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A digitalização é considerada um dos fenómenos mais marcantes do século XXI,
sendo designada como a terceira revolução industrial, ou ainda Revolução Digital. A
popularização da internet e dos aparelhos eletrónicos modificou completamente a
sociedade nestas últimas duas décadas. A vertente de turismo derivada desta revolução,
denomina-se de turismo digital, e está diretamente associada às ferramentas digitais e à
forma como estas apoiam as diversas atividades do setor.
A presente dissertação pretende compreender qual tem sido o impacto das
diferentes práticas digitais nas empresas de turismo da Região Porto e Norte de Portugal.
Para o efeito, foi adotada uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa, consistindo num
estudo exploratório, com base na realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas a
representantes de diferentes empresas do setor do turismo, nomeadamente a agências
de turismo e empresas de alojamento local.
O objetivo geral da investigação é analisar o acolhimento digital do destino Porto
e Norte e propor estratégias de melhoria do destino. Como objetivos específicos, o estudo
pretende realizar uma análise de Benchmarking a destinos competidores, identificar as
boas práticas no acolhimento dos turistas nos destinos e analisar a importância da
digitalização das empresas de turismo como contributo para o acolhimento digital dos
Nas principais conclusões, é possível destacar que os maiores impactos que as
empresas no Porto sentiram no decorrer da última década, foi o aumento do fluxo das
vendas, isto devido à implementação do comércio eletrónico, bem como devido à adoção
de estratégias de e-marketing e inovação do website. De acordo com as estratégias a
serem adotadas pelas organizações, destaca-se na maioria das empresas a adesão a
diferentes métodos de pagamentos digitais bem como a criação de equipas
especializadas para o acolhimento digital, utilizando métodos de atendimento via email,
telefone, WhatsApp e Live Chat. No que respeita às estratégias a implementar no futuro
para a melhoria das empresas e do serviço dos seus trabalhadores, denotou-se uma
grande referência ao fator da menor dependência de recursos humanos e uma maior
implementação do teletrabalho, e ainda a aquisição de diversas tecnologias e atividades
digitais que convivam lado a lado com o turismo tradicional, como por exemplo as visitas guiadas em realidade virtual. Por fim, foi diagnosticada a ligação entre as práticas digitais
e os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável, tendo em vista uma evolução das
estratégias digitais nas empresas que melhore o seu desempenho, em paralelo com a
sustentabilidade ambiental e social dos destinos turísticos.
Digitalization is considered one of the most striking phenomena of the 21st century, being considered the third industrial revolution, or also called the Digital Revolution. The popularization of the internet and electronic devices has completely changed society in the last two decades. The branch of tourism derived from this revolution is called digital tourism and is directly associated with digital tools and how they support the various activities of the sector. This dissertation aims to understand the impact of the different digital practices in tourism businesses in the Porto and North Region of Portugal. For this purpose, a qualitative research methodology was adopted, consisting in an exploratory study, based on semi-structured interviews with representatives of different entities in the tourism sector, namely tourism agencies and local accommodation companies. The general objective of the research is to analyze the digital hospitality of the destination Porto and North and to propose strategies for the destination improvement. As specific objectives, the study aims to perform a Benchmarking analysis of competing destinations, identify good practices in the hospitality of tourists in destinations and analyze the importance of the digitalization of tourism enterprises as a contribution to the digital hospitality of destinations. In the main conclusions, it is possible to highlight the biggest impacts that companies in Porto felt in the last decade, such as the increase in sales flow, due to the implementation of e-commerce, as well as due to the adoption of e-marketing strategies and website innovation. According to the strategies to be adopted by the organizations, it stands out that in most companies it was inherent the adherence to different methods of digital payments as well as the creation of specialized teams for digital hospitality, using methods of attendance via email, telephone, WhatsApp, and Live Chat. Regarding the strategies to be implemented in the future to improve the companies and the service of their workers, there was a strong reference to the factor of less dependence on human resources and a greater implementation of teleworking, and the acquisition of various technologies and digital activities that coexist side by side with traditional tourism, such as guided tours in virtual reality. Finally, a connection was made between digital practices coexisting with the sustainable development goals. Aiming that in the future there is an evolution of digital strategies in businesses that help not only to improve their performance, but also to be in parallel with environmental and social sustainability of tourist destinations.
Digitalization is considered one of the most striking phenomena of the 21st century, being considered the third industrial revolution, or also called the Digital Revolution. The popularization of the internet and electronic devices has completely changed society in the last two decades. The branch of tourism derived from this revolution is called digital tourism and is directly associated with digital tools and how they support the various activities of the sector. This dissertation aims to understand the impact of the different digital practices in tourism businesses in the Porto and North Region of Portugal. For this purpose, a qualitative research methodology was adopted, consisting in an exploratory study, based on semi-structured interviews with representatives of different entities in the tourism sector, namely tourism agencies and local accommodation companies. The general objective of the research is to analyze the digital hospitality of the destination Porto and North and to propose strategies for the destination improvement. As specific objectives, the study aims to perform a Benchmarking analysis of competing destinations, identify good practices in the hospitality of tourists in destinations and analyze the importance of the digitalization of tourism enterprises as a contribution to the digital hospitality of destinations. In the main conclusions, it is possible to highlight the biggest impacts that companies in Porto felt in the last decade, such as the increase in sales flow, due to the implementation of e-commerce, as well as due to the adoption of e-marketing strategies and website innovation. According to the strategies to be adopted by the organizations, it stands out that in most companies it was inherent the adherence to different methods of digital payments as well as the creation of specialized teams for digital hospitality, using methods of attendance via email, telephone, WhatsApp, and Live Chat. Regarding the strategies to be implemented in the future to improve the companies and the service of their workers, there was a strong reference to the factor of less dependence on human resources and a greater implementation of teleworking, and the acquisition of various technologies and digital activities that coexist side by side with traditional tourism, such as guided tours in virtual reality. Finally, a connection was made between digital practices coexisting with the sustainable development goals. Aiming that in the future there is an evolution of digital strategies in businesses that help not only to improve their performance, but also to be in parallel with environmental and social sustainability of tourist destinations.
Trabalho de projeto
Turismo Região Porto e Norte Smart destinations Acolhimento digital Tourism Porto and North region Smart destinations Digital hospitality