, aspetos relativos à sala de aula - como por exemplo gestão dos materiais na mesa e adequação postural – e a legibilidade e fluência em 5 tarefas de escrita. A legibilidade e fluência foram, ainda, avaliadas com base em mostras de trabalho a fim de determinar e comparar uma linha de base de desempenho com o período de intervenção. Não obstante, os resultados não serem consistentes em todos os parâmetros avaliados, este estudo sugere ganhos na legibilidade e fluência da escrita reforçando a eficácia de programas que fazem uso combinado das abordagens multissensorial e cognitiva.
The present study had as main goal to document and to evaluate the effects of an intervention program that included the multisensorial and cognitive approaches, in direct and indirect sessions, on the handwriting skills of students of the 1st grade. It was adopted a quantitative research approach, though a single case study with AB design. The sample was composed by students – and their teachers – which functional characteristics fit the definition of dysgraphia, i.e., dysfunction on the handwriting quality on respect to graphic aspects. The intervention program was conducted throughout 8 weeks. To evaluat the effects, we made use of the McMaster Protocol of Handwriting (Pollock et al., 2009), assessing before and after variavles of the classroom – such as the materials management in the table, or the postural adequacy – and the writing legibility and fluency in 5 writing tasks. Legibility and fluency were also assessed trough samples of works in order to obtain a baseline of performance to be compared with the intervention period. Nevertheless the results were not always consistent, the data of this study suggest positive effects on the legibility and fluency – reinforcing the efficacy of a combined intervention using multissensorial and cognitive approaches.
The present study had as main goal to document and to evaluate the effects of an intervention program that included the multisensorial and cognitive approaches, in direct and indirect sessions, on the handwriting skills of students of the 1st grade. It was adopted a quantitative research approach, though a single case study with AB design. The sample was composed by students – and their teachers – which functional characteristics fit the definition of dysgraphia, i.e., dysfunction on the handwriting quality on respect to graphic aspects. The intervention program was conducted throughout 8 weeks. To evaluat the effects, we made use of the McMaster Protocol of Handwriting (Pollock et al., 2009), assessing before and after variavles of the classroom – such as the materials management in the table, or the postural adequacy – and the writing legibility and fluency in 5 writing tasks. Legibility and fluency were also assessed trough samples of works in order to obtain a baseline of performance to be compared with the intervention period. Nevertheless the results were not always consistent, the data of this study suggest positive effects on the legibility and fluency – reinforcing the efficacy of a combined intervention using multissensorial and cognitive approaches.
Disgrafia Abordagem Multissensorial Abordagem cognitiva - orientada para a tarefa Consultadoria Inclusão Dysgraphia Multisensory Approach Cognitive - Task oriented approach Consultation inclusion
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação