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A presente era caracteriza-se por uma constante evolução social e tecnológica, impondo
ao campo do marketing a necessidade de adaptação contĂnua das suas metodologias e
O ser humano procura por mudança, inovação e novidade. A tecnologia, por sua vez,
emerge como a força preponderante, impulsionando inovaçÔes que refletem em todos os
aspetos da vida humana.
Os telemĂłveis desempenham um papel crucial neste cenĂĄrio. Proporcionam o acesso a
informaçÔes e permitem que o individuo explore as redes sociais e websites de diversas
marcas, podendo obter as opiniÔes dos outros consumidores relativamente a produtos ou
serviços que pretendem adquirir.
Diante deste panorama, esta dissertação tem como objetivo fundamental analisar a
influĂȘncia da ferramenta eWOM (Electronic-Word-of-Mouth) nas decisĂ”es de compra dos
Neste sentido, o propĂłsito desta pesquisa recai na compreensĂŁo e no estudo da influĂȘncia
que o Electronic-Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) tem nas decisÔes de compra dos
consumidores. A metodologia adotada Ă© um estudo exploratĂłrio, com recurso a um
Assim sendo, serão formuladas um conjunto de questÔes, para responder aos objetivos
deste estudo, tais como se os consumidores realizam compras online; de que maneira o
Electronicc-Word-of-Mouth influencia nas decisÔes de compra dos consumidores; o tipo
de confiança que o consumidor deposita nas recomendaçÔes online.
Espera-se, pois, que esta abordagem quantitativa proporcione uma compreensĂŁo
detalhada relativamente Ă influĂȘncia do eWOM nas decisĂ”es de compra do consumidor e
demonstrem o quĂŁo importante Ă© a opiniĂŁo online das pessoas relativamente a um
produto, marca e/ou serviço.
The present era is characterized by constant social and technological evolution, imposing on the field of marketing the need to continually adapt its methodologies and strategies. Human beings seek change, innovation and novelty. Technology, in turn, is emerging as the dominant force, driving innovations that are reflected in all aspects of human life. Cell phones play a crucial role in this scenario. They provide access to information and allow the individual to explore social networks and the websites of various brands, being able to obtain the opinions of other consumers regarding the products or services they intend to purchase. Against this backdrop, the fundamental aim of this dissertation is to analyze the influence of the eWOM (Electronic-Word-of-Mouth) tool on consumers' purchasing decisions. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to understand and study the influence that Electronic-Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has on consumer purchasing decisions. The methodology adopted is an exploratory study using a questionnaire. Therefore, a set of questions will be formulated to answer the objectives of this study, such as whether consumers shop online; how eWOM influences consumers' purchasing decisions; the type of trust consumers place in online recommendations. It is hoped, therefore, that this quantitative approach will provide a detailed understanding of the influence of eWOM on consumer purchasing decisions and demonstrate how important people's online opinion of a product, brand and/or service is.
The present era is characterized by constant social and technological evolution, imposing on the field of marketing the need to continually adapt its methodologies and strategies. Human beings seek change, innovation and novelty. Technology, in turn, is emerging as the dominant force, driving innovations that are reflected in all aspects of human life. Cell phones play a crucial role in this scenario. They provide access to information and allow the individual to explore social networks and the websites of various brands, being able to obtain the opinions of other consumers regarding the products or services they intend to purchase. Against this backdrop, the fundamental aim of this dissertation is to analyze the influence of the eWOM (Electronic-Word-of-Mouth) tool on consumers' purchasing decisions. In this sense, the purpose of this research is to understand and study the influence that Electronic-Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has on consumer purchasing decisions. The methodology adopted is an exploratory study using a questionnaire. Therefore, a set of questions will be formulated to answer the objectives of this study, such as whether consumers shop online; how eWOM influences consumers' purchasing decisions; the type of trust consumers place in online recommendations. It is hoped, therefore, that this quantitative approach will provide a detailed understanding of the influence of eWOM on consumer purchasing decisions and demonstrate how important people's online opinion of a product, brand and/or service is.
eWOM WOM E-commerce Marketing Atitudes do consumidor Consumer attitudes