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No mundo globalizado em que vivemos, tudo está a apenas a um clique de distância, mesmo a tarefa de compreender uma língua estrangeira é simplificada, e ferramentas online como o Google tradutor, foram desenvolvidas para colmatar esta lacuna. Não obstante, nem toda a comunicação é verbal.
Existem certas mensagens que só podem ser descodificadas através da comunicação não verbal, tais como expressões faciais. Quando a comunicação é entre indivíduos da mesma cultura, os códigos verbais utilizados são idênticos. No entanto, quando se comunica dentro de culturas diferentes, existe todo um contexto que deve ser interpretado de modo que a comunicação seja eficaz.
Em ambiente de trabalho, há uma maior necessidade de comunicar eficazmente entre todos os membros da empresa. Se não for possível comunicar eficazmente devido à barreira linguística, esta necessidade pode ser satisfeita com a ajuda da perceção da comunicação não-verbal.
Macau foi escolhida para realizar este estudo devido à sua história e à grande confluência de várias culturas. Além disso, tem a particularidade de a sua identidade ligar a historicidade a uma Macau recém-construída, com uma comunidade única, diversificada e calorosa.
In the globalised world that we live in, everything is just a click away, even the task of understanding a foreign language has been simplified, and online tools such as Google Translator have been created to bridge the gap. Still, not all communication is verbal. There are certain messages that can only be decoded through non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions. When communication is between individuals from the same culture, the verbal codes used are identical. Nevertheless, when communicating within different cultures, there is a whole context that must be interpreted in order for communication to be effective. In a working environment, there is an increased need to communicate effectively between all members of the company. If it is not possible to communicate effectively due to the language barrier, this need can be met with the help of non-verbal communication perception. Macao was chosen to conduct this study due to its history and the great confluence of various cultures. In addition, it has the particularity that its identity ties the historicity to a newly constructed Macao, with a uniquely diverse and warm community.
In the globalised world that we live in, everything is just a click away, even the task of understanding a foreign language has been simplified, and online tools such as Google Translator have been created to bridge the gap. Still, not all communication is verbal. There are certain messages that can only be decoded through non-verbal communication, such as facial expressions. When communication is between individuals from the same culture, the verbal codes used are identical. Nevertheless, when communicating within different cultures, there is a whole context that must be interpreted in order for communication to be effective. In a working environment, there is an increased need to communicate effectively between all members of the company. If it is not possible to communicate effectively due to the language barrier, this need can be met with the help of non-verbal communication perception. Macao was chosen to conduct this study due to its history and the great confluence of various cultures. In addition, it has the particularity that its identity ties the historicity to a newly constructed Macao, with a uniquely diverse and warm community.
Intercultural communication Nonverbal communication Culture Macao Comunicação intercultural Comunicação não-verbal Cultura Macau