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O presente relatório visa documentar a aplicação das competências adquiridas academicamente em
ambiente empresarial, sob a forma de estágio curricular que decorreu na Steelgreen, S.A., que surgiu
de uma parceria entre o Grupo Domingos Da Silva Teixeira (DST) e Ferlito – Ferros do Litoral, S.A.. O
tema predominante deste documento será o aço, uma vez que a empresa se dedica ao corte e
moldagem de armaduras.
Inicialmente, será efetuada uma breve apresentação da empresa, descrevendo a sua metodologia de
trabalho, pormenorizando-se todos os procedimentos executados desde a receção da matéria-prima
até à sua expedição.
O estágio curricular decorreu principalmente no âmbito do Departamento de Produção. Assim, neste
documento enquadrar-se-á a principal atividade a cargo deste: a produção industrial. Serão explicados
todos os procedimentos executados durante o processo de conceção das encomendas.
A comercialização do aço requer que uma série de requisitos legais sejam cumpridos. Um capítulo
deste documento será dedicado ao enquadramento desta matéria-prima na legislação em vigor.
Para finalizar, serão descritos todos os trabalhos solicitados no decorrer do estágio curricular, expondo
todos os procedimentos executados para atingir o objetivo proposto.
This report aims to document the application of skills acquired academically in business environment, in the form of traineeship held at Steelgreen, SA, which grew out of a partnership between Domingos Group Da Silva Teixeira (DST) and Ferlito - Irons Coastal, SA. The predominant theme of this document is steel, since the company dedicates their work to cutting and shaping armor. Initially, a brief presentation of the company will be made, describing its work methodology, detailing all the procedures performed from the receipt of the raw materials to the dispatch. The traineeship took place mainly within the Production Department. So, this document fits the main activity developed in this department: the industrial production. All the procedures performed during the process of ordering will be explained. The marketing of steel requires a number of legal requirements that have to be respected. A chapter of this document will be dedicated to the inclusion of this raw material in the legislation. Finally, all work requested during the traineeship will be described, exposing all the procedures performed to achieve the proposed objective.
This report aims to document the application of skills acquired academically in business environment, in the form of traineeship held at Steelgreen, SA, which grew out of a partnership between Domingos Group Da Silva Teixeira (DST) and Ferlito - Irons Coastal, SA. The predominant theme of this document is steel, since the company dedicates their work to cutting and shaping armor. Initially, a brief presentation of the company will be made, describing its work methodology, detailing all the procedures performed from the receipt of the raw materials to the dispatch. The traineeship took place mainly within the Production Department. So, this document fits the main activity developed in this department: the industrial production. All the procedures performed during the process of ordering will be explained. The marketing of steel requires a number of legal requirements that have to be respected. A chapter of this document will be dedicated to the inclusion of this raw material in the legislation. Finally, all work requested during the traineeship will be described, exposing all the procedures performed to achieve the proposed objective.
Aço Eurocódigo 2 Documentos de Classificação Produção industrial Preparação de armaduras Steel Eurocode 2 Documents of classification Manufacturing Preparation of armor