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O relatório de estágio de qualificação profissional desenvolveu-se no
âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Integração Curricular: Prática Educativa e
Relatório de Estágio, pertencente ao Mestrado em Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclo do
Ensino Básico e pretende espelhar o trabalho desenvolvido pela mestranda ao
longo da prática educativa supervisionada do ano letivo 2013/2014. Esta
permitiu a construção do saber prático da profissionalidade docente, apoiado
na constante reflexão, no conhecimento referente às didáticas específicas e
nos pressupostos teóricos abordados ao longo da formação da professora
A caminhada pedagógica realizada pela professora estagiária, sustentada
num quadro teórico que fundamenta o perfil do docente e o cariz
investigativo e reflexivo do mesmo, é espelhada num contínuo de vivências e
aprendizagens realizadas em cada área científica que suportam o perfil do
docente generalista. Este foi valorizado por parte da mestranda, que procura
evidenciar a sua preocupação no desenvolvimento de práticas numa lógica de
articulação de saberes. Assim, neste documento é aclarada e problematizada
a diversidade de experiências educativas, apoiadas em métodos ativos do
processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, que foram proporcionadas pela
mestranda a um conjunto de alunos das escolas EB1/JI do Falcão e Escola
Básica e Secundária do Cerco, pertencentes ao agrupamento de escolas do
Aliando a teoria à prática e adotando uma postura reflexiva, a mestranda
almeja continuar esta caminhada numa perspetiva de desenvolvimento
profissional ao longo da vida, seguindo as dimensões do perfil docente
patenteadas no Decreto-Lei n.º 240/2001.
This report stage of professional qualification was developed within the course of Curriculum Integration: Educational Practice and Internship Report, belonging to the Master’s Degree in elementary and middle school education and aims to mirror the work of the master student along the supervised educational practice during the school year 2013/2014. This allowed the construction of practical knowledge of teaching professionalism, supported by constant reflection, knowledge relating to specific didactic and theoretical assumptions discussed throughout the training of the intern teacher. The pedagogical walk performed by a trainee teacher, supported by a theoretical frame that grounds the profile of investigative and reflective teaching of it, is mirrored in a continuum of experiences and apprenticeships in each scientific that support the profile of the generalist teacher. This was appreciated by the master student, who tries to show her concern in developing practical articulation of knowledge. So, in this document is clarified and problematized the diversity of educational experiences, supported by active methods of teaching and learning process, which was provided by the master student to a set of students from EB1/JI do Falcão and Primary and Secondary schools of Cerco, belonging to the group of schools of Cerco. Allying theory with practice and adopting a reflexive stance, the master student intends to continue this walk in a perspective of professional development throughout life, following the dimensions of teacher profile patented by Decree-Law nº240/2001.
This report stage of professional qualification was developed within the course of Curriculum Integration: Educational Practice and Internship Report, belonging to the Master’s Degree in elementary and middle school education and aims to mirror the work of the master student along the supervised educational practice during the school year 2013/2014. This allowed the construction of practical knowledge of teaching professionalism, supported by constant reflection, knowledge relating to specific didactic and theoretical assumptions discussed throughout the training of the intern teacher. The pedagogical walk performed by a trainee teacher, supported by a theoretical frame that grounds the profile of investigative and reflective teaching of it, is mirrored in a continuum of experiences and apprenticeships in each scientific that support the profile of the generalist teacher. This was appreciated by the master student, who tries to show her concern in developing practical articulation of knowledge. So, in this document is clarified and problematized the diversity of educational experiences, supported by active methods of teaching and learning process, which was provided by the master student to a set of students from EB1/JI do Falcão and Primary and Secondary schools of Cerco, belonging to the group of schools of Cerco. Allying theory with practice and adopting a reflexive stance, the master student intends to continue this walk in a perspective of professional development throughout life, following the dimensions of teacher profile patented by Decree-Law nº240/2001.
Ensino Básico processo de ensino-aprendizagem reflexão desenvolvimento profissional Basic Education teaching-learning process reflection professional development
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação